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  1. #21
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    Just more of their gaslighting. They aren't just going after him, they are going after every supporter of him, every voter of him and everyone who is losing trust in politics, media, and especially institutions like the DOJ/FBI. They want everyone to feel some - guilt by association complex. Well, it could also backfire and steel the resolve of those who are fed up with this nonsense.

    The judge who actually signed off on the warrant had ties to Epstein in the past. Huh, what, yeah? Did the FBI ever react this way to Hillary? Remember the smashed phones? The 30,000 plus e-mails that were scrubbed and bleach bit wiped from her records? Did they ever go after Sandy Berger when he stole documents from National Archives? There's plenty of examples for this double standard. Two tiers of justice and now one is on display as an obvious political ploy.

    For sure, they are scared and they have to try anything take him down. He is still wildly popular and the current regime is in the bowl and swirling. The rallies are well attended. Most of his endorsements are playing out, they can't have that. They need to tie the endorsed candidates to a "bad guy". They're not only trying to save their mid-terms, they're trying to save their party, their regime, their way of existing. Look at what they have at stake if the onion gets peeled on Hunter Biden.

    The regime isn't just scared of Trump, they are scared of anyone like him. Perot was a bit of a blip in the 90s and they tolerated him because - he helped Clinton get in on both occasions. So they were willing to let that go. But Trump, he took down their chosen one, and before that he took out low energy Jeb. He p!ssed off both sides of the establishment. They are doing this to warn off any other future populist that might come down the road.

    They want to go back to the good old days of pretend slappy fights between two parties with barely a dime's worth of difference between them. One spends us into oblivion, and the other complains and spends just a little less. One gets to have their wins and the other plays the role of the gracious loser while they all play us and both enrich themselves. He interrupted their game.

    Do you want America, or do you want a banana republic regime?
    Political correctness, the inability to speak the truth about the obvious.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rajflyboy View Post
    People have gone through those papers regularly as they do with every other former president. What planet are you living on now?
    These Documents are classified information that not everybody gets to read. These documents are detrimental to the conman, and he doesn't want anybody else to see them. This is why he didn't return them when requested. They knew what he took and what wasn't returned. Someone in his inner circle gave them the information and where they were. The conman can release the search warrant to show what exactually what they were looking for. If he doesn't have anything to hide, he should release the search warrant. Now the republicans want to defund the FBI. I thought they were the party of law and order.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  3. #23
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    Central Wisconsin


    "Now the republicans want to defund the FBI. I thought they were the party of law and order."

    Lot's of people "thought" that too. Maybe back when Efrem Zimbalist Jr. was wheeling around in a Ford LTD on TV.

    The FBI no longer represents law and order when they act as an enforcement arm of a political party. Through the last several years they have laid out example after example. Their conduct in the Russia collusion hoax, their entrapment of Michael Flynn, their abuses of obtaining FISA warrants, their admissions in their own e-mail threads, their hiding of, and slow dragging the investigation regarding Hunter Biden's laptop, their role in the fake Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping charade, and their likely insider role in some J6 activities. Many more examples of their ineptness exist.

    I think they need to be moved out of DC. I think many agencies need to be moved out of DC. Most federal employees live in the DC sphere of influence. Just look at the counties of northern Virginia and the economic and voting demographics there. It is the land of the blue beast. High paid government employees marinated in big government largess. No matter the agency they work for. It isn't just the heads of those agencies who've become rotten, it is the career civil servants who populate the ranks. You can change the leadership but that's like getting new summer help.

    I spent over three decades in law enforcement. I actually received some training from the FBI during my career. Today I have zero trust for that agency. None whatsoever.

    Hey, just wait until those 87,000 new IRS agents hit the streets. You think they'll just be looking at the books of big shots? Yeah right. They'll be crawling up people's @sses with microscopes. Farmers, ranchers, landscapers, folks with small trucking companies, landlords, small business folks, anyone they think has been maybe doing a little cash on the side. Hey, probably a bunch of folks involved in racing too. When they come knocking, you wanna let them in? Hey, while were here, let's see that you got your guns safely tucked away. Show them to us. Still got the DEF hooked up on your diesel truck? Let's check some other things in the name of - compliance.

    The left has been all over defunding police at the local level with municipalities and sheriff's offices. But they love engorging federal arms that they get to control. They hate locally elected sheriffs. They not only want to defund, but with their antics they want to make the career objective so displeasing for anyone to choose that it depletes the ranks of the cities and towns where crime is out of control. Someday they would love to suggest - feds to the rescue - and try and take over in some of those places. Control.
    Political correctness, the inability to speak the truth about the obvious.

