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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Who Among Us Is Getting The Vax

    How many among us is going to opt to get the coronavirus vaccine?

    Who is going to decline?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Villa Ridge, Mo.


    With these new mutations that keep popping up, will the vaccines work or will see even more cases and deaths?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by STRONGERTHANDIRT View Post
    With these new mutations that keep popping up, will the vaccines work or will see even more cases and deaths?
    Those who opt to get it , well are nothing more than brutally blinded obedient slaves to the economic rulers of the world , slaves to the owners an operator’s of so called lands of “we the people’s”! Before the birth an creation of “America” this ones home of the brave an the free!! Humanity has been ignorantly whipped as a beaten down poor lil puppy!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    No vaccine for me!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Had the first one, second on February 16th. I’ll take my odds with the vaccine over the virus.
    I hate time trials.

  6. #6
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    How many among us is going to opt to get the coronavirus vaccine?

    Who is going to decline?
    I was exposed to covid-19 this morning. My wife and I heard my 89 year old neighbor yelling which isn't unusual because, he's always yelling at his dog but, my wife decided to open the garage door and ask him if he needed help and he said yes so, she came and got me and we went over to help him back in the garage and another neighbor called 911. Long story short he ended up breaking his hip and cut his ear. A couple hours later we get a call that he tested positive for covid and should now start quarantining for the next 14 days. Maybe he had a rapid test and it's a false positive we are waiting for that answer so, time will tell if I get the vaccine or not.

  7. #7
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    Jun 2012


    My wife and I still have high antibody numbers granting us immunity from when we had it last summer so no vaccine for now. Donate blood/plasma once a month so able to keep a steady eye on it.

    Talked my dad into getting it but that’s due to him being 65 and has a couple of underlying higher risk factors.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    I was exposed to covid-19 this morning. My wife and I heard my 89 year old neighbor yelling which isn't unusual because, he's always yelling at his dog but, my wife decided to open the garage door and ask him if he needed help and he said yes so, she came and got me and we went over to help him back in the garage and another neighbor called 911. Long story short he ended up breaking his hip and cut his ear. A couple hours later we get a call that he tested positive for covid and should now start quarantining for the next 14 days. Maybe he had a rapid test and it's a false positive we are waiting for that answer so, time will tell if I get the vaccine or not.
    Suck it up buttercup ........better do what your fearless leader says ! Maybe you won’t have to quarantine if you wear 2 masks !

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2018


    Time will tell. If this virus mutates to the point that it really does put someone who is healthy six feet under, the Government will force everyone to take it to stop it. But one person out of a thousand who has issues to start with, I will decline and let others who are in fear of death have it. The question could get to the point, when are you forced to take it?....... What I'm watching for, could this be part of the Mark of the Beast. With an Antichrist President, a Voodoo Vice President (her first name has 6 letters, her middle name is Devi- short for Devil, and her last name has 6 letters- which is "6 devil 6", which is a woman in the wilderness), what actions they will take to force the Ungodly agenda, for Israel is now in play for Prophecy to take action.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2020


    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2018


    I saw on BBC where one doctor took the shot, don't remember which drug, had to take antiviral drugs for a 3 day high fever. He stated 10-15% of the people have side effects. I've heard that some who take the flu shot wind up getting the flu due to the shot, side effect.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    I will get it for work. Will probably be mandated. CIRF. is there a Kyle Larson fan boy vaccine yet? 😜😜

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    I was exposed to covid-19 this morning. My wife and I heard my 89 year old neighbor yelling which isn't unusual because, he's always yelling at his dog but, my wife decided to open the garage door and ask him if he needed help and he said yes so, she came and got me and we went over to help him back in the garage and another neighbor called 911. Long story short he ended up breaking his hip and cut his ear. A couple hours later we get a call that he tested positive for covid and should now start quarantining for the next 14 days. Maybe he had a rapid test and it's a false positive we are waiting for that answer so, time will tell if I get the vaccine or not.
    Sorry to hear that, kr. Sending a prayer or two that you and the Mrs. didn't contract the virus and if you did you are asymptomatic. Keep me posted, Kid.

    Our family has really locked down since Christmas. My sister and her husband started having symptoms the Tuesday before Christmas. By Sunday following Christmas her husband was literally at deaths door. My sister had what could be likened to a bad cold but her husband was in ICU for nearly a week. His lungs were functioning at around 20%. He was in very good physical condition prior to contracting the virus and the doctors said that is the only thing that kept him alive. Luckily he's doing well now and is involved with daily respiratory therapy and should make a full recovery.

    As you might guess all this scared the whole family $hitless but we're still undecided as to whether or not to take the vaccine. The vaccine is reportedly ineffective on the African variance which is a bit scary.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rajflyboy View Post
    CIRF. Is there a Kyle Larson fan boy vaccine yet? 
    Please be the first in line to receive it, okay. Your obsession with Larson appears to be unhealthy.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    CIRF. It’s all in fun 👍

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    None for me! With some of the stories I have read about Bill Gates and his companies technology, i know what that leads to and ill not partake!

