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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    In the driver's seat

    Default Wisconsin Milwaukee county recount results

    President elect Joe Biden would like to thank BBQ, Zero25, Clayton, and the rest of you gullible fools for donating to Trump's recount fundraising dollars. Biden lead has increased over Trump in Milwaukee county(biggest county). Trump indicated he was glad it wasn't his money that he spent helping Biden.

    LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A recount in Wisconsin’s largest county demanded by Republican President Donald Trump’s election campaign ended Friday with Democratic President-elect Joe Biden gaining votes.

    After the recount in Milwaukee County, Biden had a net gain of 132 votes, out of nearly 460,000 cast. Overall, Biden gained 257 votes to Trump’s 125.

    Trump’s campaign had demanded recounts in two of Wisconsin’s most populous and Democratic-leaning counties, after losing Wisconsin to Biden by over 20,000 votes. The two recounts will cost the Trump campaign $3 million. Dane County is expected to finish its recount on Sunday.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    ss12, your guy is going to be president. So enough already.
    I hate time trials.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, PA


    Oh, but it's okay for Trump and his followers to keep denying reality.

  4. #4


    Recounts will show nothing. You're just recounting the same ballots over again. The ballots are anonymous and there's probably no way now to identify who cast them and verify whether they were alive or dead or eligible voters. What you really need to detect fraud would be an audit of the envelopes, paper work, and signatures that came with those ballots. Whether all of that was kept who knows. Even if it was kept and an audit shows that many of the signatures don't match or the votes were fraudulent, there's still going to be the issue of the fact that the ballots were separated from them and are now mixed in with all the other ballots. I think that we will find there was probably fraud that went on, whether it was enough to change the outcome of not, who knows. But I also think there will be no way to go back and iidentify and separate out those fraudulent ballots. So, I doubt we'll see the results overturned. However, it could tell us how corrupt our system really is and how we are fooled and misled by a propaganda machine that only tells us what they want us to hear to manipulates us.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    Money well spent!

    Ever hear of a scotus judge with the initials ACB?

  6. #6
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    On the road


    Mr trump didn't need my money.......I don't contribute monetarily to any campaign or cause, anything I donate is time and sweat equity.

    And in this case, he didn't need any of that from me either.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Villa Ridge, Mo.


    Same here, any time something came in the mail wanting donations it went right in the trash. I figure they get enough money from those high dollar contributors.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    Ive contributed money every year to the Republican party, under Trump!

    Ive received a hundred times back through his handling of the economy......heckuva investment!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Central Wisconsin


    As accurately pointed out, a recount will not change much in the actual tally. The recount allows examination of other factors.

    I live in Wisconsin and this election pretty much went fuzzy many months ago when the mail in ballots went out. Covid has been the gift that keeps on giving - for the left. Covid allowed a candidate teetering on the edge of senility to run a "campaign" while hiding in a basement. Covid allowed for constant scare tactics about voting in person which was dispelled in the Wisconsin spring elections when - as hard as the left tried to paint it as a super spreader event - it went off safe. Covid had hand picked liberal judges trying to make rulings for counting ballots for a week after the election (which did get overturned, but they tried).

    But the mail in ballots. How do you show a photo ID for a mail in ballot? A friend of mine has a neighbor who received two mail in ballots, one with a full name and middle initial, and one with a short first name and no middle initial. Now extrapolate that out and assure me if that happened on a larger scale that some wouldn't be tempted to use both? Observers in Milwaukee reported mail in ballots being counted which were pristine condition and had no folds. How do you mail in ballots without folding them?

    Check history a little bit and go back 15 years to the report done by Jimmy Carter and James Baker III in regards to election integrity. All the points of recommendation and correction are still not be addressed. They are in fact, still being exploited by the left. The Carter Baker report is easy to find on the net.

    How is it that both sides can't agree that every legal vote should count and methods of voting which encourage fraud should be eliminated? There were identified almost 200,000 names which should have been eliminated from the voter lists in Wisconsin because of death and inactivity. It was fought in court - by the left - and the lists were not purged as the law said they should be. Unfortunately the so called bi partisan Wisconsin Elections Commission is a neutered agency which always caves to the left. Their reluctance to do their job the right way when they should have has now helped lead to this.

