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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Rajflyboy View Post
    Anyone with an 8th grade education knows this bill is full of corporate and government personal wealth PORK and not enough money to the folks who are actually hurt by the shutdowns. Veto the bill. Yes.
    Didn’t they say it was passed with A VETO PROOF vote ?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I guess it’s too much to ask of our elected officials to figure out who REALLY needs the help cuz EVERYONE is not suffering as bad as some are !

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    The most troubling aspects of what is happening is that we're EXPLODING the national debt much faster than it would have sans the pandemic. The nation is nearly at critical mass indebtedness and most of us fully understand what has to be done but the Republicans don't have the guts or the power to do what is needed to avoid an economic mega-disaster and the Democrats really don't want to. Democrats buy waaaaay too many votes/power with their give away programs and they're ultimate goals are to increase their power structure, by force if necessary as we witnessed all summer, until there is no hope for any opposition. This scenario is one of mutually assured destruction and neither side really cares enough to stop it and the citizenry has been conditioned to expect/demand care and economic support from cradle to grave.

    I must agree that the Republican Party may well be seeing it's final years of fielding electable candidates, especially on the national scene. When joe & the ho get amnesty and full citizenship (and it's fairly certain they will) for the 20 million illegal aliens the show will be over, regardless of the inroads DJT made into the Latino and Black voter bases.

    I know I sound like a fatalist, and that may be correct, but the economic handwriting is clearly on the wall. We're headed straight for 30 trillion in debt and there is no possible way to tax or economically grow our way out of it even with the most austere spending policies. That means the day will come when our money, all the money we've worked hard for and did without in order to accumulate, will be nearly worthless and the effects of that will decimate all economic alternatives and the $hit will hit the proverbial fan. But, this is what the man-bun's and the antifoofoo's and the gamer boys crave. All we can hope for is a significant number of them become casualties of their cravings, one way or the other.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Central Wisconsin


    I think the left continues to focus on race identity, and identity politics, at their own peril. They have become so invested in this canard and a shift is happening.

    As more and more families become bi-racial, or multi-racial, they are figuring out that it is class warfare and not race warfare that is the real demon in the equation. The left has swung into being the party of the Wall Streeters, the tech oligarchy, the media machine (filtered through political correctness), the hedge fund traders, and especially the education elites. They use the tools at their disposal to frame the message of racial injustices but more folks are figuring out the falsehoods while they preach from the high horse of privilege and "enlightenment".

    The right has become much more blue collar. The old canard of Republicans being only for big business has shifted greatly. Yes, they still want to protect those who employ, but those people employ workers and create jobs. The left is at war with those who could be called the "muscular classes". Those who are the farmers, ranchers, truckers, machinists, welders, mechanics, fabricators, equipment operators, energy workers, and a host of other vocational occupations. And yes, the left is at war with the police. The left is at war with traditional middle class values of law and order, hard work, playing by the rules and not gaming the system.

    Someplace, some bi-racial middle class family is figuring out, the left playing this race/identity card does not represent their situation at all. They probably could care less about transgender bathroom issues in their own situation and they certainly don't vote on that issue. They want to see good jobs and opportunities remain here, for their situation. Those jobs may involve fracking, or energy exploration, or manufacturing. Even the most egg-headed liberal professor at Berkley needs a good plumber now and again.
    Political correctness, the inability to speak the truth about the obvious.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Morgs153 View Post
    I think the left continues to focus on race identity, and identity politics, at their own peril. They have become so invested in this canard and a shift is happening.As more and more families become bi-racial, or multi-racial, they are figuring out that it is class warfare and not race warfare that is the real demon in the equation. The left has swung into being the party of the Wall Streeters, the tech oligarchy, the media machine (filtered through political correctness), the hedge fund traders, and especially the education elites. They use the tools at their disposal to frame the message of racial injustices but more folks are figuring out the falsehoods while they preach from the high horse of privilege and "enlightenment".The right has become much more blue collar. The old canard of Republicans being only for big business has shifted greatly. Yes, they still want to protect those who employ, but those people employ workers and create jobs. The left is at war with those who could be called the "muscular classes". Those who are the farmers, ranchers, truckers, machinists, welders, mechanics, fabricators, equipment operators, energy workers, and a host of other vocational occupations. And yes, the left is at war with the police. The left is at war with traditional middle class values of law and order, hard work, playing by the rules and not gaming the system. Someplace, some bi-racial middle class family is figuring out, the left playing this race/identity card does not represent their situation at all. They probably could care less about transgender bathroom issues in their own situation and they certainly don't vote on that issue. They want to see good jobs and opportunities remain here, for their situation. Those jobs may involve fracking, or energy exploration, or manufacturing. Even the most egg-headed liberal professor at Berkley needs a good plumber now and again.
    I did not think of this angle but you could be on to something 👍

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