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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Blood on his hands....

    Biden should be removed from office RIGHT NOW ! ! ! !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by raceready View Post
    biden should be removed from office right now ! ! ! !
    biden should be hung rught now !!!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Where’s that pro joe guy that calls everyone gullible fools at?

    And who’s gullible again?
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Eldora Speedway


    Joe - 13
    Donald 429,000

    What was that you were saying?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Lewisville NC

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtMAN007 View Post
    biden should be hung rught now !!!!!!
    I think you meant right as opposed to rught so that's what we'll go with.

    Public hanging as a punishment fell out of favor a few decades ago so maybe instead you could just entice ol' jo to come to Fairbury and see if he's man enough to discuss and back up his political point of view with you and you can buy him a beer that he'd need to drink through a straw.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default BBQ You're A Big Ol' Meany!!

    WTF is the deal with the quote option?!

    BBQ, did you hurt the feelings of the guy that calls everyone gullible fools to the degree that he scampered off like a common c0ck roach? LOLOL!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I believe President Biden is just doing what they tell him too, and he don,t have a thought of his own - so who is really running the country? Maybe some of the so called 81 million can help speak up, if you are still proud !

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by TommyTipover View Post
    Joe - 13
    Donald 429,000

    What was that you were saying?
    says the ignorant fool.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I don't want any Democrat running a state or this country as all of you know. Where Biden is concerned i will repeat what I have been saying about him all along. He is incompetent and has been since he came into the Senate in 1972. The Democrats own this guy who they shoved down everyone's throat by lying by scorching a very strong leader.

    You reap what you sow as the saying goes. This will be far from the last incompetent handling of things by Mr Magoo. I know he is a mouth peace of the left, but the problem is he isn't in any position to push back against their wacko tunnel vision of reality

  11. #11
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    Jun 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by TommyTipover View Post
    Joe - 13Donald 429,000What was that you were saying?
    You must be adding in all of the deaths caused by people like Andrew Coumo [Dem N.Y.] turning rest homes into death houses ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    WTF is the deal with the quote option?!

    BBQ, did you hurt the feelings of the guy that calls everyone gullible fools to the degree that he scampered off like a common c0ck roach? LOLOL!
    Hiddin , along with a few others that defend that fool . I would be embarrassed to .

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Central Wisconsin


    I listened to the press conference live and watched bits and pieces later.

    The first person I was instructed to call on.... He really said that? Seriously? Who is giving you those instructions? Who is actually running - you?

    It was bad day, a horrible day, and the mumbling and stumbling feeble guy who came from the basement showed for the world to see how he is not up to this. The worst day for our military in ten years and he spends all that time talking about his son getting cancer and dying? Spare the pity party but what the he!! does that have to do with anything right now? That was just bizarre. That's an even worse self referential tactic than what Obama would have done and he was the league leader in overdosing on Vitamin I. Beau Biden was actually diagnosed with his early stages of cancer before he left on deployment, not after. The Big Guy spun it as if he was somehow a military casualty himself.

    Hey, I can use my dead son as a pity prop because this is a bad day for me. Ain't gonna be any questions about what flavor of ice cream I like today.

    This was supposed to be easy, this was supposed to be a great photo op on the twenty year anniversary of 9/11. But, he did get his Trump digs in. So we got that going for us.

    After the election I said the big losers were actually the press. I will double down on that because this is the guy the mainstream press gave us. Zhoe had one job to do and that was take out Bernie Sanders. Once he got the nomination all he had to do was hide in his basement and the mainstream talking heads kept telling us what a nice, measured, decent (huh?), grandfatherly type of guy he was. Hey, he'd been around a lotta years, so he has that experience, gravitas, bona fides, etc..

    Well just like Bob Gates famously said, he's been on the wrong side of every major foreign policy decision for the last 40 years. Better yet, like Obama said, never underestimate Joe Biden's ability to f&#k something up.