  4. #24
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    May 2007
    Jackson, Tn.


    Quote Originally Posted by Morgs153 View Post
    "Now the republicans want to defund the FBI. I thought they were the party of law and order."

    Lot's of people "thought" that too. Maybe back when Efrem Zimbalist Jr. was wheeling around in a Ford LTD on TV.

    The FBI no longer represents law and order when they act as an enforcement arm of a political party. Through the last several years they have laid out example after example. Their conduct in the Russia collusion hoax, their entrapment of Michael Flynn, their abuses of obtaining FISA warrants, their admissions in their own e-mail threads, their hiding of, and slow dragging the investigation regarding Hunter Biden's laptop, their role in the fake Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping charade, and their likely insider role in some J6 activities. Many more examples of their ineptness exist.

    I think they need to be moved out of DC. I think many agencies need to be moved out of DC. Most federal employees live in the DC sphere of influence. Just look at the counties of northern Virginia and the economic and voting demographics there. It is the land of the blue beast. High paid government employees marinated in big government largess. No matter the agency they work for. It isn't just the heads of those agencies who've become rotten, it is the career civil servants who populate the ranks. You can change the leadership but that's like getting new summer help.

    I spent over three decades in law enforcement. I actually received some training from the FBI during my career. Today I have zero trust for that agency. None whatsoever.

    Hey, just wait until those 87,000 new IRS agents hit the streets. You think they'll just be looking at the books of big shots? Yeah right. They'll be crawling up people's @sses with microscopes. Farmers, ranchers, landscapers, folks with small trucking companies, landlords, small business folks, anyone they think has been maybe doing a little cash on the side. Hey, probably a bunch of folks involved in racing too. When they come knocking, you wanna let them in? Hey, while were here, let's see that you got your guns safely tucked away. Show them to us. Still got the DEF hooked up on your diesel truck? Let's check some other things in the name of - compliance.

    The left has been all over defunding police at the local level with municipalities and sheriff's offices. But they love engorging federal arms that they get to control. They hate locally elected sheriffs. They not only want to defund, but with their antics they want to make the career objective so displeasing for anyone to choose that it depletes the ranks of the cities and towns where crime is out of control. Someday they would love to suggest - feds to the rescue - and try and take over in some of those places. Control.
    The FBI is so in bed with the left that in 2016 the director announced an ongoing investigation of the democratic candidate a week before the election. Give me a break.

  5. #25
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    Jackson, Tn.


    Also, we should all probably wait and see what this is about.
    I hate Trump, but this could be a whole lot over nothing. If it is I'll say so.
    His supporters won't admit it's a big deal if they come out of Mar-a-Lago with Jimmy Hoffa's body.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    What this is about is keeping Trump from running. Gee that takes some insight. They may have him murdered if all else fails. The slime that starts with Schiff. He is lying garbage and never gets called out. You people that want to vote for the heathen left be my guest, but coming on here with your leftist garbage is hilarious.

    I am not even concerned about who the next President is as long as it is not a Dem. This stuff is absolutely 3rd world activity. If you can't beat them, Take them off the board.

  7. #27
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    May 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Morgs153 View Post
    "Now the republicans want to defund the FBI. I thought they were the party of law and order."

    Lot's of people "thought" that too. Maybe back when Efrem Zimbalist Jr. was wheeling around in a Ford LTD on TV.

    The FBI no longer represents law and order when they act as an enforcement arm of a political party. Through the last several years they have laid out example after example. Their conduct in the Russia collusion hoax, their entrapment of Michael Flynn, their abuses of obtaining FISA warrants, their admissions in their own e-mail threads, their hiding of, and slow dragging the investigation regarding Hunter Biden's laptop, their role in the fake Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping charade, and their likely insider role in some J6 activities. Many more examples of their ineptness exist.

    I think they need to be moved out of DC. I think many agencies need to be moved out of DC. Most federal employees live in the DC sphere of influence. Just look at the counties of northern Virginia and the economic and voting demographics there. It is the land of the blue beast. High paid government employees marinated in big government largess. No matter the agency they work for. It isn't just the heads of those agencies who've become rotten, it is the career civil servants who populate the ranks. You can change the leadership but that's like getting new summer help.

    I spent over three decades in law enforcement. I actually received some training from the FBI during my career. Today I have zero trust for that agency. None whatsoever.

