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  1. #1
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    Default Finally, some common sense!

    RUSH: Grab sound bite number 26. John Kasich is lost. John Kasich, a former member of the Republican freshman class 1995. He was part of the generation that swept in for the first time the Republicans won in 40 years in the House of Representatives, 1994 elections. He was the budget committee chairman. This guy used to be as conservative as you and I are. And I don’t know what happened. He still calls himself a Republican. He’s a Never Trumper now. I mean, I know that happened. But I think something happened even before that. He ran for governor of Ohio, got elected.
    Anyway, he was on with CNN, which he’s on with CNN frequently. The infobabe, Brianna Keilar said, “Governor Kasich, former Governor, what do states need to do now? Is there any place where you feel like states need to open their eyes, maybe confront something? Or do you think that the states are doing a good job?” This is about the coronavirus. “You think states are doing good job? Now, what do the states need to do?”
    KASICH: Every governor has to assemble the best people they can get, and you don’t want to have political people in there. I went through this when we had an Ebola threat and the key is you want to really, in a sense, over-prepare. What you don’t want to do is to worry about the criticism, you know, for example, why are they cancelling these games, why can’t we get in, what about the impact. You can’t worry about those things.

    RUSH: That’s right. You just need to start canceling things. Just need to start canceling things and don’t worry about the criticism. I tell you, if that’s the thinking, we may as well start canceling driving. ‘Cause, folks, do you know how many people die every year because of automobile accidents? You could blame it on the wheel if you wanted to.
    If it weren’t for the wheel, these deaths wouldn’t be happening. And it’s a round number, pretty solid number: 50,000 Americans a year die because of automobile accidents. They’re either behind the wheel, they get hit by a car, they’re in a car that’s in an accident. So if it’s that deadly, why not just ban it? Isn’t it interesting — my point here is, this is political, folks. Everything has become political in our life today. They want you to think this is a health issue. And, of course, part of it is. But it’s been politicized, as I said when this whole thing began.
    The coronavirus has been weaponized by the media and by opponents of Donald Trump as the latest weapon they might be able to use to get rid of him or to damage his political standing or what have you. At no time did I ever say that the deep state invented the virus and is using it to kill people so as to blame Trump. That’s (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)eyed. I don’t even know who would even come up with that. Somebody at BuzzFeed actually said that’s what I said.
    Like everybody else, I know where this came from. It came from China. If anybody is responsible for the creation of the virus, it’s the Chinese. It’s the ChiCom government. But it has been weaponized. My point here is we, as a society, we tolerate automobile deaths. We factor them in, we build them in to what is acceptable to us. Why? Why do we do this?
    We obviously have factored in, and it’s been baked in, the number of flu deaths that happen to Americans every year. We know that number is between 16,000 and 30,000 a year, and we factor it in. So right there with just automobile accidents and the flu, we’re looking at hundred thousand deaths a year, 80 to a hundred thousand deaths just with those two things.
    I don’t care what the coronavirus is, we’re nowhere near 80 to a hundred thousand deaths even now around the world. The number of deaths around the world is over 4,000. We’re nowhere near what we tolerate with automobile accidents and the flu. Tolerate, accept, or what have you. So why? What is behind this?
    Well, look. I know. We’ve had movies about contagions and pathogens and the Andromeda strain and the lurking possibility that one of these things could come along and wipe out everybody and this might be the one that’s going to do that, even though there isn’t any evidence of it.
    I mentioned that I had come across a couple of pieces today that attempt to bring some perspective to the coronavirus. One of the pieces is found at the American Institute for Economic Research. It’s a piece written by Jeffrey Tucker. And the headline is: “Why This Draconian Response to COVID-19?” One of the things that I’ve observed as I’ve watched Anthony Fauci, National Institute for Health, and as I’ve watched any number of other experts speak, you know what I’ve observed, ladies and gentlemen? Is that medical professionals seem the least panicked of anybody.
    The people that seem the most panicked are politicians, followed by media. And it’s a close first and second there. I’ve not seen anybody more panicked than I just saw the governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, who I think is a little bit of a nutcase anyway. And then you’ve got Governor Cuomo in New York, and then you’ve got the media, CNN, NBC, MSNBC. These people are panicking out of their gourds, happily. I mean, it’s a happy panic that the media has.
    But medical professionals seem to be the least panicked of anybody. It’s almost as if the media and the left and the Democrats want to inflict damage on our economy. It’s almost like they’re more eager to report that than they are to report that the virus may be contained. If we are to believe the ChiComs — it’s a big if — the cases of coronavirus in China are now on the downhill side of things. They have peaked in China. That would seem to be big news, but it isn’t.
    They’re hardly interested in reporting that. Instead, the damage done to the U.S. economy. Now we’ve shut down the University of Wisconsin for the next month. Here in Florida I’m told that the school systems are telling students to not go to school but to do learning online. There still will be education taking place. Let me ask this.
    What happens if all these places shut down, what happens if after a month they realize that the University of Wisconsin, that we don’t have to reopen, we can do every bit of educating that we do here online. We don’t have to have the buildings open. We don’t have to pay for electricity. We don’t have to pay for the heat or to air-condition the place. We don’t need to do this. We don’t need to do that.
    As these institutions shut down places, don’t think that there isn’t gonna be some kind of reaction. You can’t shut down a university for a month without somebody having a reaction to how that went, how that goes. We will just have to see. There’s also a gigantic move being made in the Drive-By Media to try to get Trump to cancel his political rallies. Yeah, they’re concerned that Trump’s deplorables might get coronavirus. Don’t give me that.
    You can’t make me believe that the Democrats and the media are concerned about the health of Trump supporters attending a Trump rally. That’s not why they want the rally shut down. They want the rally shut down so that Trump doesn’t do any rallies. So here’s a pull quote from this story by Jeffrey Tucker.
    Quote: “What’s interesting, Psychology Today points out, is that your doctor is not panicking.” Exactly what I just observed. “COVID-19 is a new virus in a well-known class of viruses.” Well-known class of viruses. “The coronaviruses are –” dadelut, dadelut, dadelut, dadelut, dadelut “– cold viruses.”
    Why, who said that? Who said the coronavirus is a cold virus? Who said that, Mr. Snerdley? I think it might be Mr. Limbaugh who said that. And it’s Mr. Limbaugh who has been reamed and chastised as usual by a bunch of nobodies, know-nothings for a proper characterization.
    Mr. Tucker writes: “I’ve treated countless patients with coronaviruses over the years. In fact, we’ve been able to test for them on our respiratory panels for the entirety of my career. We know how cold viruses work: They cause runny noses, sneezing, cough, and fever, and make us feel tired and achy. For almost all of us, they run their course without medication. And in the vulnerable, they can trigger a more severe illness like asthma or pneumonia. Yes, this virus is different and worse than other coronaviruses, but it still looks very familiar. We know more about it than we don’t know.”
    Really? Wait, wait, wait. We know more about this coronavirus than we don’t know? How can that be? “Doctors know what to do with respiratory viruses. As a pediatrician, I take care of patients with hundreds of different viruses that behave similarly to this one. We take care of the kids at home and see them if the fever is prolonged, if they get dehydrated, or if they develop breathing difficulty. Then we treat those problems and support the child until they get better.”

