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Thread: World War 3...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ALLDIRT View Post
    Does anyone still watch FAKENEWS CNN . i Guess some people don't have the
    brains to check out other news to decipher the truth . And anyone who support what
    is going on in the White House and can't find the truth , is Living Off them . Or your
    just plain STUPID .
    The more stupid someone is , the more they think they know .

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Central Wisconsin


    For any of us who have been around long enough it is really somewhat funny to see the differences and the pretty much 180 degree spin the left has taken.

    Back in the day it was the left who had the enormous distrust of big government. They were the activists who didn't trust the FBI, the spooks at the CIA, they had the ACLU on their speed dial for all things that upset them about the overreach of the big machine.

    Think back just 20 years and who didn't trust the war mongers and neo-Cons? The CIA helped sell the Iraq War with the WMD spin and D!ck Cheney was the most hated man by the left. I remember the bumper stickers back in the day "Cheney/Satan 2008".

    Today Liz Cheney is the heroin of the left because she broke ranks with other Republicans and went against Trump. The left now loves them some Cheney family when just a short time ago they hated their guts and wished them to he!!.

    The FBI has now been proven corrupt and partisan in their leadership. Those days of Hoover spying on MLK (and others) are all forgiven because, they helped spy on Trump. Forget about their screw ups like Richard Jewell, Ruby Ridge, their handling of Whitey Bulger, their role in Russia Collusion, their screw ups in the Larry Nassar case, their role in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping case, etc. They are now heroes to the left because - all that matters - they went against Trump. That's all it took for them to qualify as good in the eyes of the left.

    And me, I was in law enforcement. I actually received some training from FBI agents back in the day. I always held them in high regard, back then. Today, I look at a once great agency with disappointment for what they've been allowed to become.

    The other alphabet soup agencies which used to get suspicion and scorn from the left; NSA, CIA, and the like were widely mistrusted. Today they are heroes to the left cause people like Clapper and Brennan colluded against Trump. Heck, even the ACLU picks its fights differently than it did before.

    Today we see two tiers of justice. Rioters, looters and those who burned our cities and caused death and injury in 2020 were given a pass. Charges were summarily dropped and others given a wave off of time served. But if you were in a crowd who trespassed into the Capitol it doesn't even matter if you actually did anything beyond the act of walking into the building - you get solitary confinement and you're still awaiting charges, more than a year later! No bail, no family visits, no 6th amendment, and certainly no ACLU coming to your aid.

    The left's trust of big government is now on grand display with the blind acceptance of mandates, lock downs, and big government rule making. All things that they would have been front and center against just a generation ago. Think back to what the hippie type of the 60s-70s is like today if they are still around. They are the old person screaming at you to put your mask on.

    Just observations.

    I still didn't get an answer to a question I presented a couple posts back. What is so important about Ukraine right now that it is worth the life of one US son or daughter?

    That answer should have nothing to do with where you decide to get your news. That's an answer any one of us can come up with on our own. We were duped into going into Iraq - it cost us trillions and it cost thousands of American dead. Even the left used to say Afghanistan was the "good war" because that was where Osama and al Qaeda were allowed to hide. That devolved into two decades or nation building and trying to build a bridge for those people to get into the 7th century. It cost us trillions and many more lives. Our grand exit from there was on display for all to see.

    Our military right now is depleted. It is painted rust in some regards. Yes, we've got the greatest technology and equipment but while Russia and China practices shooting you in the face and tearing your head off, we worry about too many conservatives in the ranks, transgendered service members, correct pronoun usage, diversity, equity, and inclusion and all that utter nonsense. China practices killing aircraft carriers and we make a big deal of our first transgender admiral.

    You wanna take that military machine to Ukraine and fight Russia?
    Political correctness, the inability to speak the truth about the obvious.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    To HELL with that Lez Cheney and the Harris she rode in on ! ! ! !

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgs153 View Post
    For any of us who have been around long enough it is really somewhat funny to see the differences and the pretty much 180 degree spin the left has taken.

    Back in the day it was the left who had the enormous distrust of big government. They were the activists who didn't trust the FBI, the spooks at the CIA, they had the ACLU on their speed dial for all things that upset them about the overreach of the big machine.

    Think back just 20 years and who didn't trust the war mongers and neo-Cons? The CIA helped sell the Iraq War with the WMD spin and D!ck Cheney was the most hated man by the left. I remember the bumper stickers back in the day "Cheney/Satan 2008".

    Today Liz Cheney is the heroin of the left because she broke ranks with other Republicans and went against Trump. The left now loves them some Cheney family when just a short time ago they hated their guts and wished them to he!!.

    The FBI has now been proven corrupt and partisan in their leadership. Those days of Hoover spying on MLK (and others) are all forgiven because, they helped spy on Trump. Forget about their screw ups like Richard Jewell, Ruby Ridge, their handling of Whitey Bulger, their role in Russia Collusion, their screw ups in the Larry Nassar case, their role in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping case, etc. They are now heroes to the left because - all that matters - they went against Trump. That's all it took for them to qualify as good in the eyes of the left.

    And me, I was in law enforcement. I actually received some training from FBI agents back in the day. I always held them in high regard, back then. Today, I look at a once great agency with disappointment for what they've been allowed to become.