    Hey, just wait until those 87,000 new IRS agents hit the streets. You think they'll just be looking at the books of big shots? Yeah right. They'll be crawling up people's @sses with microscopes. Farmers, ranchers, landscapers, folks with small trucking companies, landlords, small business folks, anyone they think has been maybe doing a little cash on the side. Hey, probably a bunch of folks involved in racing too. When they come knocking, you wanna let them in? Hey, while were here, let's see that you got your guns safely tucked away. Show them to us. Still got the DEF hooked up on your diesel truck? Let's check some other things in the name of - compliance.

    The left has been all over defunding police at the local level with municipalities and sheriff's offices. But they love engorging federal arms that they get to control. They hate locally elected sheriffs. They not only want to defund, but with their antics they want to make the career objective so displeasing for anyone to choose that it depletes the ranks of the cities and towns where crime is out of control. Someday they would love to suggest - feds to the rescue - and try and take over in some of those places. Control.
    When the FBI becomes corrupted slected laws and order then yes defund. Create a new agency all over to replace it or it's leadership and corrupted employees.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  8. #28
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    Jackson, Tn.


    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    What this is about is keeping Trump from running. Gee that takes some insight. They may have him murdered if all else fails. The slime that starts with Schiff. He is lying garbage and never gets called out. You people that want to vote for the heathen left be my guest, but coming on here with your leftist garbage is hilarious.

    I am not even concerned about who the next President is as long as it is not a Dem. This stuff is absolutely 3rd world activity. If you can't beat them, Take them off the board.
    I'll pretend I haven't heard "lock her up" for 6 or 7 years.
    I'll pretend an investigation into a land deal in Arkansas which morphed into an oral sex investigation which led to an impeachment never happened.
    And I'll pretend I don't hear daily about Joe and Hunter and how they should be locked up.

    I'm not saying dems (and probably some republicans) aren't doing things behind the scenes to keep Trump off the ticket in 2024. But to act like they are the only ones who would stoop to that level is absurd, but I don't expect much else.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by jr29 View Post
    I'll pretend I haven't heard "lock her up" for 6 or 7 years.
    I'll pretend an investigation into a land deal in Arkansas which morphed into an oral sex investigation which led to an impeachment never happened.
    And I'll pretend I don't hear daily about Joe and Hunter and how they should be locked up.

    I'm not saying dems (and probably some republicans) aren't doing things behind the scenes to keep Trump off the ticket in 2024. But to act like they are the only ones who would stoop to that level is absurd, but I don't expect much else.
    Yes, that's how you operate, you pretend the real crimes by Democrats didn't really happen since Eric Holder, Merrick Garland, Obummer, and Biden pretend none of it is true. Yes you pretend just like a liberal whacko that is lock step with these Gestapo zealots and the Election COUP that kept them in power to pick and choose what and who are criminals and who are not. Yes like the domestic terrorist parents that dare object to CRT, Transgenderism, and gay teachings in schools systems.

    Yes come out and take another bow as you take another knee!!!
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  10. #30
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    May 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by jr29 View Post
    I'll pretend I haven't heard "lock her up" for 6 or 7 years.
    I'll pretend an investigation into a land deal in Arkansas which morphed into an oral sex investigation which led to an impeachment never happened.
    And I'll pretend I don't hear daily about Joe and Hunter and how they should be locked up.

    I'm not saying dems (and probably some republicans) aren't doing things behind the scenes to keep Trump off the ticket in 2024. But to act like they are the only ones who would stoop to that level is absurd, but I don't expect much else.
    Hillary illegally erased, deleted, bleached, and trashed evidence that if done by a Republican would have resulted in "actual lock up". Why would these people not chant lock her up?

    How many people have actually died that have been involved with the Clintons, and didn't he actually take a number of trips to Epstein Island? Pedophiles are thick in government and they don't want Trump and a real DOJ and FBI coming down on it.

    Why have so many died? Hit by car, suicide, then repeat several more times of the same!!!
    Last edited by Buford.Justice; 08-09-2022 at 04:25 PM.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  11. #31
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    Aug 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Someone in the conman's inner circle is squealing like a big elephant. Obviously, He or they didn't want to be the fall guy. Someone told them where the information was. Who do you think is squealing? The conman isn't smart enough to figure it out.
    Its obvious you're the you have "The Deliverance" on speed play!!!

  12. #32
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by jr29 View Post
    I'll pretend I haven't heard "lock her up" for 6 or 7 years.
    I'll pretend an investigation into a land deal in Arkansas which morphed into an oral sex investigation which led to an impeachment never happened.
    And I'll pretend I don't hear daily about Joe and Hunter and how they should be locked up.