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    I know the 26 cases in Ohio have caused a shut down of the state. the end of the world has come. Wonder how long keeping people locked up in their homes is going to work out? This is insanity. The Economy is going to be destroyed. Many say this is for two weeks. UNHUH. Sure and what is going to change in 2 weeks. What a shame. Wait till they close grocery stores. That should be fun.

  4. #4
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    Nov 2019


    Impeachment failed. This is plan "D" in operation with the help of China.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2008


    LOL, most likely

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    The republicans are the majority. They control the presidency and the senate. The stable genius is in control and all of this is on his watch. He need to take some accountability and quit lying. Obviously the true leaders have put someone with some accountability in charge - V.P. Pence. They knew the stable genius would make this worst than what it already is.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  7. #7
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    Nov 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    The republicans are the majority. They control the presidency and the senate. The stable genius is in control and all of this is on his watch. He need to take some accountability and quit lying. Obviously the true leaders have put someone with some accountability in charge - V.P. Pence. They knew the stable genius would make this worst than what it already is.
    Sometimes you get too ridiculous. And way too partisan. This ignorant and hateful dishonest post is over the top.

    You are as sick as Don Lemon!!!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetters View Post
    Sometimes you get too ridiculous. And way too partisan. This ignorant and hateful dishonest post is over the top.

    You are as sick as Don Lemon!!!
    Dishonest? The biggest reason we are in this predicament is because of the dishonesty of the stable genius. He thinks the US citizen are dumb and they will believe every lies he tells. There are a few of these citizens and they are republicans. Where are the stable genius's puppeteers at?
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    some one please refresh my memory , who was in control of congress and commander and chief during the H1N1 virus ? there was 59 million american s infected , 265,000 hospitalized and 12,000 deaths , BTW , it came from mexico , i dont remember no where near the action taken by that administration as has been taken by this one , also the media was in bed with that administration and it did not get publicized any where near like this , i think when this is over , there will be a huge difference in the way these two viruses were handled......

  10. #10
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    Jan 2020
    Central Wisconsin


    I guess I'm at a bit of a loss when the president gets blamed for all this mess. Like he somehow nefariously and purposefully tried to engineer this whole world health crisis and he would benefit from this, how?

    This started in China. Nuff said there. He very quickly banned travel from China (Wuhan primarily) and that turned out to be pragmatic. The test kit thing appears more to be a bureaucratic issue with the CDC than anything else and they are working through it. As this has progressed it appears the administration has taken the most prudent advice from Dr. Fauci and other experts and expanded travel bans and made other recommendations.

    How does hurting the economy help this president? This was the one thing the left has been hoping for for at least the last two years. After the failures of the Russia collusion hoax, the failures of the impeachment fiasco, it was the left constantly chiming about recession, recession, recession, even when there were no indicators. They wanted it so bad because the other things failed and they were hoping for a bad economy going into the election. Well, they got what they were wishing for.

