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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Marion, IA


    Quote Originally Posted by ALLDIRT View Post
    I am so sick that we have to here about everyone's sex preference , The Black brown skin ,
    Bull$hit , along with mixed couples . How did we get to where crying about this is just what
    our leaders want . And that is exactly what has happened . Why does the people have to put
    up with this ignorance . Why is everyone a hero now , for a girl driving a race car , or a saving '
    a cat up a tree , or getting the vaccine to make someone else safe . What happened to the
    country that anyone that had problems they took care of it , rather than make it someone
    else's problem to . KEEP THE SIMPLE BULL$HIT TO YOURSELF . I don't give two cents of
    what color you are , or who you like to fk . Get a life and maybe you will be fine if you keep
    it to yourself . Why do we have to here about it .
    It's because people like NorthAlabama make life hard for people they don't approve of. Being a mixed couple or a gay couple in certain parts of the country isn't easy. Those couples just want to live their lives without others judging them.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Most of those people think that because they are mixed that people really care…..fact is, most of us don’t….you just aren’t that important man.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  3. #43
    Join Date
    May 2018


    mccarter, one STUDIES the Bible, and religion in general to gain knowledge on how to be a better person and moral citizen. Also, I didn't write the Bible, I quoted from it. There are many like you who don't live a moral life and remain in the left ditch in life, in pain and anger trying to change the world to a terrible hell. Because if one is a failure in the eyes of God, don't drag the rest of the world down with you. There is great advise in the Bible, do follow it. For it states that one can judge another by the fruit they produce. So are you going to tell God again to FO? For that bad fruit will make one a very sick individual of hate, like yourself........ You jumped on this tread to ask a question that you all ready knew the answer of, then started your foul mouth like always. I beg of you, please change your unmoral ways, you will only then get to enjoy life.

  4. #44
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    Again NA… make points that i don’t necessarily agree with but they are hard not to sometimes.

    Keep on driving McNugget crazy like that…. It’s good for him to see.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  5. #45
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    Mar 2013
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    Spot on with the Bible being the best book on “how to be a better person for dummies” analogy by the way.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    mccarter, one STUDIES the Bible, and religion in general to gain knowledge on how to be a better person and moral citizen. Also, I didn't write the Bible, I quoted from it. There are many like you who don't live a moral life and remain in the left ditch in life, in pain and anger trying to change the world to a terrible hell. Because if one is a failure in the eyes of God, don't drag the rest of the world down with you. There is great advise in the Bible, do follow it. For it states that one can judge another by the fruit they produce. So are you going to tell God again to FO? For that bad fruit will make one a very sick individual of hate, like yourself........ You jumped on this tread to ask a question that you all ready knew the answer of, then started your foul mouth like always. I beg of you, please change your unmoral ways, you will only then get to enjoy life.

    We said.......God promises us in His word that we will have an abundant life if we follow Him and His teachings! I can surely attest that, that, is the TRUTH!

    Why would anyone on this earth not want that?

  7. #47
    Join Date
    May 2018


    mccarter stated in the past that the GF's parents did not approve of their relationship, per say. I hope it is not the goal just to get the girl pregnant so she can get citizenship in the US, with no married father........ He stated above that I "make life hard" for those who choose an alternate lifestyle. Reminds me of the older man in his Sunday's best at walley world in shock when he saw a couple tattooed fully, face all inked-up. Then the female with the cancer ink in her veins looked at the inked male and stated, "what is he looking at?" referring to the older well dressed man when both came by me (OT- don't cut your body for the dead nor mark it). Some of these folks on the left don't get it, their minds want to rebel against everything that is of norms, not in their best interest. Reminds me of the two young homosexual males at a pool with one sitting in the others lap embraced kissing each other while my very young relative boy watched, they don't get it neither. " Those couples just want to live their lives without others judging them", was posted also; notice the word "others", not the best complete word; for the word "God" was not included. To them there is on God, which is just plain good and great anyway one turns it, but just do as you please. There are no Natural laws nor rules nor standards in 'morals', for that word was canceled. Destroy and change all norms of family, race, culture, that has been on this world for thousands of years........mccarter stated that the NT overrides the OT, not so, an excuse to do as he pleases for some do not acknowledge the NT in all of its writings. TT was reading my mind when TT posted, "what about Christian Jews?". And the Jewish issues, kosher means 'fit', and most people eat kosher and don't know it. I love bacon more than anything (not healthy- how did they know?) but I would not buy pig's milk, that is for piglets. Scaled fish does not have the mercury content, I heard, that skin bottom feeders have. Another wrong stated issue, of mixed clothing or clothing made of two different materials. There are many different ideals on that, but I think it has to do with 'sheep' and 'lamb' threads, which is referenced as people (flock) and Jesus; but that is my take. Wearing clothes, say a fur over coat along with sack ?????? clothes, is different.........One must study the things to gain knowledge. I remember a young Black male saying on TV that "education is racist, one just can google it"....... Something that I've noticed about religion, it is written as a spiritual form but applies in the real "matter" world. How did the writers know all of this knowledge back then?

