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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    gone be interesting how this interview is perceived by the 4M democracy .......I do agree there is no place for celebration in this case , but how things goes from here , as far as justice goes is the question......

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    Don lemon…robin mead…Chris cuomo have their viewers convinced that they are the most level headed……or is it flat headed where they were dropped at birth?

    The same amount of viewers who approve of Brandons job performance!

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Old’ kaz either lacks the knowledge or the guts to answer a relatively simple question. I suspect the latter rather than the former. Come on kaz, state your case or forfeit your credibility.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I’m sure it’s both!!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    Credibilty/Biden supporter is an oxymoron!

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2021


    I saw some photos of him dining in a restaurant after the trial.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO25 View Post
    Credibilty/Biden supporter is an oxymoron!
    Zero, it speaks volume’s about ol’ kaz that he can’/won’t back up his statements with facts. Anybody can spew biased opinion, it’s a totally different matter to make a factual case in support of you say.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Central Wisconsin


    I really hope that Rittenhouse measures his time in the limelight going forward. If he really wants to seek some normalcy and anonymity, much of that will be on him. There will be plenty of outside influencers and temptations along the way few of which/whom can provide a normal life. We shall see. Gonna have to get mature in a hurry.

    That being said I hope he does pursue some lawsuits. There are many who need to be taught a lesson from this just like they were supposed to learn their lesson in the Sandmann case.

    Here is a good case study for you guys. For the last year or more, the left leaning MSM gave us constant BS about how Kyle was: racist, white supremacist, Proud Boys member, militia member and everything along those lines. We learned he was basically none of that and the MSM knew that early on because there was absolutely nothing in his social media or life to support that. The evil things he did post, he supported the president and the police. They couldn't have that.

    Now in Waukesha, Wisconsin we had a mass murder, mass casualty event at a Christmas parade committed by multiple felon Darrell Brooks driving his vehicle through the parade of people. So far six are dead and almost 50 injured. Brooks had a very active social media presence where he posted: white hatred, support for BLM, support for the Nation of Islam, support for the black Hebrew Israelites, and he even posted about driving a vehicle into people. He was out on low bail (a liberal wet dream) for two felonies, one of which where he used his vehicle to try and drive over his baby momma. The MSM is referring to this as a simple car crash, where an SUV drove through a crowd. Where is the MSM when it comes to the motivations possibly expressed by Brooks in his social media? This was nothing short of mass murder and it should be called that in every story but the perp and his life doesn't comport with what CNN, MSNBC and the others would want you to know. Look into it, you'll see.

    Heaven Hills Distillery in Kentucky makes whiskey. One of their brands is Rittenhouse Rye. Heaven Hills posted on their social media that they were upset people were buying that brand to celebrate the Rittenhouse verdict. The backlash they are receiving on Facebook and Twitter is heartwarming to someone like me. Conservatives can boycott too.

    Now, I do drink rye and I will never buy their brand, or any of their brands after this public display of wokeness. Who the he!! in that company thought it was a good idea to send out that declaration? You sell booze. What the he!! do you care what people do with it, or how they celebrate with it once it is out the door? Is Corona upset about the name of their beer and issuing apologies for that? But hey, being on the woke bandwagon and continuing the gaslighting war was more important I guess.
    Political correctness, the inability to speak the truth about the obvious.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    On the road


    I took their stance more as how it was inappropriate for bars across the country to feature 3 rittenhouse shots as a special and make it look like heaven hill promoted it somehow.…..

    Be like China promoting Corona beer for as a form of population control…’s just in bad taste

    Maybe I read it wrong.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Rittenhouse is not a hero. However, what he did and his ultimate vindication represent what is a basic human right, deadly personal self defense and that of loved ones, that must be allowed and protected or society/civilization is truly in jeopardy. What happened with the felonious senile joe voter mobs during the summer of 2020 and what is happening with the robberies being perpetrated by senile joe supporters in Cali and Seattle is not conducive to a civil society and basic civilization and has to be met with swift and decisive defense and justice.

    Does our resident senile jo & the ho voter/excuse maker kaz have any alternative to civil society or is he scared to expose his “progressive” (whatever the heII that means) ideology?

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    You called it ………he’s a COWARD !