    Many of the bans on large gatherings and closings of schools are the decisions of state and local officials who come from both sides of the aisle. That being said, which candidate for president benefits from no large gatherings? Is it Donald Trump, the guy who can pack an arena? Or is it Joe Biden, the guy who has his speeches limited to 7-14 minutes because of his gaffes and senility? More people are stuck waiting outside in a line for Trump appearance than those who would show up for a Biden gig. Biden's handlers are probably happy as he!! about this because they don't have to worry about him getting up in the grille of a potential supporter just for asking him a question. The lackey press doesn't even have to work as hard to cover for the guy.

    Just the two points above show me that the president is not handling this health emergency to serve his own special interests. He is taking the advice of the advisors as to the best methods to use so far. I mentioned in a different post that much of what we are doing is buying time.

    Now, I will say this about the public health people and the disaster planners. My last career was in the public sector and I went to disaster training at the national academy (Emmitsburg, MD) along with other a lot of other training. You almost always get worst case scenario information from the people who will train and advise in these situations. Be it natural disasters or public health issues, you get it pumped into you to over prepare. They do that because they know most will not reach that gold standard of preparedness. A great example of this is how FEMA prepared and advised New Orleans well before Katrina and they never acted on the recommendations. This all being said, if you are following the best advice they give you - it will seem a bit like over kill. It kinda does, doesn't it?

    But we won't know that, yet. We won't know for quite some time. Differences exist around the globe. China was the epicenter, they have a high population density and very poor air quality. Italy did not act quickly on banning travel with China (Chinese do vacation in Italy) and Italy is the second "oldest" nation on earth. The average age of a Covid19 patient death in Italy is 81 YOA. Most of us will be just fine. The elderly and those with immune system issues are those who will require extra care and attention. Iran told people to gather at shrines and kiss and lick statues. How'd that work out for them?

    Our numbers are going to go up. They will go up very soon as more people get tested. Don't be alarmed. This only means that we are finally getting test results, it doesn't mean more people are necessarily getting sick. It is just going to be data. But as it fleshes out the data will show that the morbidity of this is probably a good bit lower than first thought. It will show that recovery is very high in the majority of the population.

    I really hope that going forward from this that we don't have to go through this BS every time another new case of something comes along. We will develop a herd immunity to Covid19 as it becomes endemic. They probably will have a vaccine ready for the next go around. I hope that we all don't have to go through this crap for Covid21, 22, 23, etc.

  11. #11
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    He gets blamed for this by one group and one group only......the group that lost and just can't get over it.
    And now they are taking joy in watching America struggle.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  12. #12
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    The president is getting blamed for not responding to it quickly enough. The federal government dropped the ball on reacting soon enough and getting people tested. We are woefully behind on testing sick patients.

  13. #13
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    Guess you missed post 6 and post 8 in this thread.........these are your peeps.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  14. #14
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    Our state public health department is at least two weeks behind on testing because it took so long for the federal government to get their act together.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcarter815 View Post
    The president is getting blamed for not responding to it quickly enough. The federal government dropped the ball on reacting soon enough and getting people tested. We are woefully behind on testing sick patients.
    But if Obummer was still the president you would be belloring praises. How do you make tests and kits ahead of time for something that doesn't even exist at the time.

    Admit it, you are just like the political activists and the fake media. Totally dedicated to slamming the president any chance you get. How does it feel to live a life of being a total tool for liars and Communists?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcarter815 View Post
    Our state public health department is at least two weeks behind on testing because it took so long for the federal government to get their act together.
    Which liar did you listen to, to get this misinformation?

  17. #17
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    When the president responded quickly with the first travel ban there was wide criticism from the left about it being racist and xenophobic.

    Here is a link to a very good explanation of the test kit problem. Read it and tell me how it was the president's fault. It was a bureaucratic issue with the CDC and FDA. The article does not come from a right wing Trump apologist site either.

    Now regarding this test kit issue I would not throw shade at the Obama administration either like some would. Kits have to be developed with specific reagents for specific types of pathogens. Kits don't just sit on shelves in a warehouse, especially when a brand new virus comes along.

    It is an issue like this which exposes faults in a system. Some suggested the offerings of kits from other countries to aid in testing but that bumps up against the approval process of our FDA and CDC.

    Yeah, I get it. This is one of those - happened on his watch - kind of things. But show where the president, or his administration, told the CDC they didn't need to test, they should delay testing, the kits they had were fine, or any of this other ridiculous crap that is asserted on this part of the issue.

  18. #18
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    He won't have an answer......other than ......its trumps fault for holding up the testing.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetters View Post
    Which liar did you listen to, to get this misinformation?
    One of my co-workers is a mayor. He gets a phone conference every morning from the public health department.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcarter815 View Post
    One of my co-workers is a mayor. He gets a phone conference every morning from the public health department.
    And a fine Mayor he is indeed.


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