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  1. #81
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    In the driver's seat


    Lurker when you invest in a company you are taking a risk. You know there is a financial risk up front. If they have to file for bankruptcy that's the risk YOU took. This doesn't make these people scumbags it means you took a risk and it didn't pan out like you wish it would of.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  2. #82
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    May 2007


    lurker the bankruptcy law is there for everyone so, it has nothing to with filling bankruptcy.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    I know that.

    So none of the eight are scumbags. Got it!

    Funny, two of the eight are UAW Union car companies, and its interesting that you wouldn’t find them scumbags.

  4. #84
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    But, if they file bankruptcy to avoid paying a judgement against them then yes they are scumbags in my opinion.

  5. #85
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    May 2007


    If they filed bankruptcy to avoid paying a judgement against them then they would be scumbags for doing that. Is that the unions did?

  6. #86
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    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    But, if they file bankruptcy to avoid paying a judgement against them then yes they are scumbags in my opinion.
    Asked and answered, thanks!

  7. #87
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    To avoid paying a judgement against him. If Alex Jones only filed bankruptcy and never did what he did to the Sandy Hook families and there was no judgement against him. I could care less if he filed bankruptcy.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by lurker View Post
    And for the record, kidrock, I believe Sandy Hook really happened.
    That's refreshing to know thanks.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    If they filed bankruptcy to avoid paying a judgement against them then they would be scumbags for doing that. Is that the unions did?
    Yes, the union scumbags couldn’t pay their bills (i.e.; like a “judgment” in this case), so they had to file bankruptcy, then the Government had to bail them out.

    Union Scumbags!

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    To avoid paying a judgement against him. If Alex Jones only filed bankruptcy and never did what he did to the Sandy Hook families and there was no judgement against him. I could care less if he filed bankruptcy.
    I kind’of guessed that has been what you were trying to get at regarding this topic. Its Alex Jones is a scumbag, period --- and nothing more. Bankruptcy really was never your point, correct?

  11. #91
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    May 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    Buford, Jan 6 was about the peaceful transfer of power from one president to the newly elected president. Why would cult45 need to use presidential immunity for his defense for this day? What illegal action did he commit on this day? The only reason he would need presidential immunity is because he committed a crime. Does he know that he is responsible for the attack on the capital for the lies he was spreading? Keep on posting that the election was stolen. Just remember Bill Barr and Mark Meadows are going to testify that the election was not stolen. These are Cult45 own cabinet members.
    Tell that to Pelopi who refused Trumps request for the National Guard to be present. Tell that to the FBI infiltrants and Antifa members dressed with MAGA and Trump hats and the DC police who strired up some of the crowd to join with antifa members, when the trigger was started by DC police who started firing compression grenades and rubber bullets into the crowd, while at almost the same time security inside the building were talking peacefully and giving tours with citizens inside the capital. Tell that to Ray Epps an exposed also FBI informant and instigator of calling for people to go into the building repeatedly with his megaphone.

    Bill Barr and Meadows going to testify. Sounds like something you would do to save your behind from going to DC jail with no charges, or bail for the last incredible three years now. Tell that to the people that were not even in DC that day that the FBI is still coming to their houses with trumped up charges, even in Florida.

    Barr has always supported the Dems anyway and Meadows was a loyal Repub until threatened with jail time and bankrupty.

    There is no Cult45 or cult period. these are patriotic citizens that don't want the nation destroyed, who saw the stolen elections as a big continuation of Obummer a communist who was also "selected" by the globalists and the Dem party.

    No sir there is no cult, other than the fabricated lies of CNN MSNBC, and all other leftist news outlets.

    If there is a cult it is the cult of communism that the people YOU support are carrying out on us citizens.

    Why would Trump have to use Presidential immunity? Come on please.

    The question is why have these people been allowed to fabricate false charges on an innocent former president, that in reality, is truthfully still the president if not for cheating and stealing his victory in 2020.

    Main reason is they know he's going to overwhelm the cheating this time and win the election.

    Peopel are angry, and more by the day, they are realizing the nation is getting destroyed. Why can't you two cult commies realize this. maybe it's because that's just what you want.

    All citizens will be sorry if the nation does fall, and that includes you two.
    Last edited by Buford.Justice; 12-12-2023 at 09:12 PM.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  12. #92
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    Lurker, Apples to Oranges. Not being able to pay your bills vs a guy who defamed the parents of Sandy Hook and was guilty then filed bankruptcy to avoid paying them is not the same but, I see what you tried to do here. If that's case wouldn't the rest of the companies you listed wouldn't they be scumbags also. Now I'm not saying they are but, it sure sounds like you are saying they are.

  13. #93
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    Lurker filling bankruptcy to avoid paying the families in my book is a scumbag.

  14. #94
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    Millions of illegals that have entered the last three years are being registered to vote, FACT

    That is the cult of communism/globalism and the climate culture, the one you prefer!

    Millions pouring in and a million plus deaths of our own citizens from a virus that wound up causing massive death through vaccinations, And also 80,000 plus yer year deaths from Fentanyl OD's.