  8. #48
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    May 2018


    The race war has took another turn, a heads-up for days. The race war to force everybody to take the "not real" Pfizer vaccine, FDA approved. Biden is now forcing people to take it, example, the military, no choice. The Socialist Government now can allow every business/college to discriminate, 'Shoes, Shirt, Jab, Booster shots'. Covid will be around always, somewhere in the world, in some form. I'm concerned that sever side effects will show up generations from now............It reminds me of an old movie, I think the name was 'The Omega Man'. Charles ?????, actor, had a vaccine for himself to prevent changing into a night creature; thus living in an electrified barbwire up stairs apartment with bright floods lights to keep the non-vaccinated night monsters at bay; while playing chess with his plastic friend. But don't get caught out at night; and don't let the generator stop.
    Last edited by NorthAlabama; 08-24-2021 at 03:01 AM.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Feb 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    The race war has took another turn, a heads-up for days. The race war to force everybody to take the "not real" Pfizer vaccine, FDA approved. Biden is now forcing people to take it, example, the military, no choice. The Socialist Government now can allow every business/college to discriminate, 'Shoes, Shirt, Jab, Booster shots'. Covid will be around always, somewhere in the world, in some form. I'm concerned that sever side effects will show up generations from now............It reminds me of an old movie, I think the name was 'The Omega Man'. Charles ?????, actor, had a vaccine for himself to prevent changing into a night creature; thus living in an electrified barbwire up stairs apartment with bright floods lights to keep the non-vaccinated night monsters at bay; while playing chess with his plastic friend. But don't get caught out at night; and don't let the generator stop.
    More than with you . Pretty sure way latter down the road good chance will be soE bad side affects !

  10. #50
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    Marion, IA


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    mccarter stated in the past that the GF's parents did not approve of their relationship, per say. I hope it is not the goal just to get the girl pregnant so she can get citizenship in the US, with no married father........
    You remember wrong. Everyone in her family supports our relationship. If she got pregnant, that wouldn't make it easier for her to get citizenship. Getting married would make it easier to get a green card.

    Atheists and non-Christians get married as well. What makes you think I am opposed to getting married?

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by mcarter815 View Post
    Those couples just want to live their lives without others judging them.
    I’d guess, that is one of the main factors in you wanting to live in a different (country) environment, where your personal beliefs or values are not judged? Am I correct?

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by mcarter815 View Post
    Being a mixed couple or a gay couple in certain parts of the country isn't easy.
    I can see that. Westboro Baptist Church comes to mind.

  13. #53
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    Jul 2007


    I really don't give a $hit who marries who. Go marry the tree you love, or the c0ck roach you love, or the sheep you love as long as the relationship is consensual. I DON'T want people who want to engage in untraditional one woman-one man marriage relationships to have one smidgen more rights than people who engage in traditional marriage. Some of the militant marriage rights extremists have a hatred for those who believe in traditional marriage and they go out of their way to shove their lifestyle in the face and down their throats. It goes both ways and I don't advocate for the militant extremism either way.

    I have to agree with BBQ 100%. NA posts some stuff that I couldn't disagree with more but as long as he drives the resident Marxist man-bun gamer boy into a catatonic looney state I'm all in favor of him posting often.

  14. #54
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    mccarter, check out the snap shot of the hot blond Lauren Drain on the home website that lurker posted of the Westboro Baptist Church. Dang, I bet she could convert you to praising God just in 2 minutes on the back pew.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    mccarter, check out the snap shot of the hot blond Lauren Drain on the home website that lurker posted of the Westboro Baptist Church. Dang, I bet she could convert you to praising God just in 2 minutes on the back pew.
    That's funny that you bring her up because she was excommunicated by the Westboro Baptist Church.

