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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default 77 Years Ago Today.............

    June 6th, 1944 the invasion and eventual liberation of nazi controlled Europe began with one of the bloodiest and costliest days of WW II. If you will, take a moment to reflect on the young lives that were lost in the name of freedom, democracy and the American way of life. The human cost, by today's standards is unimaginable. The men lost to war that day were in the prime of their lives and had their whole future in front of them but they left their homes and took up arms in defense of their country. Those who were lucky enough to come home took up life after the war where it had left off before they willingly left the comfort of their homes, families and friends to go about their duty and dedication. They were, without question, the greatest generation!!

    It's doubtful that our country has produced enough good, honorable men and women in this day and age to wage a campaign of the likes of WW II and more specifically D-Day. It seems the man-bun/gamer boys, the Marxist black lives matter and antifa/foo foo's outnumber those who would answer the call of duty! I hope I'm wrong but I fear I'm not.

    I would humbly ask that you all take a short minute to reflect and maybe say a short prayer, if you are spiritually inclined, for those who gave, in Abraham Lincoln's words, "The Last Full Measure Of Devotion". Without them we could be speaking German, Japanese or Italian and living under tyranny and fear.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018


    Very cool CIRF-my wife's grandfather was part of the invasion force and still here at 98 years old. Humble generation thats work ethic will most likely never be matched again....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    Well said grandfather served one tour of duty in WW11. I was very close to him, but he never uttered a word what he had gone through. He was a hard working quiet carpenter by trade, so i did not understand until my later studies in high school and college.

    I truly believe we could change our country, simply by requiring young men and women to serve 4 years in the military.The pride and respect they would gain for our country would be immeasurable!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Until he passed, I had great connection with Normandy Beach lander that interacted with George S Patton. I never forget.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO25 View Post
    I truly believe we could change our country, simply by requiring young men and women to serve 4 years in the military.The pride and respect they would gain for our country would be immeasurable!
    COULD NOT AGREE MORE ZERO! Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE should be required to give a small portion of their lives in service to their country. This country would be a MUCH different place, respect and good manners would be the norm as opposed to an anomaly. There would be a whole lot less man-bun/gamer boy, antifoofoo, marxist blm types, that is for sure.

    I fear things are too far gone to believe there can ever be a reversal of the pitfalls and degradation of society. As I've said numerous times here, my only hope is that the ideological nitwits suffer the most when the proverbial $hit hits the fan!

  6. #6
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    Jun 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by lurker View Post
    Until he passed, I had great connection with Normandy Beach lander that interacted with George S Patton. I never forget.
    If the Washington would have let Patton well enough alone and let him do his thing while he had everything going his way, we would have been in control of all of Europe.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2017


    (I truly believe we could change our country, simply by requiring young men and women to serve 4 years in the military.The pride and respect they would gain for our country would be immeasurable!) to require is basically forcing apon the mases. Like what happens if they like NO NOT going to dam armed forces of any kinds. What happens then? Really curious on that one!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2021


    It sucks when people take this day of remembrance and twist it into political garbage. Fun Fact: 66% of members of the US military in WWII were drafted.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Osiris125 View Post
    It sucks when people take this day of remembrance and twist it into political garbage. Fun Fact: 66% of members of the US military in WWII were drafted.
    Yep, sometimes the truth sucks, doesn't it!

    Nothing political about what I posted. It's fact. My grandfather was technically called to service by conscription in the early months of 1942 as were hundreds of thousands of young males but he and the vast majority of those young men were making plans to volunteer at the time of their conscription. Through the war years as teenagers became of service age they were called to service by their local draft boards. The members of those draft boards lived and were intimately involved in their communities. They knew when the young men of their communities were of service age. They were drafted, as my grandfather was, prior to them even having the opportunity to volunteer.

    Believe this, you can regurgitate all the numbers you want. To waste time fact checking your drivel is futile because it's a FACT that there was no problem with willing and voluntary participation in the war effort of WW II whether it was actual military personnel or those who kept the supply lines flowing or manufacturing the equipment needed to win. People had no illusions of what the cause meant to the whole world and their duty to follow through with that cause.

    I maintain, and will continue to maintain, that we would have a serious problem if we had to depend on the massive training and deployment of man-bun/gamer boys, antifoofoo, marxist black lives matter types of service age in society today to vanquish a serious threat to our country, culture and way of life. Without masks to shield their identity and Target stores to rob and with people more than willing to shoot them dead they lose their nerve in a real hurry.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    When I see pictures of those young men in landing craft prior to the beach assault it gives me chills. They truly were America’s Greatest Generation.
    I hate time trials.

