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  1. #1
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    May 2018

    Default America, Race, and Morals

    When one kills an animal for food on the farm, the Bible teaches one to give 10% of the animal way, that is the undesirable cuts, i.e. hoof, ear, but Not to the poor in general, for they will get addicted in the free giveaways. I just watched a film about an African American 300 lb female, (Koko was smarter) with one child out of wedlock child, and who uses, and sold drugs at 17. She worked to get Biden elected to get free healthcare and housing. What is America to do with Brown skin citizens (46% criminals) and Afros (38% criminals)? Memphis news is mostly about Negro crime and welfare, government giving them more money, with black flight. A famous NBA player in Birmingham Alabama City Government, got sent to prison for taking money from under the table, every other word is Jesus now, a little too late do you think. Stacy Abrams of Georgia stole thousands from credit card companies for her relatives and defended that in court. An African American Preacher, of all things, saying, "Hope for Social Justice for Our People", nothing about morals. Did you know that Satan has a black face? I know that African Americans have an IQ up to less than 18 points lesser than other races, no excuse. Here in Alabama, #52 in education with almost 1/3 of it's citizens are Negros, that is right, not 50th, but beaten out by two islands which are not states. Alabama African Americans drop out rate and having children out of marriage is heading toward 80%. These dark skin citizens are the future American, there is no redo America. And with the flood of 3rd world morals in and heading to American at an alarming rate for the last several years, again, there is no redo America. How do you fix the moral problems of the (mostly dark skin) left and their overthrow of this country for Socialism? Do note, if you this this post is racist, you are part of the moral problem. God knows that I'm not known for being PC corrected.

  2. #2
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    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    When one kills an animal for food on the farm, the Bible teaches one to give 10% of the animal way, that is the undesirable cuts, i.e. hoof, ear, but Not to the poor in general, for they will get addicted in the free giveaways. I just watched a film about an African American 300 lb female, (Koko was smarter) with one child out of wedlock child, and who uses, and sold drugs at 17. She worked to get Biden elected to get free healthcare and housing. What is America to do with Brown skin citizens (46% criminals) and Afros (38% criminals)? Memphis news is mostly about Negro crime and welfare, government giving them more money, with black flight. A famous NBA player in Birmingham Alabama City Government, got sent to prison for taking money from under the table, every other word is Jesus now, a little too late do you think. Stacy Abrams of Georgia stole thousands from credit card companies for her relatives and defended that in court. An African American Preacher, of all things, saying, "Hope for Social Justice for Our People", nothing about morals. Did you know that Satan has a black face? I know that African Americans have an IQ up to less than 18 points lesser than other races, no excuse. Here in Alabama, #52 in education with almost 1/3 of it's citizens are Negros, that is right, not 50th, but beaten out by two islands which are not states. Alabama African Americans drop out rate and having children out of marriage is heading toward 80%. These dark skin citizens are the future American, there is no redo America. And with the flood of 3rd world morals in and heading to American at an alarming rate for the last several years, again, there is no redo America. How do you fix the moral problems of the (mostly dark skin) left and their overthrow of this country for Socialism? Do note, if you this this post is racist, you are part of the moral problem. God knows that I'm not known for being PC corrected.
    Haven’t fact checked it but it sounds very possible..............but you know it is somehow the white mans fault ! I was listening to ,of all people , Rush Lim Baugh the other day a nd a man called in speaking about a lot of what you said here and also about the white mans not being the majority in this country anymore and Rush shut him down and said he didn’t know where the guy was going with all the statistics he was pointing out ? Rush wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole ! It was very sad and also surprising to me !

  3. #3
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    One can only milk the "I'm a victim" for so long. But now Equal Civil Rights rules, which allows the victim attitude to be endless in every category. What you have to do is take the sow away, and replace her with a boar. The piglets will learn in time that the tit has dried up. "Racism" was used in this film God knows how many times and will dominate the dark skin people's agenda for Socialism. The Bible teaches one must earn the rights, not be handed them, for they will never appreciate anything and continue to their unmoral ways. Slavery is of the body, not the mind, for hard work, which replenishes the sole, is the way to pay off one's debits.

  4. #4
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    This film reminds me of another film where African American men (all faces were blurred) where smoking pot and blowing the smoke in the face of a small baby in the crib and in the face of a small boy of the age around 3 or 4 while the women were out. These men were also giving the young boy beer out of the can and having a party watching this boy stagger around and falling down. Why in hell did not the film crew step in and stop this.

