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Thread: Black Issues

  1. #1
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    Default Black Issues

    'Poverty is Policy' Spoken by a Black activist who wants to take away guns from Cops and call Social Welfare Workers instead, a Negro Socialist would say that. Why does he not talk about the 19 Black-on-Black shooting deaths in Chicago this past weekend. Apes do not have human morals, many so-called humans don't have morals. 'Do away with all Confederate history, names, and symbols because Blacks can not feel good about themselves', spoken by a brown female SPLC spokeswoman, erasing history in the racist White America. Just do away with America and problem is solved, nope, do away with Whites and the problem is solved. These Black speakers and Legislators keep saying 'our people' and 'my people'. Well, what about the rest of Americans? Do they not count,? Oh, that's right, America is the symbol and the product of White racist........Reminds me of the Alien who landed in the Southwest across from a closed Gas Station. The Alien walked up to a Gas Pump and spoke "Take me to your master". The Pump said nothing. The Alien repeated the request, and the Pump still said nothing. So the Alien turned and walked back to it's Spaceship, boarded and returned to it's homeland. In front of the King to give it's assessment about Humans, the Alien stated "All they do is stand around with their pecked in their ear".

  2. #2
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    Feb 2017


    just cause you have morals , does not make you any better then these peopel's you look down on an knock down!!! That is the very UGNLEYNESS with in a whole bunch all kinds of us!!
    Last edited by TurboTurtle17; 05-26-2021 at 07:18 AM.

  3. #3
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    We need less black or white and more grey in our lines of thinking......almost all of us do, and by us I mean everyone.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  4. #4
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    Let me get this straight, if you are poor in poverty is because you are knocked down? Morals has nothing to do with making good choices in life? Ever heard of a drug dealer making a lot of money, then investing it in the stock market for the future? No, they act like an ape and blow it up their nose. Just because you carry a pistol in your long shorts and your a felon, it is ok to go out in the streets and murder others? Yes. Just because you demand respect among your ape acting friends? I thought that you are to earn respect, opps, that is right, no morals again, because certain animals demand respect. Just because you want to make this country like the culture in Haiti, you destroy everything around you because you can't get your demonic Voodoo ways? That's right, no morals again. You breed fatherless wild youth because you like sex, then expect sociality and a Socialist Government to raise and correct them, in prison? Does the unmoral left not see the problem in front of them? No, they ignore it and play the victim role, the political correctness role, the kindness role, the evil man's civil rights role, the neutral race role, again, no morals and no back bone. Apes can not have human morals, thus they are animals. You can be judged by the fruit you produce for you have a choice in life no matter what situation your put in. Stop blaming others for you terrible destroying unmoral lifestyle. It is so easy to live healthy, wealthy and wise in America. Your choice! Stop dragging America down with you.

  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    'just cause you have morals , does not make you any better then these peopel's you look down on an knock down' was posted by a far left extremist who defies everything that is good and great....... The Bible teaches everyone is to be judge by their fruit that they produce. God gives you the right to speak the truth about anything, and even about any group of humans who choose to blacken their face to the eyes of God, living a pervert lifestyle of dam-nation and failure. To 'look down' or to 'knock down' ? Is really to call out one's bad behavior, one's unclean standards, which is the simple truth trying to get the sinner to stop their destruction. If one says, "I don't have a drug usage problem but I use drugs regularly", how are you ever going to stop destroying your life. You are to invest in your life to get rewards, not borrow from it. But the drug user is in denial and will not look at one's self nor correct one's self, it is called 'moral choice'. It is like a 3 year old getting their way in everything, ignoring rules and laws that they MUST follow for success in life. One MUST also follow God's laws, no exceptions, or blacken their face to where they can't give any glory which begs the question, "a human without morals, are they not just an animal?"
    Last edited by NorthAlabama; 05-27-2021 at 04:04 PM.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2018


    In my area, we just went thru Round 2 of changing school names because some were named after Confederate leaders. All we heard was the kids this, kids that.......blaming the schools failing grades on the name of the school. I always contend that 99% could care less and dont even though who their school is named after. Its mostly liberal parents looking to blame others for their kids mistakes.

    After this second round, i asked again on social media to show me the difference between rounds 1 and 2. Of course, all i got was "youre a racist/kkk member etc etc. In other words, the schools still have failing grades. The name change changed NOTHING! When will they ever learn?

  8. #8
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    When is your next klan rally, OP?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO25 View Post
    After this second round, i asked again on social media to show me the difference between rounds 1 and 2. Of course, all i got was "youre a racist/kkk member etc etc. In other words, the schools still have failing grades. The name change changed NOTHING! When will they ever learn?
    While I believe confederate leaders should not have schools named after them, I do agree that the school you're talking about is handling it insanely poorly by making it anything more than changing the name. Like, they're changing a name here, not renovating their entire education system.

  10. #10
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    While I believe confederate leaders should not have schools named after them

    Nuff said, smh!