  11. #11
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    Feb 2015


    My Dad volunteered for the Marine Corps during WWII despite being a young man who had just started his first business in a new town and was just beginning his life with a wife and a baby (me) who was born just weeks before Pearl Harbor. He spent the war in the Pacific Theater fighting the Japanese.

    His younger brother, my uncle, joined the Army Air Corps and was a waist gunner and radioman in bombers. They were shot down over Germany and he spent the last 13 months of the war in a POW camp. They regularly had Nazis put a Luger to their heads trying, without any luck, to get information from them.

    Their father, my grandfather went to France with the Army just as WWI was ending.

    Thankfully for me, they all came home in one piece, went back to doing their civvy jobs without missing a beat and lived their lives. None of them ever said more than a few words about their experiences and never expected a pat on the back for their service. Several of my childhood friends lost fathers, uncles, etc. in the wars or had them come home missing arms, legs, etc.

    They definitely were the Greatest Generation and what America used to be about.

  12. #12
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    In this century, we have a significant portion of those under the age of 30 who have been through at least 12 years of intense indoctrination (some as much as 20 years) that consists of left wing propaganda and hatred for anyone who has the audacity to factually point out the folly and danger of their ideology. They seek to destroy the very country that allows for them to be coddled and allows for impunity of their criminal activity.

    I repeat, if and when the day comes when their cowardly masks are rendered useless and someone is bent on ending their way of life and their existence they will run like adolescent school girls looking for a Target to rob. You notice all those woke bastards didn't mess with that St. Louis lawyer and his wife who gave them a choice of leaving him, his wife and property alone or risk getting ventilated with massive blood leakage. I'm glad one of the criminals got video of that incident. I smile every time I see it!! LOL!

  13. #13
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    Mar 2021


    So if you were in a situation where you were somebody is pointing a gun at you, you would push the issue and try to attack the person? If backing off at the sign of a gun is something worth mocking, I can only assume you'd do the opposite of something so cowardly.

  14. #14
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    On the road


    So that old saying about assuming really is true.....nice
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Osiris125 View Post
    So if you were in a situation where you were somebody is pointing a gun at you, you would push the issue and try to attack the person? If backing off at the sign of a gun is something worth mocking, I can only assume you'd do the opposite of something so cowardly.
    If we want to play the assumption game I'll go ahead and assume you are sympathetic and even encouraging towards criminals who rob and commit arson in the name of equity. You may, or may not deny it but I'll continue to assume you do since all evidence points to that being the case.

    The men and women who fought and won WW II engaged people who were pointing guns at them and would, and did, gladly kill some or all of them. The overwhelming majority of those people didn't run the other way and in the case of D-Day the ran towards the people who would, and did, gladly kill some or all of them.

    While we're assuming here I'm confident in my assumption that the man-bun/gamer boys, antifoofoo, marxist black lives matter crowd would run like school girls if put in the situation where their honor and valor in the face of the enemy was needed to insure the American way of life. Yep, your spot on in that regard.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2021


    Didn't answer the question though, if you were unarmed and held at gunpoint with a choice to back off or push it, which would you choose?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Never go into a gun fight without a gun.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Osiris125 View Post
    ---- if you were unarmed and held at gunpoint with a choice to back off or push it, which would you choose?
    Personally, I’d never put myself in a situation like that.

  19. #19
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    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Osiris125 View Post
    Didn't answer the question though, if you were unarmed and held at gunpoint with a choice to back off or push it, which would you choose?
    Dam your stupid!! LOL. THAT scenario is NOT what is being discussed here. What's being discussed is the cowardice and lack of dedication of today's service age people as compared to those who helped save the world from tyranny and fascism over 70 years ago. The question is not the least bit pertinent to the subject at hand.

    The answer to your immaterial and simpleminded question is obvious but it has NOTHING to do with what is being discussed. Yeesh! The second paragraph of post #15 clearly lays out the difference between woke children and real men and women also known as The Greatest Generation.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by lurker View Post
    Never go into a gun fight without a gun.
    lurker, if those good folks in St. Louis had not been armed and willing to use deadly force they may well not have a home or their lives today. They deserve all the accolades they get. Bravo!!


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