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Thread: corona virus

  1. #21
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    Aug 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by jog49 View Post
    I'm waiting for Rachel "the skank" Maddow to broadcast that the virus was unleashed by the Trump administration to thin out the ranks of the Democrats.
    If only that was possible!

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by STRONGERTHANDIRT View Post
    Market down another 500 points at open. This ain't good.
    Market is fake, dogcrap

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetters View Post
    The death rate is not very high for Corona. This may be a fabricated crisis to affect our elections more than anything else. Our media tells us how to think, what, and why and it's sticks on the ignorant citizens lots of times.

    One report is 2.3% death rate Nothing to sneeze at. Pun intended!!!
    Iranian variant is 16% lethal so far...

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastford View Post
    i had a feeling there was more here than was being told , i dont know if this is what the bible referenced about disease or not , but this is gone get bad , i live in a rural area , but its not as rural as it was 40 years ago , but i would defiantly be nervous if i lived in a highly populated areas , any way , it defiantly calls for prayer in my book......

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetters View Post
    The World Health Organization making it a global issue for the common good of the world's people. Actually their primary job is advancing the New World Order, but let's keep quiet on that Constipated News Network!!!
    How completely CORRECT as you normally are !!!

  6. #26
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    balljoint , thanks for the link but thats a bit to deep for me......

  7. #27
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  8. #28
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    Default Hot Karl Cures Coronavirus

    Hot Karl Cures Coronavirus -

  9. #29
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    Globalist Call To Use COVID-19 To Cull Elders

    (Gateway Pundit) – Ya know all that talk about death panels and health care rationing and whatnot? Well here we have a Scottish official talking how the coronavirus will be “quite useful” in taking bed blockers out of the system. Or in other words, she’s talking about how great it will be to get rid of older people who are taking up beds in hospitals.

    So this soulless woman wants to put human beings to death for the good of the health system? Or do the old vote Republican too much. They always have an evil reason favoring one certain political party.

    Bed Blockers??? This woman looks like she could not only block a bed, but also bust it!!!

  10. #30
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    June Andrews is a professor in dementia studies, and served for years as the Director of the Centre for Change and Innovation for the Scottish government. {globalist commie)

  11. #31
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    Gun sales have skyrocketed during Corona Virus!!!

  12. #32
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    So far this season, there have been 45 million flu illnesses, at least 300,000 hospitalizations, and up to 46,000 deaths from flu, of which more than 100 are pediatric--a higher total at this point of the year than any season in the past decade.

    Where is the panic about that???

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetters View Post
    So far this season, there have been 45 million flu illnesses, at least 300,000 hospitalizations, and up to 46,000 deaths from flu, of which more than 100 are pediatric--a higher total at this point of the year than any season in the past decade.

    Where is the panic about that???
    It doesn't fit their anti-Trump agenda!

  14. #34
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    There are a couple of people who post on another section of this board who believe that it would be a very good thing economically if this virus was to kill everyone over a certain age.

  15. #35
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    the only good i can see coming out of this , is may be it will help save lives in the future......

  16. #36
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    Personal protective equipment (PPE) is vital to protect health care workers from becoming infected with the Chinese coronavirus.

    America had a strategic supply of this equipment, but the Obama administration failed to replenish the reserves after exhausting the inventory during the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic.

    Bloomberg reported that, “The national stockpile used to be somewhat more robust. In 2006, Congress provided supplemental funds to add 104 million N95 masks and 52 million surgical masks in an effort to prepare for a flu pandemic. But after the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply.”

    The Trump administration has been playing catch up because of the Obama administration’s failures from day one of this pandemic.

  17. #37
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    The swine flu??? Never heard of it.........oh wait??? Was that the h1n1 that the news barely even discussed back in 09?

    I heard something about almost 13k people in the us died from it or something like that??? Must not have been that virtually zero media coverage comparatively speaking.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  18. #38
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    It was just another days work in the Obummer era. Nothing to see here, move along!!!

  19. #39
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    THE NUMBERS JUST DON’T ADD UP: Nearly 500,000 Went to Hospital in 2018-19 Flu Season But Today There Are Not Enough Hospital Beds for Coronavirus Patients?

    Really, What is going on? The data just don’t add up.

    The MSM and Democrats claim there are not enough hospital beds for the current 85,000 people identified with the coronavirus, many of whom will never even enter a hospital due to their relatively minor condition. Also, in 2018-19 there were plenty of beds for the nearly 500,000 patients that spent time in hospitals, due to the flu.

    Via the CDC – there were 490,000 hospitalizations during the 2018-2019 flu season.

    And yet the media want you to believe the US will run out of hospital beds during the coronavirus. This is not likely.

  20. #40
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    Media Censors Trump's Daily Press Conferences After His Approval Ratings Skyrocket
    20.3K Views Share
    Tyler Worley
    Follow Tyler Worley
    Posted March 27, 2020 in Politics , Source: thefederalist,

    Following President Trump’s record-breaking approval rating obtained this month, the liberal media has decided to censor his daily press conferences about the coronavirus. This is quite the continuation of the biased media's conditional coverage to maintain a negative connotation of President Trump.

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    Recent polls on President Trump’s response to the coronavirus and his recent approval rating from Gallup in particular have stunned many people, showing a considerable increase when compared to previous months.

    Multiple news outlets including MSNBC and CNN have correlated this rise in approval to their airing of his daily press conferences, and both of the news stations announced that they will no longer be covering them, citing his coronavirus “lies” as the reason.

    Check out what The Federalist reported below:

    Things got worse when additional polls showed Trump receiving high ratings at the same time that the media received poor ratings. A brand new Gallup study — “Coronavirus Response: Hospitals Rated Best, News Media Worst” — was particularly bad news. When Americans were asked about nine different institutions and political leaders, they gave majority approval to all but the media. President Trump has a 22-point net approval rating while the media’s net approval rating was negative 11 points. The RealClearPolitics approval average for Trump was its highest during his entire presidency.

    In response, the media were angry and depressed and began blaming his press conferences. Their theory seemed to be that the more Americans saw Trump, unfiltered, they liked him and the more Americans saw the behavior of the media, they didn’t like it. This flies in the face of what many in the media assumed for years. They pushed for daily White House press conferences so that they could have the opportunity to be on camera and pressure the Trump administration. Now that they had daily press briefings with the president, no less, they weren’t happy. It was a weird response for a group of people whose ostensible job is to simply report the news of the day.

    Some news outlets have even gone to the extreme, tweeting out ridiculous ideas to prevent President Trump's coronavirus press conference “lies.”

    Noah Shachtman of The Daily Beast reported that CNN and MSNBC have considered the option of cutting away and returning when he stops lying.

    “We might take it from the top and then cut away after the first lie, and return when the lies stop.”

    A journalist at the Washington Post issued similar feelings, saying “the media must stop live-broadcasting Trump's dangerous, destructive coronavirus briefings."

    One of the many things the media has accused Trump of lying about is a considerably helpful anti-malaria drug called hydroxychloroquine, that doctors hope will be just as effective at fighting the coronavirus. When he mentioned the possibility of it as a treatment during a press conference, pundits were quick to say he advised the use of the drug despite the fact that it hasn’t been approved for the coronavirus through clinical trials.

    The situation got even worse after an unfortunate situation that happened on Monday, where two people ingested a substance used to kill aquatic parasites that contained chloroquine, leading to the death of one of the individuals.

    Because of their decision to ban President Trump’s daily press conferences on the coronavirus, not only are some news outlets failing to do their only job, but they are also depriving the public of important information.


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