  5. #5
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    I feel obligated to explain something to those who watches Hollywood slavery movies. God tells the master to be good to the servant and vice versa in the Bible. Ok, now lets start in Africa...... A warlord captures you, uses you to carry ivory to the west coast, and puts you in a prison to starve to death. European shippers trade for your freedom and saves your life. Then chains you in a ship (for safety) and brings you to America. Say I'm an Afro American plantation owner, I thus purchase you as an indentured servant to pay back all of the expenses that you incurred for your life to be alive. You then are to work off your debts. I at any time, can end the contractual agreement and give you 40 acres to work as your own, or when I die I will declare that you be put into my will and will be given land for your works.......It is not for anyone to judge, for nobody can be a slave (used by the left) because your mind cannot be owned, indentured servant is the correct word. All of this sounds harsh but the Bible allows certain things to be law........So lets us go to back in Africa. Do you want to be dead in a prison built by Africans, or would you want to be alive and work off your debits in America? I would choose life.....Europeans were indentured servants when coming to America also, 10 year contracts were common. I am not for nor against.
    Last edited by NorthAlabama; 01-25-2021 at 09:23 PM.

  6. #6
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    My dad who was an evangelist, God fearing businessman full of wisdom but only educated to the 9th grade, taught me a valuable lesson many years ago.......he said son, dont ever make personal or business decisions based on the minority, you will fail.

    The problem with liberalism, is they want laws passed just to benefit small minorities(exceptions). America doesnt work that way. We have to make decisions based on whats best for the majority!

    However, we should strive to give every American the chance to thrive in our great country!

    May God, once again, bless America!

  7. #7
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    The thing is, 2027 the majority under the age of 30 will be skin of color. The year 2045, Europeans will be a minority in this country. The sad part, this whole thing about voting is about power and control, people of color now control Europeans. There are wonderful people of all races, but culture that is flooding this country is not of the values of European Christianity which is the basis of this countries moral culture and constitution. It is tilting American morals to the left to Socialism and Marxism....... Example, a chicken plant nearby brought the illegals in by the hundreds several years ago, now there are thousands of brown skin people around here. A family was killed, except a young boy, when a van full of illegals ran a red light, the boy lost his family. My relative was fine with illegals, until one afternoon from work, the glass was broken on the side door, you guessed right. I know a young lady so dearly who was raped by two brown skin males, then they left her naked and to bleed to death when they stuck a knife up her private area and cut her up so badly, I guess to bleed out any sperm so they could not be traced. Try to picture this, making it to the road, there naked and bleeding trying to flag traffic down for help and no one stops, then an elderly white couple does stop.
    Last edited by NorthAlabama; 01-26-2021 at 05:52 AM.

  8. #8
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    I watched another 2 films on PBS about racism, which reminds me of another series of shows where there were a large group of Afro men sitting around discussing their life problems, which was mostly about the white man (the show had 3 letters). A minister stood up and began to tell the truth about the sins of the hood (not a car hood), and the hate and replies he got were shocking, all from a victimhood attitude. When one sees that he has no hope, one does not try, which is sin. When his own race calls him a lazy drug infested N, which stands not for good, the achievement bar is gone, we understand. But thru out these films, the finger is pointed to the white man. They are calling for justice but won't say what it is, some did, wanted to deport all whites. The bias and half truths were dominate thru out these films. The great American migration north for jobs due to the invention of the tractor, they owned it and called it the great black migration north. One main complaint, voter oppression is having to have an ID card, which Cory Booker in his film was beaten out by another older black man who paid and bussed false voters to the polls since voter IDs were not required, now Booker has flipped flopped since he is in power to stay, leading the charge of racism and voter oppression. These films are nothing but gasoline on the fire to stoke black outrage, does not teach the black man how to be a man, but promote Satan's agenda.

  9. #9
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    PBS puts out a lot of the most outrageous documentaries being made in this new world of lies and globalist movement. A good place to stay away from. Or at least be well aware of what tehy are doing. Not to be trusted or beleived on so much of what they say and do.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buford.Justice View Post
    PBS puts out a lot of the most outrageous documentaries being made in this new world of lies and globalist movement. A good place to stay away from. Or at least be well aware of what tehy are doing. Not to be trusted or beleived on so much of what they say and do.
    Do the same with NPR ! { National Public Radio}. It will poison your mind ! !

  11. #11
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    Oct 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Buford.Justice View Post
    PBS puts out a lot of the most outrageous documentaries being made in this new world of lies and globalist movement. A good place to stay away from. Or at least be well aware of what tehy are doing. Not to be trusted or beleived on so much of what they say and do.
    New world of lies an such ! You mean post truth era with truth coming out right in plain sights ..........

  12. #12
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    May 2020


    We are living in a nightmare.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  13. #13
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    I would call it a dream that just started. Bonnie 'On the Contrary' had Koa Beck, a female with African hair, who wrote a book about women liberalist white supremacist. Yelp, just like the Alabama Democratic party who turned their back on the white women "she don't represent the black nor lbgq+" stated by the new black leader, who kicked out Nancy W. (the president of the party) in a coo. Now dark skin activist are going after white women after riding their tails of equal civil rights, which now is called "equability" pushed by Joe Biden, Devi Harris and CRT followers. The Bible teaches that Satan (evil) can not make anything, but only destroy what is good (God). Those who has blacken their face to the glory of God, the left, must undo everything that is good, that the right does, which is the cancel culture. The billionaire Tim Hill, is that his name, the homosexual who sent out a message declaring that all Christians must be wiped off of the face of the Earth. Now it is the LBGQI? LGBQie? LGBQIA? Is the I for immigrants? This dream looks like it is going to be a crazy one. But when we wake up, our firearms, our family, our freedom, our faith, and our free speech will be taken away if you are white, it is a race war and a moral war.
    Last edited by NorthAlabama; 01-31-2021 at 05:26 PM.