    1. It made ZERO difference!
    2. They said it costs $4 million of taxpayers money to change the name!

  11. #11
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    and that's where my problem is. It shouldn't cost anything for a school to change its name except to change any signage.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    'just cause you have morals , does not make you any better then these peopel's you look down on an knock down' was posted by a far left extremist who defies everything that is good and great....... The Bible teaches everyone is to be judge by their fruit that they produce. God gives you the right to speak the truth about anything, and even about any group of humans who choose to blacken their face to the eyes of God, living a pervert lifestyle of dam-nation and failure. To 'look down' or to 'knock down' ? Is really to call out one's bad behavior, one's unclean standards, which is the simple truth trying to get the sinner to stop their destruction. If one says, "I don't have a drug usage problem but I use drugs regularly", how are you ever going to stop destroying your life. You are to invest in your life to get rewards, not borrow from it. But the drug user is in denial and will not look at one's self nor correct one's self, it is called 'moral choice'. It is like a 3 year old getting their way in everything, ignoring rules and laws that they MUST follow for success in life. One MUST also follow God's laws, no exceptions, or blacken their face to where they can't give any glory which begs the question, "a human without morals, are they not just an animal?"
    with out ACTIONS it will NEVER CHANGE! Yes the very things in this world that do happen are WRONG indeed!! Savage world power elites , elite pedofile ring! fuuk yaa this is a fd up dark world!! Its lucifres world! I do have genuine MORALS as a HUMAN!!!! ! Once agian not dam thing is going to change, least NOT for the better! Those who give up freedoms/ liberty fore security deserve NEITHER!!!

  13. #13
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    If there can be no Confederate names, then there can be no Union names for they murdered. When Michael King changed his name to Martin Luther King, which was a real German Monk, MLK should never be placed on any signs nor used because it promotes a certain Religion and comes from a country where Hitler ruled. No Native American names should ever be used because it glorifies the 'Blood Red Skin'. Natives who killed Whites, then took the blood and painted their Indian face with the blood. No White names should be used, because they are racist according to the left dark skins. No Male names should be used according to women radicals, No Females names should be used because it relates to female monthly bleeding. No African, Asian, South American, nor any other countries names should be use because they put their country in front of America. Let's not stop the madness and continue this victim role and make all of the PC people think that they are doing good. By the way, the next Klan meeting is this Sunday at your nearest building that has a cross on top of it, that to can not be used to name anything because it promotes religion. How about a no name country?

  14. #14
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    This is an incredibly bad-faith argument but I'm bored, so I'll bite. The origins of a person's name doesn't represent a person as much as their actions. If MLK fought for the enslavement of millions of people, then he shouldn't have his name on anything either. Native Americans were not a race that marched thousands of families out of their homes and destroyed the culture of a native race of people. I would agree that any Union generals directly involved with these actions don't deserve to have things like schools named after them either btw. The rest is just nonsense so yeah. The argument of "where does it stop" is always a poor one because the answer is simple: SOMEWHERE. The line is drawn SOMEWHERE. Of course, not everybody will agree on where the line is, but there is always a point where most people will agree is enough. So far, the line is stuck around Confederate leaders.

  15. #15
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    The unmoral left is so cancel cultured that they can't even tell the truth, all ways repeating the same half truth one liners. ALL military men and women who fought in ANY war is honored on Veterans Day, which includes the North Union and the Southern Confederate men. Now, the left and racist Marxist BLM has started to cancel them and their names. If the perverted sex addict Michael King was alive today, he would be part of BLM's leadership and the leader of the homosexual movement like he was in his time era, not a Godly man as the left paints him. Blacks do not want you to know that it was their on race that captured themselves, prisoned themselves, starved 100,000s in African prisons for world wide slave trade, so forget what you just read and side with BLM. Forget also that most of all white Americans did not own slaves, they were to poor working in the fields like slaves and many had it worse just trying to have food to stay alive. Many of the tribes of the Native Americans were murders, war mongers, raped women, killed children, sex trade of women, savages who scalped and smeared blood on their faces, and had 30,000 Negro slaves. Many remained or blended into the white culture and became part of the birth of a country. The USA was purchased mostly and won the rest in war over savage tribes, which was not started by whites. There are issues on both sides. So Union Generals names should also be removed, and now America is being removed by the left and the Marxist blacks for the line is being moved and determined by BLM and radical left wing groups that most Americans do not agree with. I am glad that the left is getting religious now, saying 'dark world and lucifres' and 'bad-faith', there might just be hope for them.

  16. #16
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    Considering pretty much all of that is insane garbage, I'll only say that Veteran's Day is NOT for all veterans. It is for United States Army Veterans who were not discharged honorably. If a member of the US Army joined the Confederates, they abandoned their post.

  17. #17
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    What has the name changes accomplished.................ZERO!!!

  18. #18
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    Somebody got their way at all cost,it's the new American Dream.

    Does that count?
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Osiris125 View Post
    Considering pretty much all of that is insane garbage, I'll only say that Veteran's Day is NOT for all veterans. It is for United States Army Veterans who were not discharged honorably. If a member of the US Army joined the Confederates, they abandoned their post.
    I thought it was for honorably discharged veterans alive or deceased.

    And you can bust on the confederates all you want, but in the end they were no different than the men in any army anywhere.War sux for everyone chief, people did sheety things to each other....doesn't mean we should still be yipping about who was right,wrong, good or bad.
    The USA is what it is today because of what they fought for back then....all of them, north and south.

    They are all veterans bud....suk it up and admit it.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barbecueboy View Post
    I thought it was for honorably discharged veterans alive or deceased.And you can bust on the confederates all you want, but in the end they were no different than the men in any army anywhere.War sux for everyone chief, people did sheety things to each other....doesn't mean we should still be yipping about who was right,wrong, good or bad.The USA is what it is today because of what they fought for back then....all of them, north and south.They are all veterans bud....suk it up and admit it.
    Meant dishonorably but phone messed it up. It's not an argument about whether or not they are veterans at all, but if they fall under the purpose of Veteran's Day. Confederate soldiers abandoned their posts in rebellion against the United States. They do not fall under the criteria of Veteran's Day. This isn't even an argument about right or wrong really.
    Last edited by Osiris125; 06-02-2021 at 06:08 AM.


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