  16. #56
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    ^^^^^^^ She could convert any red blooded male, but not mccarter. I was expecting something like, "I'll (mccarter) pretend to be a hammer and drive her like a nail in that wooden pew".

  17. #57
    Join Date
    May 2018


    The race war to get rid of covid is being blundered by Import Joe. What, 43,000 approved imports from Afghan; with 400,000 more in the works? Praise Is-slum in America. Plus what 20,000 children at the Southern border a month with their relatives having a pass soon afterwards (millions)? The dark Socialist have full control with in months. On the radio, I heard that the young is now 70% Socialist, everything free.

  18. #58
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    Is it any more offensive for people who were created with a desire for love and affection from the same sex to be treated wrongly and persecuted as it is for conservative thinking people and Trump voters to be singled out as universally and wrongly persecuted and lumped in as uneducated bigots and white supremacists? It's impossible to comprehend how that could be, but in this society it's accepted.

    Demented senile jo said recently during a teleprompter speech without hesitation that domestic white supremacy (a euphemism for all Trump supporters) is the number 1 terrorist threat to the U.S. of A. Isn't that kind of rhetoric from the president not suborning violence towards innocent people? It obviously is to anyone with minimal comprehension.

    I do NOT believe it is acceptable for people who are attracted to the same sex as themselves to be short changed or berated in any way. I also don't believe it is acceptable for conservatives/Trump supporters to be singled out for persecution of any kind, but they are.

    Check out the Willie Brown cum dump on the left and the dried up old bag of a drunk on the right listening to how Trump supporters are a grave threat to our country. LOLOL!!

  19. #59
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    Is it any more offensive for people who were created with a desire for love and affection from the same sex to be treated wrongly and persecuted as it is for conservative thinking people and Trump voters to be singled out as universally and wrongly persecuted and lumped in as uneducated bigots and white supremacists? It's impossible to comprehend how that could be, but in this society it's accepted.

    Demented senile jo said recently during a teleprompter speech without hesitation that domestic white supremacy (a euphemism for all Trump supporters) is the number 1 terrorist threat to the U.S. of A. Isn't that kind of rhetoric from the president not suborning violence towards innocent people? It obviously is to anyone with minimal comprehension.

    I do NOT believe it is acceptable for people who are attracted to the same sex as themselves to be short changed or berated in any way. I also don't believe it is acceptable for conservatives/Trump supporters to be singled out for persecution of any kind, but they are.

    Check out the Willie Brown cum dump on the left and the dried up old bag of a drunk on the right listening to how Trump supporters are a grave threat to our country. LOLOL!!

    My fore family as I have cherished , supported , worked for this country , as I am sure at least
    seventy five million today and millions before us have . But when you have a leader of this
    country , calls half of us out , no matter who we chose , and as our right , for whom we vote
    that is a criminal PIECE OF SH!T . And would be grounds for war as we are AMERICANS .
    Where and why would you vote for someone that would try and separate it's people . A life long
    PICECE OF SH!T that has robbed this country blind . Biden is a life long , lying , criminal
    pedophi!e .

  20. #60
    Join Date
    May 2018


    Another race war. At a nearby town, I heard from a young male of a church that might be Holiness the way he described their services. So I stopped by yesterday after an appointment at the dentist because there were cars parked in front, to check it out incase if I was that way, I would drop in and visit during their services. Part of the name of the church was block by a small tree when I pulled up front to park, but noticed small signs stuck in the grass areas stating, "We welcome everybody" and another "Everybody has a home here", something was uneasy was about that. So I go in and met the pastor's wife and ask her if the church was holiness, she said "yes", again, some uneasy about that also because the other older ladies didn't look the part, none of them. If you have ever been to a Holiness Church, you would know what I'm taking about. Standing there asking questions on what her husband's teachings was, a male looking short haired person with boobs walked up. It hit me like a brick, what the small two sings out front meant..........Remember the Catholic Church that had the front of it burnt, that Trump took the so-called photo shot in front of it holding the Bible wrong, do a search on that. Then read about their trans and homosexual history; letting children look up to a sick man dressed as a woman.


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