  14. #14
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    I find some of these films interesting and trying to understand why certain people think the way they do, mostly trying to make money off of a trend. Charles Blow, what a name, wrote a book 'The Devil You Know', which is a dog whistle for the white man as the devil. This Afro American has moved to Atlanta from the North and wants all blacks to move to the South like he did, where they can have the majority for voting power and control. I bet the Northern States would cheer, but this ideal was put forth by the Black Panthers years ago. In his interview about the book, the question to him was that this ideal is racist on it's face, just as bad as other racist ideals. Of course the Ungodly left replies with questioning the right and never answers the question in the first place. Mr. Blow's ideal that if a state has 51% of it population is white, that is a racist state. But, if the state has 51% black, it is an equability state. Notice how the left no longer uses the word equal, but now it is equability (out come is equal) which does not even mean the same thing. They are calling for Socialism and Government control, a typical African culture ideal for they don't have civilized morals to live in a civilized world due to DNA and culture.

  15. #15
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    Tina Tchen, Former Chief of Staff to First Lady Michelle Obama, Christina M. Tchen is an American lawyer and CEO of Time's Up. Her work centers on issues related to gender inequity, sexual harassment, and lack of diversity in the workplace.............Tchen was on 'On the Contrary' when she declared that "we" need to get rid of the Bible and those followers. An Asian female who wants to change America to her Godless values. Oh, did you notice her ties to Obama.

  16. #16
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    'The power of we' is on PBS right now teaching children about race using famous hand puppets and cartoons. This one cartoon is showing four children in the park pretending to be super heroes, and a white boy and a black boy both grabbing a mask at the same time, and the white boy says "super heroes only can be white". But there is a dark brown girl. Only whites can be super heroes? Where in the hell did this come from? Children do not think like that, this cartoon can only come from an adult who is twisted and pushing some type of hate agenda. It is part of the CRT brainwashing that is in place to teach children twisted views. Other cartoons on PBS, has made all cartoons with very few white characters, but all with characters of the rainbow. Even 'Cat in the Hat' has changed the white boy to a black boy, with the white girl, with each same race parents shown in the same house. My question is, do all six live in the same house?..........The point is that the cartoon demonizes the white boy, the white male, as a hater, just like CRT teaches. Your own children are taught this stuff under your nose, no they are not, schools and TV is safe and moral, have you checked lately?
    Last edited by NorthAlabama; 02-09-2021 at 11:36 AM.

  17. #17
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    If anyone has the chance to watch 'The Black Church' by Professor Gates (a black historian) which is a 4 hour PBS film, do so. Something that I did not know, is that Abraham Lincoln, according to Gates, wanted to send the freed Africans back to Africa because he did not think that blacks and whites could live together here in America. I know that Lincoln did not really want to free the Africans due to some of his writings, but have you noticed how Lincoln is written up in history as a hero? A good man standing up for the Civil Rights. Which was not really true. Always remember, winners get to write the history which is usually bias.....This film was centered around the AME Church (African Methodist Church) which uses a Black Jesus and Black African Icons in their stained glass windows (mostly Civil Rights Icons like adulterer Michael King- A.K.A. MLK) which does not represent Godly values but racist Black Power, Voodoo, Voodou, Black Panthers and the different movements in the history of the African American.....Will and Nikki on AFR did not approve of this film because it included Godless Blacks that does not represent Christians and the Black Church in their view.... Gates also showed racist bias, which reminds me of my elder poor ancestors who struggled as white share croppers living in old rented dog trot houses with cracks in the floor, not better off than the slaves........To add: Mrs. P Prayer was the one who used the phrase 'I have a dream', Michael King stole that just like his new name, MLK.
    Last edited by NorthAlabama; 02-27-2021 at 10:48 PM.

  18. #18
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    It's interesting how different people interpret Bible, but I think every opinion is worth attention. By the way, Got Question is a great service for people who have question regarding Bible, here are their useful contacts if someone's interested.
    Last edited by samgood; 04-16-2022 at 04:13 AM.

  19. #19
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    Elon Mush = a true African American

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by samgood View Post
    It's interesting how different people interpret Bible, but I think every opinion is worth attention. By the way, Got Question is a great service for people who have question regarding Bible, here are their useful contacts if someone's interested.
    Most people take a verse outa context and try to justify their actions. Theres only ONE interpretation, and that is an accurate one!

    The most consistent and most accurate and has been for many decades is John MacCarthur from Grace Bible Church in Cali......yes, i said Cali! One of the few good things to come from there!


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