    The Trump blame just doesn't work here. To be fair, we can never know how well Trump's plan might have, could have, or should have worked. I think we know it couldn't have been worse. But the reason I say no Trump blame applies is pretty simple. From day one moment one of this administration it has been their mission to remove all things Trump from everything. Trump had us out of the JCPOA (Iran Deal) and Xiden had to get us back in it. Trump had us out of the Paris Climate Accords, Xiden got us back in it. Trump touted energy independence and Keystone XL. Xiden killed that. Trump had the border situation working. Well? I can give a lot more examples but you cannot tell me that the one thing, THE ONE THING, that could most hurt this presidency left over from the previous administration was completely and totally left in place AS IS. No way. Just the fact that Xiden had to move it closer to 9/11 shows what the agenda was. A great photo op for the Big Guy.

    I never really personally cared for Trump the man, but as they threw more and more BS at him I came to support him more. Russia Collusion was a complete fabrication and hoax. An impeachment over an ambiguous phone call complained upon by a State Dept staffer. The stuff they threw at Kavanaugh. The stuff they threw at anyone supporting Trump for that matter. Again, they impeached the guy over a phone call. Look at what the last eight months has given us and look at the obvious condition of this man who now occupies the Oval Office.

    The Dems so cheapened the intent and seriousness of what impeachment was put in place for. On the phone call issue for sure, but even more the second time around. The remedy for impeachment is removal from public office and they went ahead and impeached a private citizen who was no longer in office. They turned impeachment into a cheap political tool. But I don't think we have to worry about a revenge impeachment from the right should they retake the house. I don't think it will get that far.

    Don't think for one minute that Zhoe and Kamala are friends. She was the affirmative action pick. He made the claim he would have a woman of color veep. So he picked Veep Throat. But she was nasty to him in the debates, during her very short ride in the primaries. Doctor of kickball Jill hates Kamala and Kamala is tight with the Obamas. You think Obama really likes Zhoe? He didn't endorse him until there was nobody left to endorse.

    Right now, when the sh!t has hit the fan heavy, where is Veep Throat? Check the back of milk cartons cause she went to Vietnam. She distanced herself to the other side of the planet from this hot mess. Don't think she isn't feeling out some 25th Amendment angle.

    But hey, no more mean Tweets. We got that going for us.
    Political correctness, the inability to speak the truth about the obvious.

  14. #14
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    Aug 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by TommyTipover View Post
    Joe - 13 + 224,579=224,592
    Donald 429,000

    What was that you were saying?

    Fixed your math for ya!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Morgs153 View Post
    I listened to the press conference live and watched bits and pieces later.

    The first person I was instructed to call on.... He really said that? Seriously? Who is giving you those instructions? Who is actually running - you?

    It was bad day, a horrible day, and the mumbling and stumbling feeble guy who came from the basement showed for the world to see how he is not up to this. The worst day for our military in ten years and he spends all that time talking about his son getting cancer and dying? Spare the pity party but what the he!! does that have to do with anything right now? That was just bizarre. That's an even worse self referential tactic than what Obama would have done and he was the league leader in overdosing on Vitamin I. Beau Biden was actually diagnosed with his early stages of cancer before he left on deployment, not after. The Big Guy spun it as if he was somehow a military casualty himself.

    Hey, I can use my dead son as a pity prop because this is a bad day for me. Ain't gonna be any questions about what flavor of ice cream I like today.

    This was supposed to be easy, this was supposed to be a great photo op on the twenty year anniversary of 9/11. But, he did get his Trump digs in. So we got that going for us.

    After the election I said the big losers were actually the press. I will double down on that because this is the guy the mainstream press gave us. Zhoe had one job to do and that was take out Bernie Sanders. Once he got the nomination all he had to do was hide in his basement and the mainstream talking heads kept telling us what a nice, measured, decent (huh?), grandfatherly type of guy he was. Hey, he'd been around a lotta years, so he has that experience, gravitas, bona fides, etc..

    Well just like Bob Gates famously said, he's been on the wrong side of every major foreign policy decision for the last 40 years. Better yet, like Obama said, never underestimate Joe Biden's ability to f&#k something up.