    The other alphabet soup agencies which used to get suspicion and scorn from the left; NSA, CIA, and the like were widely mistrusted. Today they are heroes to the left cause people like Clapper and Brennan colluded against Trump. Heck, even the ACLU picks its fights differently than it did before.

    Today we see two tiers of justice. Rioters, looters and those who burned our cities and caused death and injury in 2020 were given a pass. Charges were summarily dropped and others given a wave off of time served. But if you were in a crowd who trespassed into the Capitol it doesn't even matter if you actually did anything beyond the act of walking into the building - you get solitary confinement and you're still awaiting charges, more than a year later! No bail, no family visits, no 6th amendment, and certainly no ACLU coming to your aid.

    The left's trust of big government is now on grand display with the blind acceptance of mandates, lock downs, and big government rule making. All things that they would have been front and center against just a generation ago. Think back to what the hippie type of the 60s-70s is like today if they are still around. They are the old person screaming at you to put your mask on.

    Just observations.

    I still didn't get an answer to a question I presented a couple posts back. What is so important about Ukraine right now that it is worth the life of one US son or daughter?

    That answer should have nothing to do with where you decide to get your news. That's an answer any one of us can come up with on our own. We were duped into going into Iraq - it cost us trillions and it cost thousands of American dead. Even the left used to say Afghanistan was the "good war" because that was where Osama and al Qaeda were allowed to hide. That devolved into two decades or nation building and trying to build a bridge for those people to get into the 7th century. It cost us trillions and many more lives. Our grand exit from there was on display for all to see.

    Our military right now is depleted. It is painted rust in some regards. Yes, we've got the greatest technology and equipment but while Russia and China practices shooting you in the face and tearing your head off, we worry about too many conservatives in the ranks, transgendered service members, correct pronoun usage, diversity, equity, and inclusion and all that utter nonsense. China practices killing aircraft carriers and we make a big deal of our first transgender admiral.

    You wanna take that military machine to Ukraine and fight Russia?
    Dam I love reading your stuff…….
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2020


    A transgender General??? Sounds like walk the plank material!!! hahahhaha
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  6. #26
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    Who cares what they are or what they look like, as long as they can get the job done……..that’s what needs to be discussed.

    If they can’t they need replacing, if they can and do it well they need touting and recognized for it.

    Somewhere somehow all of that common sense discussion went to sleep when everyone woke up?
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  7. #27
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    I still didn't get an answer to a question I presented a couple posts back. What is so important about Ukraine right now that it is worth the life of one US son or daughter?

    With today's robots who needs people to fight wars. This is how we will fight with troops on the ground in the near future.
    Last edited by ss12; 01-27-2022 at 11:28 AM.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  8. #28
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    Jun 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Buford.Justice View Post
    A transgender General??? Sounds like walk the plank material!!! hahahhaha
    Funny, but TRUE !!!!

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    I still didn't get an answer to a question I presented a couple posts back. What is so important about Ukraine right now that it is worth the life of one US son or daughter?

    With today's robots who needs people to fight wars. This is how we will fight with troops on the ground in the near future.
    They will require union labor to build and subsequently will be overpriced, underutilized and of poor quality…….but the laborers will be paid top dollar and then will have to give some of that back to enter the building at work.

    To answer your question about what’s so important over there that we send our sons and daughters into harms way now??? Same thing that’s been so important every time we send our sons and daughters over seas to fight a war in a foreign country.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  10. #30
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    The answer to my question is the far off panacea of robots in combat? This conflict is potentially right around the corner.

    Right now there are between 150,000 and 200,000 Russian combat troops in pre-deployment locations in and around the Ukraine border. To give some perspective on that number it is roughly the same as the number of illegal aliens coming in across our southern border,....monthly.

    Yeah that's right, we are supposed to care about the security and preservation of the sovereign border of Ukraine when the current administration doesn't give two sh!ts about our border in this country. This is not worth our involvement with any troops on the ground.

    The below link is robot technology which was supposed to fore tell what was in our future back in 1962 and I have yet to see any benefit from it.
    Political correctness, the inability to speak the truth about the obvious.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    May 2020


    Mr. Biden and those betraying this nation should be rounded up, tried, and executed. This is our nation they are destroying on purpose!!!
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Buford.Justice View Post
    Mr. Biden and those betraying this nation should be rounded up, tried, and executed. This is our nation they are destroying on purpose!!!
    Impeach 46 impeach 46 impeach 46

  13. #33
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rajflyboy View Post
    Impeach 46 impeach 46 impeach 46
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  14. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buford.Justice View Post
    Mr. Biden and those betraying this nation should be rounded up, tried, and executed. This is our nation they are destroying on purpose!!!
    That won’t happen because the swamp is very deep and all of the alligators are inbread

  15. #35
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    Is Germany letting the West down?
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  16. #36
    Join Date
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    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  17. #37
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    Russian Aircraft Shoot Down by Special Weapon on Border
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  18. #38
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    Russia sent warships to Atlantic: Ireland and Norway are alarmed
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Russian Aircraft Shoot Down by Special Weapon on Border
    The possibility of it being shot down is being looked into…….is what the narrator said.

    It crashed sillystring.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  20. #40
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    Not sure I’ve ever seen someone talk about so much pride in the US and how he loves his country so much but takes glee in her struggles.

    Is that a union thing?
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????


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