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Whoa there CIRF, I leave for a few days over thanksgiving and you get anxious. Some people here continue to feel better about themselves and their isolated, narrow view if they can put people in a box. If I voted for JB then I have to be a Democrat. He was the better choice for me in 2020, yes I dislike and distrust Ole Orange that much, lesser of two evils. Biden’s energy and financial policies are disappointing but I’d do the same thing over if given the same choices. Biden’s money giveaway under the Covid relief program is, in my opinion, one of the two or three causes of our current inflation situation, it wasn’t hard to see it coming. I hope for better choices in 2024. I detest the 2020 summer riots and lawlessness in general. Including what’s gone on in Portland, Seattle, etc. And yes against the lawlessness of the June 6th Capitol riot too. The people instigating the smash and grab crap should be prosecuted to the fullest, lock em up and throw the key away. I’m conservative, Republican and anti many social programs and theres more than just a few of us out here. Give me a better Republican choice in 2024 and I’m there. So don’t put me in your box, I can walk and chew gum at the same time, thank you very much. Go ahead and continue to call people names that disagree with you and make your little verbal assaults if that helps you feel better. I have no need to play your games and have no need to justify your anger, questions, or beliefs. As for you dirtman, you’re irrelevant, meh.
    I hate time trials.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    " he was the better choice for me in 2020 " lesser of to evils " , its not about evil , its about you and the other haters hating trump soooo much , never mind the great things trump did , oh and by the way , your " better " choice is gradually bringing them back , so its time for you and the rest of the haters to admit you screwed up because of hate and hate alone , but we understand , its your right , its your vote , but there is no way that you or the rest with your train of thought will ever admit you screwed up , and thats ok to because i honestly believe deep down you know you did .....BTW kaz , if you were old enough , did you vote for carter ? Ole peanut man can pass on to the next world knowing he will not go down in history as the worst pres of all time ,,,lol,,,,
    Last edited by fastford; 11-29-2021 at 09:22 AM.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Anxious you say? LOL and LOL a bit more. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying great dirt open wheel racing in central and Southern California during Thanksgiving. In comparison being anxious over the likes of you doesn’t enter the equation.

    The adjectives I use to describe you are both accurate and apropos, thank you. LOL. If you live up to those adjectives then own ‘em or forfeit your credibility. Every morning over breakfast at the hotel I break up the morning boredom by visiting 4m before heading to the track the entertainment value here, minimal as it is,, does actually stem a bit of the boredom.

    After all your pontification and baseless accusations you continue to evade the original question and still haven’t clearly answered and explained specifically what Tucker Carlson’s “agenda” actually is. A simple answer to a simple question posed by a simple guy.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by fastford View Post
    " he was the better choice for me in 2020 " lesser of to evils " , its not about evil , its about you and the other haters hating trump soooo much , never mind the great things trump did , oh and by the way , your " better " choice is gradually bringing them back , so its time for you and the rest of the haters to admit you screwed up because of hate and hate alone , but we understand , its your right , its your vote , but there is no way that you or the rest with your train of thought will ever admit you screwed up , and thats ok to because i honestly believe deep down you know you did .....BTW kaz , if you were old enough , did you vote for carter ? Ole peanut man can pass on to the next world knowing he will not go down in history as the worst pres of all time ,,,lol,,,,
    Honest and truthful post, ff! Bravo!

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    All I can say is those who voted for Biden are getting exactly what they deserve. Kaz not only did you help elect a fool who has accomplished nothing in 50 years, you gave voice to the lunatic left who is trying to drive this Country into a ditch. It is one thing to say you voted for Biden, its another to say you would do it again. LOL. REP maybe, a conservative one, not a chance. Not with a statement like that.

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Hated DINALD TRUMP more than you LOVE YOUR COUNTRY !!!!! Kudos for admitting that one !

  18. #58
    Join Date
    May 2020


    Kaz, to me you have now lost all credibility. You voted Biden because "lesser of two evils". That shows that you are a Trump hater and a left winger that would rather have a man that is sold out 100% to the Chinese Communist party and the Globalists and Communists in America that are trying to destroy our country over a man that made the country better than it's ever been for those of a sane mind. So you stand for Communists over a free America.

    You've made your choice sadly.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Gov should be about policies and not personalities. People who vote against someone that they hate who has policies far superior to the opposition just has been duped by the lying media, is just playing into the opposition like a lap dog.

    Unfortunately i know several people who are basically conservative who voted for Biden just like Kaz.
    I asked them how they like their choice so far? They are responded like Kaz. I said "stay tuned it gets worse".

    Personally I knew exactly what we were getting with Biden. Nothing he has done has surprised me a bit. wonder why the Rep Trump haters didn't see it coming. Stupid is as stupid does.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    we all did TS , and I blame the ones you mentioned , there personality hate blurred there vision , I said before , he was not a perfect human being , who is , there was things trump did I did not like , but thats not why I voted for him....


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