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  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2018


    "Do you support interracial marriages? Do you think races can coexist peacefully in a society"?..... No mcarter, based on religious beliefs and I want to keep the different races...... No, to the second question, also, because without a God to form a foundation, sin will take over and there she blows like three year olds. My thinking (still digging information and evolving) is that the problem is not chromogenic, but much deeper in the DNA. Before the 39 to 38 split in our genic makeup from ape (I question that because they don't know the all of the history of the European Neanderthal caveman), some Congo Africans (I think) kept on breeding with apes (Gorillas) thus delayed their evolved state (makeup which DNA proves). The Bible talks about God flooding the world (has to be regional) to get rid of a certain sin. Which was, man taking wives (for sexual pleasure) of men of no spirit (not like them or of Ape features); and giants (means up-standing, ape like) in the Earth (which is a word that means death, black which could refer to Africa). So God's people were mix breeding with something not of God's liking, he drowned them. Remember God is white and pure in a worldly man thinking (only symbolic form in heaven as stated in Genesis and Revelation). Well, that did not stop the sinners again after Noah (by the way, the Koran states that they were many on the Ark). So God made hell just for them which clearly indicates that a mixed man/race/beast can not enter into heaven. This gets into another topic of demonic cursed people, the African?.......On a side note, I got to meet a sociologist who studies the African. Also something else that happened, at the Memphis zoo, which is funny at the end. While watching a silverback gorilla, a true African female (only proof was grandma's boobs) walked up and got the gorilla's attention, which he came over to the glass and got a boner (the funny part). This African lady was not human! She was all gorilla DNA in every feature, so shocking, not even human like, a beast. Which shows that Darwin is right, a different species. Which gets us back to the different races, history proves sin will dictate....

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Racism as defined - “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.”

    Quote Originally Posted by mcarter815 View Post
    Do you think races can coexist peacefully in a society?
    Being truthful here and my opinion -

    Speaking just of the USA and the Midwest part I live in;

    Before Obama, yes, we were on the right path and things were better than they had been in many years.

    During the Obama Administration and since after, things have went to total $hit, and I feel that are seeing more Black on White and White on Black racism than we have since the early 60’s. Obama was one of the biggest race baiter I’ve seen in my lifetime. Many of my Black friends agree with my assessment.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Marion, IA


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    "Do you support interracial marriages? Do you think races can coexist peacefully in a society"?..... No mcarter, based on religious beliefs and I want to keep the different races...... No, to the second question, also, because without a God to form a foundation, sin will take over and there she blows like three year olds. My thinking (still digging information and evolving) is that the problem is not chromogenic, but much deeper in the DNA. Before the 39 to 38 split in our genic makeup from ape (I question that because they don't know the all of the history of the European Neanderthal caveman), some Congo Africans (I think) kept on breeding with apes (Gorillas) thus delayed their evolved state (makeup which DNA proves). The Bible talks about God flooding the world (has to be regional) to get rid of a certain sin. Which was, man taking wives (for sexual pleasure) of men of no spirit (not like them or of Ape features); and giants (means up-standing, ape like) in the Earth (which is a word that means death, black which could refer to Africa). So God's people were mix breeding with something not of God's liking, he drowned them. Remember God is white and pure in a worldly man thinking (only symbolic form in heaven as stated in Genesis and Revelation). Well, that did not stop the sinners again after Noah (by the way, the Koran states that they were many on the Ark). So God made hell just for them which clearly indicates that a mixed man/race/beast can not enter into heaven. This gets into another topic of demonic cursed people, the African?.......On a side note, I got to meet a sociologist who studies the African. Also something else that happened, at the Memphis zoo, which is funny at the end. While watching a silverback gorilla, a true African female (only proof was grandma's boobs) walked up and got the gorilla's attention, which he came over to the glass and got a boner (the funny part). This African lady was not human! She was all gorilla DNA in every feature, so shocking, not even human like, a beast. Which shows that Darwin is right, a different species. Which gets us back to the different races, history proves sin will dictate....
    When the left talks about white supremacy or white nationalism, this is exactly what they are talking about. Your belief that races shouldn't mix is what white nationalism means by definition.