    The Trump blame just doesn't work here. To be fair, we can never know how well Trump's plan might have, could have, or should have worked. I think we know it couldn't have been worse. But the reason I say no Trump blame applies is pretty simple. From day one moment one of this administration it has been their mission to remove all things Trump from everything. Trump had us out of the JCPOA (Iran Deal) and Xiden had to get us back in it. Trump had us out of the Paris Climate Accords, Xiden got us back in it. Trump touted energy independence and Keystone XL. Xiden killed that. Trump had the border situation working. Well? I can give a lot more examples but you cannot tell me that the one thing, THE ONE THING, that could most hurt this presidency left over from the previous administration was completely and totally left in place AS IS. No way. Just the fact that Xiden had to move it closer to 9/11 shows what the agenda was. A great photo op for the Big Guy.

    I never really personally cared for Trump the man, but as they threw more and more BS at him I came to support him more. Russia Collusion was a complete fabrication and hoax. An impeachment over an ambiguous phone call complained upon by a State Dept staffer. The stuff they threw at Kavanaugh. The stuff they threw at anyone supporting Trump for that matter. Again, they impeached the guy over a phone call. Look at what the last eight months has given us and look at the obvious condition of this man who now occupies the Oval Office.

    The Dems so cheapened the intent and seriousness of what impeachment was put in place for. On the phone call issue for sure, but even more the second time around. The remedy for impeachment is removal from public office and they went ahead and impeached a private citizen who was no longer in office. They turned impeachment into a cheap political tool. But I don't think we have to worry about a revenge impeachment from the right should they retake the house. I don't think it will get that far.

    Don't think for one minute that Zhoe and Kamala are friends. She was the affirmative action pick. He made the claim he would have a woman of color veep. So he picked Veep Throat. But she was nasty to him in the debates, during her very short ride in the primaries. Doctor of kickball Jill hates Kamala and Kamala is tight with the Obamas. You think Obama really likes Zhoe? He didn't endorse him until there was nobody left to endorse.

    Right now, when the sh!t has hit the fan heavy, where is Veep Throat? Check the back of milk cartons cause she went to Vietnam. She distanced herself to the other side of the planet from this hot mess. Don't think she isn't feeling out some 25th Amendment angle.

    But hey, no more mean Tweets. We got that going for us.
    He also said “ like so many “ that came back from Iraq he was diagnosed with brain cancer ! Did we lose a lot of soldiers that were in Iraq to brain cancer ? I honestly don’t know ? Anyone %?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by TommyTipover View Post
    Joe - 13
    Donald 429,000

    What was that you were saying?
    Wasn’t saying, was asking…..and I’ll ask again but a little slower and with a few more bits of detail so you can keep up.

    Where is that pro joe guy that calls everyone gullible? You know, the guy that calls everyone gullible that thinks Trump and America got shafted?

    Could he still be celebrating a win at the polls where he was jumping up and down screaming about how joe and conmala would be better for the country? When does that part start? Talk about gullibility……there, that a little better?

    I’ll wait.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Here is a link dealing with cancer rates of Iraq/Afghanistan war combat veterans. It doesn't mention brain cancer.

    I have no information on this internet source. It may be propaganda or it could be down the middle and legit (which is rare these days). I reckon everyone can judge that for themselves.

  18. #18
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    If everything I’m reading is correct deaths from cancer, emphysema,heart disease, kidney failure and even pneumonia are way down over the last year or so in the US……way way down.

    Sounds like we are doing something really good in the US, doesn’t it?……or does it?

    Idiots, like nobody is looking or has a brain to think for themselves.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    Where’s that pro joe guy that calls everyone gullible fools at?

    And who’s gullible again?

    His union slavemaster told him to shut-up, he's an embarassment even to the liberal union!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Barbecueboy View Post
    Where is that pro joe guy that calls everyone gullible?
    You talking about the guy that’s only good at short drive-by postings with no real substance, that doesn’t come back and converse after the drive-by? That always misses his target by a mile and never picks up his brass either? That guy?


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