    I don't care one bit about the arguments that Trump should assist in the transition of power. Just look at how Obama set up his transition of power. The foundation of a coup attempt after trying to derail his campaign. The foundation of it all based upon a work of fiction, the Steele Dossier, which was bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The $32 million Mueller Report which produced nothing to prove Russia collusion but gave us a couple process crimes unrelated to the root investigation and gave us the frame up of Michael Flynn. Peaceful transition of power my @ss.

    I'll give the Dems props on one thing. When they get on a message they stay on a message - every last one of them. When Schiff went front and center with his lies - and he told some whoppers - they ALL went along and nobody broke ranks. Every last one of them would chime in accordingly. The Mueller Report and IG Horowitz's report proved it. Could the Republicans do that? Oh hell no. The Republicans have people named Romney, Ryan, Kasich, the late John McCain, and many others who would happily break ranks to get some quality TV time so don't worry about the Republicans treating Biden the way Obama and company treated Trump. I just don't think that could happen.
    Political correctness, the inability to speak the truth about the obvious.

  10. #10
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    Nov 2016
    Marion, IA


    Quote Originally Posted by Morgs153 View Post
    Observers in Milwaukee reported mail in ballots being counted which were pristine condition and had no folds. How do you mail in ballots without folding them?
    Mail in ballots don't have to be mailed in. You can drop them off at a polling location or at a county auditor's drop box.

  11. #11
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    Aug 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by mcarter815 View Post
    Mail in ballots don't have to be mailed in. You can drop them off at a polling location or at a county auditor's drop box.
    Not in my state.....they have to be folded and put in the envelope provided......and oh yeah, a signature!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO25 View Post
    Not in my state.....they have to be folded and put in the envelope provided......and oh yeah, a signature!
    What is your state?

  13. #13


    Right now the democrats are encouraging people to "temporarily" move to Georgia just so they can vote in this senate run off. Then they have the gall to turn around and tell us there was "no fraud in this election". If it wasn't so sad, it would be incredibly funny.

  14. #14
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    I love how you people keep repeating the fraud canard with no evidence.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcarter815 View Post
    What is your state?

    The one with a Republican governor that counted 12 million votes by 11pm on election night!

    Oh yeah, the one Trump won by 300k!

  16. #16
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    May 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by mcarter815 View Post
    Mail in ballots don't have to be mailed in. You can drop them off at a polling location or at a county auditor's drop box.
    Yep the illegal box loads were delivered in many mayor cities and locations overnight by the tooth fairy.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  17. #17
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    Yeah, I'm going to believe that all those pristine mail in ballots were legit. As much as I believe that a senile old man who lived in his basement got 15,000,000 more votes than Barack Obama did in 2012 when he barely campaigned at all.
    Political correctness, the inability to speak the truth about the obvious.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgs153 View Post
    Yeah, I'm going to believe that all those pristine mail in ballots were legit. As much as I believe that a senile old man who lived in his basement got 15,000,000 more votes than Barack Obama did in 2012 when he barely campaigned at all.
    Biden didn't have to put much effort into campaigning when Trump was shooting himself in the foot so often. I haven't seen any evidence to believe the absentee ballots weren't trustworthy.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcarter815 View Post
    Biden didn't have to put much effort into campaigning when Trump was shooting himself in the foot so often. I haven't seen any evidence to believe the absentee ballots weren't trustworthy.
    You can't see that filling your moms garage up with toilet paper and sanitizer was a bad you really think anyone on earth would care about whether your pea brain can distinguish the difference between what CNN tells you to parrot and the truth??.

    Come on man, get on back down in the basement and crank up the fortnight.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Marion, IA


    Abolishing the EC is an important step to making the country more democratic and joins previous important steps such as the 17th Amendment in 1913, the 19th Amendment in 1920, and the Voting Rights Act in 1965.


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