    A border that is now under total control of Mexican cartels, totally destroyed and turned into processing centers for illegals given $5000 gift cards, a cell phone and airline tickets to anywhere in the nation they choose???? huh? Really 450 plus billion spent on illegals so far? What the H????

    Go ahead hate on Trump as the problem. Why? For trying to stop all of this horrible chaos? People dieing crossing the border, foriegners destroying the invironment and trashing central America, chopping farmers coconut trees down, raping and killing people for no reason. Cartels killing people that try to cross the border and not paying them for the priviledge?

    And you guys want to argue about fake news and anyone that fights against it?
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Lurker filling bankruptcy to avoid paying the families in my book is a scumbag.
    Paying the families for what?????? For going along with the media acting devastated so they can collect millions in bogus untrue damages.

    You didn't answer, how did Jones opinion and free speech actually hurt these people. Why did no ambulances come to that school that day. Why is nothing ever being wrote about this "incident" Where's the movie? Where's the books???

    It's sicker that these people went along with this farse and collected millions. So you are saying that a silly figure of hundreds of millions of damages is just for something that nobody was injured or died? Hahahahahaha

    Under your way of thinking people and the government can make up charges and sue anyone they want. And with the governments financial and appointed attorneys support, how does a common man let alone a millioniare escape bankruptcy?????

    You will have no answers as usual.....

    By the way Jones paid millions until he had no more millions, it's not like he did not even pay. You seem to hear stories with two left ears,!!!
    Last edited by Buford.Justice; 12-12-2023 at 08:52 PM.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    We don't agree. I'm not sure why you can't accept that.
    I have accepted it. Are you trying to stop my freedom of speech also???

    I accept it, but I also fell the need to call you out with facts. reality, and truth, and not letting you get away with nonsense.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  17. #97
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    I deleted what I wrote because I went back and reread what you wrote and wanted to say You actually think these people were crisis actors and got paid. You have to be kidding me right? Their kids were killed and you think they just acted devastated to collect money. JUST WOW. SAY NO MORE.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buford.Justice View Post
    Tell that to Pelopi who refused Trumps request for the National Guard to be present. Tell that to the FBI infiltrants and Antifa members dresses with MAGA and Trump hats and the DC police who strirred up some of the crowd to join with antifa members, when the trigger was started by DC police who started firing compression grenades and rubber bullets into the crowd, while almost the same time were talking peacefully and giving tours with citizens inside the capital. Tell that to Ray Epps an exposed also FBI informant and instigator of calling for people to go into the building repeatedly with his megaphone.

    Bill Barr and Meadows going to testify. Sounds like something you would do to save your behind from going to DC jail with no charges, or bail for the last incredible three years now. Tell that to the people that were not even in DC that day that the FBI is still coming to their houses with trumped up charges, even in Florida.

    Barr has always supported the Dems anyway and Meadows was a loyal Repub until threatened with jail time and bankrupty.

    There is no Cult45 or cult period. these are patriotic citizens that don't want the nation destroyed, who saw the stolen elections as a big continuation of Obummer a communist who was also "selected" by the globalists and the Dem party.

    No sir there is no cult, other than the fabricated lies of CNN MSNBC, and all other leftist news outlets.

    If there is a cult it is the cult of communism that the people YOU support are carrying out on us citizens.

    Why would Trump have to use Presidential immunity? Come on please.

    The question is why have these people been allowed to fabricate false charges on an innocent former president, that in reality is truthfully still the president if not for cheating and stealing his victory in 2020.

    Main reason is they know he's going to overwhelm the cheating this time and win the election.

    Peopel are angry, and more by the day, they are realizing the nation is getting destroyed. Why can't you to cult commies realize this. maybe it's because that's just what you want.

    All citizens will be sorry if the nation does fall, and that includes you two.

    Cult45 is the one who is saying that he has presidential immunity in reference to Jan 6 case. Obviously, he knows he has committed a crime or else HE wouldn't be bringing it up. Can you imagine if the supreme courts find in Cult45's favor. There will never be another republican president. We won't even need a supreme court. Do you think the supreme court is going to give that power up? Their finding could eliminate their jobs. I bet Biden hoping they make the ruling soon. King for the rest of his life and then Hunter will take over.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Lurker, Apples to Oranges. Not being able to pay your bills vs a guy who defamed the parents of Sandy Hook and was guilty then filed bankruptcy to avoid paying them is not the same but, I see what you tried to do here. If that's case wouldn't the rest of the companies you listed wouldn't they be scumbags also. Now I'm not saying they are but, it sure sounds like you are saying they are.
    You’re right, encompassing “ALL” that file bankruptcy isn’t just. But you initially phased it as such in post #67, and I ran with it as I thought that’s (everyone that files bankruptcy is a scumbag) what you meant. And it is not, correct? I was comparing apples to oranges trying to get my point across to you. Fair enough?

  20. #100
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Lurker filling bankruptcy to avoid paying the families in my book is a scumbag.
    While you might be correct, it happens every day.


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