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Thread: take a knee

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Barbecueboy View Post
    The rioters in Atlanta didn't get a lot of the one that asked if they even knew what they were rioting about?
    Must have been taking some funky stuff

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    No worries.....Trump has this in his back pocket!

    Barr and Durham Will Act Before the Election
    Jun 3, 2020

    RUSH: Here’s Jerry in Dayton, Ohio. Jerry, great to have you. How you doing, sir?
    CALLER: Thanks, Rush. Megga thoughts and prayers.
    RUSH: Thank you, sir.

    CALLER: So concerning AG Barr’s and Durham’s investigation, I have a two-part question for you.
    RUSH: Yeah.
    CALLER: So, one. Do you believe that it will be wrapped up before the election —
    RUSH: Yes.
    CALLER: — I think all your listeners understand the severity. And if so, do you think it brings enough to just make this election for Biden crumble and put so much on the laps that they won’t be able to function?
    RUSH: I do think there’s gonna be action before, conclusions before the election, before November. I think that’s one of the private secret purposes, objectives. No. Whether there is enough damage, enough evidence here that damages Biden, that remains to be seen, but I think it’s going to be profoundly impactful. And I’ll have to expand on this tomorrow because I’m out of time. I appreciate it, Jerry.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastford View Post
    on a similar subject , i have lost a great deal of respect for Drew Breeze , he had absolutely no reason to apologize for his stance on kneeling for the flag and anthem , he CAVED ..............
    He turned coward, how disappointing. Maybe he feared a broken leg on the field?

    Blacks want to claim oppression, but look at the NFL, a white guy can't even say a word.

  4. #24
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    Villa Ridge, Mo.


    The cops in Mnpls. should all walk out for a while and let the folks there suffer the consequences of their idiotic demands for no more police dept.

  5. #25
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    It's a two sided coin, but only one side needs to change behavior.......until folks on both sides start affecting change, nothing ever will.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    i hope there little pizz ant mayor is happy , all those freaks he was siding with booed his azz out of the protest yesterday....there fore i agree with your thoughts above strongerthandirt.......

  7. #27
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    Villa Ridge, Mo.


    What do they call flu?

  8. #28
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    It appears that Floyd really took a knee!

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barbecueboy View Post
    It's a two sided coin, but only one side needs to change behavior.......until folks on both sides start affecting change, nothing ever will.
    But you can't expect Globalists, Communists, Anarchists, and anti American groups to change. They have a goal that has no compromise, what so ever.

  10. #30
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    Newspapers that say anything favorable about Trump or the Conservatives is shouted down, demand people be fired and threaten boycott. It works. The first amendment is all but gone. Once these people get the Dems back in power, then they will start eating their own. Some people are just to stupid to see what is going on. If Biden wins this election this Country will be ripped apart and it will start with the Bernie crowd going after the more conservative Dems. Biden is a weak sister and is also being supported by our enemies. Once again, some people are to stupid to see what is about to happen. They hate Trump so much that they think anything is better. Well stay tuned. What is also amazing is that Dems have never done anything for minorities other than give them lip service. I defy for anybody to show one good thing Biden ever did or supported on their behalf. The best friend they have policy wise is Trump and they want him gone. Go figure. Stupid is as stupid believes

  11. #31
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    Wonder who is writing Biden's 30 second speeches, and the little tweets that I see from Biden, and I know Biden is not coming up with these himself!

  12. #32
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    The councilwoman from Mnpls. was asked who to call when someone breaks into your house overnight and her response was some bs about privilege. I guess the call to 911 will be "sorry, call back when someone is killed or injured and we will send a ambulance". Country has gone absolutely crazy!!!

  13. #33
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    People don't break into her house, most likely people from her house and family break into others.......that's probably what she meant about privilege.

    Or maybe she meant white folks have the privilege of shooting someone that breaks into their house???

    I say give them what they want for a couple months as a trial offer of no police.....and watch what happens......they will be begging for law and order to be restored.

    I also think they should turn the inner walls of the prison over to the inmates and let them police and serve justice on themselves.......nobody would want to go it should be.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  14. #34
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    Democrat crime family has virtually destroyed the first amendment

  15. #35
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    From what I have read, the Lunatic Left want Social workers Policing the Country. Wonder if our favorite Dems Kid Rock or SS12 want to weigh in on this. As for Drew Brees, I understand his dilemma. His mistake was saying anything in this current climate. It would be impossible to perform your job as a pro athlete with all the hatred and nonsense being dealt out. Everyone that is visible in Sports, some Reps and all left wing politicians is bowing down to BLACK LIVES MATTER.

    They have proven to me nothing more than a political party trying to hijack the Government. It is one phony after another. What a shame. You get shouted down and lose your job if he make the mistake of standing for the flag or saying all lives matter.

  16. #36
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    Best thing conservatives can do is make them disband police (give them want they want)

  17. #37
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  18. #38
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    With political correctness, and now racial sensitivity, the left has won. Every White person and Asians, get on your knees and beg for mercy. Per L.A. Times editor, can't use words like riot or the word loot, it offends Blacks. I bet Maxie Waters is having a huge orgaz-xxxxx-ism...

  19. #39
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    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    Wonder if our favorite Dems Kid Rock or SS12 want to weigh in on this.
    Notice, they’ve not chimed in on multiple threads of ------ uuuuhhh, significance, since all of the protesting, rioting, and looting started. Is ss12 is really Martin Gugino, and he’s still in the hospital?

  20. #40
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    May 2020


    Maybe they was a takin down a statue. hehe

    A protester was critically injured in Portsmouth, Virginia, on Wednesday night as he and a mob of fellow vandals toppled a Confederate statue, just the latest in a nationwide attack on statues of Southern generals, Christopher Columbus, Abraham Lincoln (yes, Lincoln) and…Gandhi, for some reason.

    Video taken at the scene shows the crowd beating the statue of Confederate president Jefferson Davis before finally yanking it from its base with ropes. The man, who was in his 30s, was standing below the statue when it reportedly fell and struck him in the back of his head.

    "It came and fully hit him in the head, and we could see that his skull was actually showing," the president of the Black Lives Matter 757 chapter told local NBC affiliate WAVY. "He was convulsing on the ground."


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