    Side note......During our Christmas vacation, my wife and daughter tested positive. My wife was fairly sick for a couple of weeks with fever and fatigue, my daughter just had loss of taste. Both recovered nicely. While i had some fatigue and loss of taste I did not get tested! I have to work for a living, so thats what I did. The second week my wife went and got tested and still showed positive. She immediately drove to another site and you guessed it, she was negative! Who can you trust anymore?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    Sorry to hear that, kr. Sending a prayer or two that you and the Mrs. didn't contract the virus and if you did you are asymptomatic. Keep me posted, Kid.

    Our family has really locked down since Christmas. My sister and her husband started having symptoms the Tuesday before Christmas. By Sunday following Christmas her husband was literally at deaths door. My sister had what could be likened to a bad cold but her husband was in ICU for nearly a week. His lungs were functioning at around 20%. He was in very good physical condition prior to contracting the virus and the doctors said that is the only thing that kept him alive. Luckily he's doing well now and is involved with daily respiratory therapy and should make a full recovery.

    As you might guess all this scared the whole family $hitless but we're still undecided as to whether or not to take the vaccine. The vaccine is reportedly ineffective on the African variance which is a bit scary.

    Please be the first in line to receive it, okay. Your obsession with Larson appears to be unhealthy.
    Thanks for the prayers CIRF, My wife and I are hoping for the best and so, far no symptoms but, It's early. The wife and I are also praying for a neighbor he is a very nice guy and a race fan to boot.

    Sorry to hear about your brother in law. I'm sure that had to be scary for everyone. Covid is not to be taken lightly and you don't know it until it really affects you or someone you really care about. You always gotta love it when some say it's no big deal.

    My wife has had her first shot but, were not sure how much protection she has from the vaccine since she hasn't had the second shot yet. I'm still undecided myself. This might help make my mind up. I'm in a wait and see mode. The worst part is I'm so busy with work I didn't need to be quarantining but, have to for the betterment of all.

  17. #17
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    Oct 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    Time will tell. If this virus mutates to the point that it really does put someone who is healthy six feet under, the Government will force everyone to take it to stop it. But one person out of a thousand who has issues to start with, I will decline and let others who are in fear of death have it. The question could get to the point, when are you forced to take it?....... What I'm watching for, could this be part of the Mark of the Beast. With an Antichrist President, a Voodoo Vice President (her first name has 6 letters, her middle name is Devi- short for Devil, and her last name has 6 letters- which is "6 devil 6", which is a woman in the wilderness), what actions they will take to force the Ungodly agenda, for Israel is now in play for Prophecy to take action.
    Good post NorthAlabama . so sad the people struck with ''fear of death'' , so scared so fearful of it! terrified of the unknown! You more than correct though ones in utter fear of ''death'' will surely except the shot, and well dam guy the whole mark of the beast you stated, dang that could follow shortly after all this vaccination is complete, i'm more than sure all this is far from over yet, aye you stated it the prophecys are being played out........

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Thanks for the prayers CIRF, My wife and I are hoping for the best and so, far no symptoms but, It's early. The wife and I are also praying for a neighbor he is a very nice guy and a race fan to boot.
    Hoping your neighbor's situation turns out okay, as well, Kid.

    I've read in some of the different sections of this message board how it's a good thing that the elderly are stricken down by this evil virus. The thinking is that those old fogies are gonna' die soon anyway, why waste resources and care on them. It just drives up the cost of healthcare and further depletes medi-care funding. Dying quickly costs the all important younger folk less................until it's one of your own loved ones.

  19. #19
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    Hoping your neighbor's situation turns out okay, as well, Kid.

    I've read in some of the different sections of this message board how it's a good thing that the elderly are stricken down by this evil virus. The thinking is that those old fogies are gonna' die soon anyway, why waste resources and care on them. It just drives up the cost of healthcare and further depletes medi-care funding. Dying quickly costs the all important younger folk less................until it's one of your own loved ones.
    Thanks CIRF, Yeah I remember when that was said about the elderly and your right as long as it's not their elderly grandparents, parents, brother, sister that are dying. It's like my neighbor he's such a nice guy and we look out for each other and my wife and I let alone his family want him to live as long as he can. One day this past fall the neighbor behind me had someone come up pick up the leaves out of her yard and he just blew them into my yard and Vern saw it and went over there and told the guy it was pretty disrespectful what he just had done. Funny thing happened the wind picked up later in the day and the leaves were pretty much gone out of my yard.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2018


    I see mostly ALL teen youth do not wear a mask nor follow any rules trying to prevent the spread. I visited a church a few days ago where the teens were isolated because of their actions. The preacher and some males wore no mask but every person of age did. This theory that "my rights is being done away with if I wear a mask" is twisted. Wear the mask when needed, stay your distance, and be a good neighbor to your fellow man, do what helps.


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