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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    Whoa there CIRF, I leave for a few days over thanksgiving and you get anxious. Some people here continue to feel better about themselves and their isolated, narrow view if they can put people in a box. If I voted for JB then I have to be a Democrat. He was the better choice for me in 2020, yes I dislike and distrust Ole Orange that much, lesser of two evils. Biden’s energy and financial policies are disappointing but I’d do the same thing over if given the same choices. Biden’s money giveaway under the Covid relief program is, in my opinion, one of the two or three causes of our current inflation situation, it wasn’t hard to see it coming. I hope for better choices in 2024. I detest the 2020 summer riots and lawlessness in general. Including what’s gone on in Portland, Seattle, etc. And yes against the lawlessness of the June 6th Capitol riot too. The people instigating the smash and grab crap should be prosecuted to the fullest, lock em up and throw the key away. I’m conservative, Republican and anti many social programs and theres more than just a few of us out here. Give me a better Republican choice in 2024 and I’m there. So don’t put me in your box, I can walk and chew gum at the same time, thank you very much. Go ahead and continue to call people names that disagree with you and make your little verbal assaults if that helps you feel better. I have no need to play your games and have no need to justify your anger, questions, or beliefs. As for you dirtman, you’re irrelevant, meh.

    You would do it AGAIN?..........people like you are the problem!

    When can I expect a check from fuel expense is up $8,000 compared to Trump 2020! You should own your mistakes!

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    BTW kaz , if you were old enough , did you vote for carter ? Ole peanut man can pass on to the next world knowing he will not go down in history as the worst pres of all time ,,,lol,,,,

    Well said FF.............I got peanut man and Barry tied for 2nd! lol

    There seems to be a pattern of worst presidents with a ......D.......behind their name!

  3. #63
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buford.Justice View Post
    Kaz, to me you have now lost all credibility. You voted Biden because "lesser of two evils". That shows that you are a Trump hater and a left winger that would rather have a man that is sold out 100% to the Chinese Communist party and the Globalists and Communists in America that are trying to destroy our country over a man that made the country better than it's ever been for those of a sane mind. So you stand for Communists over a free America.

    You've made your choice sadly.
    Hey man, I wasn’t convinced trump was the right guy at first just because I’ve eaten Trump streaks, drank his vodka and like everyone else witnessed all the other business wins and failures over the years and just didn’t think he was presidential material…..I was almost not going to vote that year but voted anyway because I couldn’t “ not vote”. Trump was my choice because he was definitely the lesser of two evils…..Turns out, he was pretty dam good and got sheet done.
    So I don’t really begrudge anyone for using that lesser of two evil logic, but to say joe was that guy is where it goes off the rails.

    The dems like furor pelosi looked at trump in the White House like judge schmales wife did the caddies in the pool at bushwood…….the pool got drained in 2020….and look what’s left.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    Roto Rooter aint got enough pump trucks to clean up "whats left"! lol

  5. #65
    Join Date
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    The sad reality is, we’re burdened with the senile clown, the ho and his Marxist administration ol kazzy gleefully voted for and dutifully supports to this day in spite of the huge number of collective failures.

    The whole country is enduring the dire consequences of voting according to hurt feelings as opposed results and the overall well being of the population. Anyone who cast a vote for jo & the ho and is still one of the 30 something percent who still approve of what is being done by this administration is either really dumb or unwaveringly ideologically aligned or part of the media.

    Ol’kaz has yet to answer the Carlson question so we’ll add another easy question. Are ya’ pullin’ for Jussie to walk? LOL!

  6. #66
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    Hey BBQ, the quote still doesn’t work but your post describes my feelings regarding DJT to a tee. Couldn’t have expressed my own point of view any better than you did.

  7. #67
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    Thanks brother, I think many of us started out that way initially with trump…….the bottom line is he was pretty dam good at it after he got elected.
    He hurt people’s feelings no doubt…..but those people were just mad because they got “ woke the fak up” out of a self induced pelosiopathic slumber.

    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO25 View Post
    Roto Rooter aint got enough pump trucks to clean up "whats left"! lol
    Well it ain’t a baby Ruth bar, that’s for sure.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    And mixed with a lotta Trump butthurt!

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    the problem with politics today is people vote more for personal appeal instead of potential job performance , thats what happened with trump , now with joe and the ho , im not sure what the h3ll they were voting for , I like to think I dont HATE any one , but its the only way to explain what happened in 2020 .....

  11. #71
    Join Date
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    Is calling CNN fake news really hurting their feelings or just plain coming out with the truth???

    In the lefts world it is offensive and orange man bad. hehe
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Trump is the first Republican candidate I haven’t voted for since being old enough to vote. Consider him to be the most dangerous man to ever hold the office in my time, period, my opinion. I had nothing but high hopes and best wishes for his success when he was elected, he was my president. But his deceitful, lying, and self serving ways eventually me back to reality. Put him on a pedestal if you wish, not this Ole boy.
    I hate time trials.

  13. #73
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    Jul 2008


    LOL, that may be but you just spit out the Dem talking point. "He destroyed our Democracy". RUSSIA
    RUSSIA RUSSIA. He is dangerous because he is not a politician. Can't have that. He lied. Whoops, but he didn't lie about what he stood for and what he was going to do.

    Yeah he was dangerous. I like the Self serving part. This would be the dumbest observation yet. What President has not been self serving? Trump loves his Country and righted many wrongs. Now we are stuck in the Global warming clown show again and throwing millions of dollars down the toilet while, China, India and Russia laugh at us. Three of the biggest so called abusers and they didn't he show up at the charade meeting.

    I am sure glad we got ole Joe in charge, he was certainly a good option to DJT

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    come on KAZ , do you REALLY believe we are safer and better off now than with the trump administration ????? if so , then you should never vote republican again because we do not need your logic .....

  15. #75
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    Well how ‘bout ol’ kazzy. You’re attempts at self righteous “high minded” pontification to justify you refusal to answer the original question seem phony and gutless. You make statements but appear not to have the intellect or the commitment of opinion to back them up with facts. It’s not my games your afraid of, it’s your own game of bloviation without intestinal willingness to back it up. That says a lot more about you than it does me.

    Are you and TS FAN the same person? You run from legitimate questions with self righteous similarity?

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastford View Post
    come on KAZ , do you REALLY believe we are safer and better off now than with the trump administration ????? if so , then you should never vote republican again because we do not need your logic .....
    No way he believes that we are…….no way.

    If he really does, well…….
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  17. #77
    Join Date
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    I smell a RINO among us! God help us!

    Some people never grow up and become adults!

  18. #78
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO25 View Post
    I smell a RINO among us! God help us!Some people never grow up and become adults!
    Well thank you, that’s the kindest thing any of you boys have said about me. If you mean someone that ascribed to the Republican Party before DJT hero worship became the norm then yes I’m guilty.
    I hate time trials.

  19. #79
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    Mar 2008


    Did TRUMP have sex with your wife at some point ?

  20. #80
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    When the proverbial $hit hits the fan for real, and it will, maybe sooner than than later, you’ll have the distinction and satisfaction of knowing you helped it to happen and even hastened what appears to be inevitable at this point. Take pride kazzy boy.

    A second Trump term probably would have merely prolonged the inevitable thus your high minded hurt feelings and the collective hurt feelings of those like you are of little significance in the long run.

    There is no expectation of you comprehending that since you are loathe to specifically articulate your opinion regarding something as mundane as Tucker Carlson’s “agenda”.

    You’ve succeeded in further lowering expectations from a starting point of mediocrity. We’ll done!


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