    I'm not saying dems (and probably some republicans) aren't doing things behind the scenes to keep Trump off the ticket in 2024. But to act like they are the only ones who would stoop to that level is absurd, but I don't expect much else.
    LOL, you must be a fox news watcher. No other media reports what you seem to know. BTW you being a race fan and dissing Trump supporters, you are insulting a great many race fans. When they actually pin a crime on Trump, then there will be justification. As for the Clintons they are low grade criminals including Bubba and his having sex with minors. They are Dems, so there is no problem. No one kept the Clinton crime family from running for office. Thats what they are doing to Trump. See how that works

  13. #33
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Buford.Justice View Post
    Hillary illegally erased, deleted, bleached, and trashed evidence that if done by a Republican would have resulted in "actual lock up". Why would these people not chant lock her up?

    How many people have actually died that have been involved with the Clintons, and didn't he actually take a number of trips to Epstein Island? Pedophiles are thick in government and they don't want Trump and a real DOJ and FBI coming down on it.

    Why have so many died? Hit by car, suicide, then repeat several more times of the same!!!
    Don't forget the woman who went to jail to protect them. Wonder why she did that. Don't forget the crime Hillary committed with the phony Russian dossier she paid for. Dems try to even the score with conservatives on low brow politics and it is laughable

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    LOL, you must be a fox news watcher. No other media reports what you seem to know. BTW you being a race fan and dissing Trump supporters, you are insulting a great many race fans. When they actually pin a crime on Trump, then there will be justification. As for the Clintons they are low grade criminals including Bubba and his having sex with minors. They are Dems, so there is no problem. No one kept the Clinton crime family from running for office. Thats what they are doing to Trump. See how that works
    No one has kept Trump from running for office. He was actually elected president.

    The Clintons have done some sleazy stuff. They are minor league lowlifes compared to the Trumps though. Bill and DT were both tied to Epstein, although most of the stuff I've heard hasn't really compelled me that either one was doing anything with minors.

    And how is it that the Clintons can get away with dozens of murders, but Bill can't have an affair with an intern without getting impeached ? Come on....common sense.
    Last edited by jr29; 08-09-2022 at 05:37 PM.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by jr29 View Post
    They kinda are. The one group that is much, much worse are Republicans, particularly the segment of the party associated with Trump.
    1. Name one thing trump did wrong when he was president? Name one thing Biden did right during his presidency?

  16. #36
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    Morgs nailed it 👍

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by jr29 View Post
    Also, we should all probably wait and see what this is about.
    I hate Trump, but this could be a whole lot over nothing. If it is I'll say so.
    His supporters won't admit it's a big deal if they come out of Mar-a-Lago with Jimmy Hoffa's body.
    If it’s ok, I’m going to hold you to this comment when it’s another big ball of nothing……

    And you should give morgs a little more credit….he is the only….and I mean only poster that takes the time to spell it out without being emotionally tied to the argument of liking or not liking the Don.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by jr29 View Post
    No one has kept Trump from running for office. He was actually elected president.

    The Clintons have done some sleazy stuff. They are minor league lowlifes compared to the Trumps though. Bill and DT were both tied to Epstein, although most of the stuff I've heard hasn't really compelled me that either one was doing anything with minors.

    And how is it that the Clintons can get away with dozens of murders, but Bill can't have an affair with an intern without getting impeached ? Come on....common sense.
    The dems are trying every trick in the book to keep him from running in 2024…….come on jr29.
    Nothing they are doing with the Jan 6 committee or now the raid or whatever they cook up next has anything to do with his previous term in office…..this is all a game to prevent him from running again, because they know he will do well for whatever office he runs for.
    Personally I’d like to see him in congress representing Florida….he would win easily and would send Pelosi into rehab.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rajflyboy View Post
    1. Name one thing trump did wrong when he was president? Name one thing Biden did right during his presidency?
    I'm not a student and I have a sneaking suspicion you aren't a teacher. I'll play along though.

    1. The list is extremely long. Gutting the EPA was one.

    2. Infrastructure Bill. That was something Trump said he was gonna do but showed no interest once in office.

    I could also do the opposite. Trump did some stuff I agreed with and Biden has done stuff I don't agree with.

  20. #40
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    BBQ, I'll wait and see about this.

    January 6 committee has done a good job. Almost every witness was a Trump loyalist at one point. Nary a democrat took the stand that I'm aware of. Trump was totally, 100% willfully negligent that day. I'm not sure he should go to jail for it, but it's probably the worst leadership ever shown by a President.


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