    Btw, race is a social construct and doesn't have a foundation in biology.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2018


    mcarter, if you mix the races, there would be no races

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Marion, IA


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    mcarter, if you mix the races, there would be no races
    Again, races don't have a foundation in biology. I bet if you took one of those DNA ancestry tests you will find that some of your ancestors came from Africa.

  6. #26
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    Marion, IA


    Lurker, who the president is or was is irrelevant to my question about whether races can coexist peacefully in a society. The reason why it is irrelevant is because white nationalists believe that mixed race nations are inherently unstable. NorthAlabama's answer to that question answers whether he is a white nationalist.

  7. #27
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    May 2018


    "race is a social construct and doesn't have a foundation in biology". mcarter, your using the left's playbook, equality in everything, that can never be, that concept will destroy life as we know it. It may be a wonderful utopia drug effect on paper, but life is a positive and negative, good and bad, up and down, proton and electron, if any of these two meet, it is the end of everything for nothing will exist. This equality concept of yours is not of the real world nor of the spiritual world, it is known as death.......Again, the word applied here in America "white supremacy" is not applicable, only in followers of Hitler. Now "Nationalism"? More "isms" of the left's playbook. Calling people names is actions of children......But first, DNA is different in everyone, there is no equality, your chrom-o-zones (spelling?) in your DNA determines your makeup, race or species. On one level, the African and European has a difference of up to 80%, by which mostly three levels determines what you are. The saying that we are all the same, it is not true, only the color of our skin, also not true, skin deep, not true. Your statement is again out of the equality playbook with no foundation........

  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2018


    mcarter stated, "white nationalists believe that mixed race nations are inherently unstable". Here we go! Why does the left always have to selectivity identify (the race) every time as the prime subject? Why is it always about "race" and "isms"? Can people not think and live like they want too? Not be controlled by others? To be left alone and not to conform to some other PC agenda? Is this not called "freedom"? To think freely?......Now, "Nationalism", that is not a bad word at all. But you put "white" in front of it. See, that is the problem, this agenda where nobody can have values or free thoughts is dangerous, you become Hitler, the one who you oppose. History shows that "different races" in one spot does cause problems, that is life, nobody is perfect, and some make very bad choices.....mcarter, if you wish to get deep into unfairness things in life, we all can go there and we will all agree. But pushing for utopia Satanism is not a way to go in life. Karma will bite you 10 fold, you will get deeper in the hole. Invest in your future, for your fruits will be sweet. For I do enjoy spending time with you and hope I can leave a positive influence. God Speed.

  9. #29
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    May 2018


    Why would the "African DNA" dominate? Is it okay for an Anglo Saxon person to marry an Italian? What about an Anglo Saxon marrying an Asian? ........Good question about DNA domination, certain traits are stronger......The religion races, Red for European and possible for Italy, for they are much the same. Brown could get into olive. But the Bible clearly states more than once that the sun does darken peoples skin in time, working in the fields. Interesting side note: In Ethiopia, a painting on the wall shows Mary and baby Jesus, just a "white" as you can get, along with African Queen Sheba's son (father King Jordan) shown as an African (mixed African and Jew because she wanted her son to be of Godly blood). Showing that being as "white" as you can was a good thing, showed purity and Godliness......Look, I can just give info, things that I learned. If one mixes with another race, it brings up questions on many topics about da-nam-i-a-tion (showed up not a nice word) by birth (curses) and servitude (the left calls it slavery).......Life is a choice, you mcarter shall make that choice. Your decisions will effect you for you will be judged in two worlds. I can not answer your question if it is ok to marry another race. The Bible demands in one passage for one to marry in your tribe and kind. There are other debates shown otherwise, example, was it Moses who took a wife from Ethiopia? But most do not know that Jews were in great numbers at all sea ports (they controlled banking and shipping), even on the Red Sea. So the Ethiopian wife could have been an African or a "white" Jew but not of the same tribe, which the two high priest did had an issue with. I don't play God!....
    Last edited by NorthAlabama; 10-07-2020 at 05:43 AM.


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