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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Default Climate Change is a Fraud.

    This is an interesting site that exposes the climate hoax world wide.

    The Weather Channel is nothing more than weather propaganda designed to decieve citizens and the young into believing climate change is real.

    Notice how the weather maps are getting more orange and red temperatures all the time? At some time I expect weather maps to actually have AI generated steam coming from the areas the reddest, or now they are even "white" hot. hahahahahaaa what a joke....
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    Try telling that to a liberal politician ! !

  3. #3


    Climate change is a complex issue supported by vast scientific evidence; dismissing it as a fraud undermines efforts to address its serious impacts. But what is your actual meaning? I do not know exactly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2020


    My meaning is, is climate change is fabricated and not true. Actual records prove this.

    It's all about controlling people and making them dependant on governments that are pushing for One world government.

    CO2 is a natural element. It is needed for plant growth and it's not harming the environment.

    They first tried to say the Earth was cooling from man made climate change. The man made part is a total lie.

    The climate changes naturally. At one time it is a fact that the Equator came through Indiana.

    Maybe Google could be helpful? Not any more, they scrub everything they can and censor imformation they goes against challenging climate change.
    Last edited by Buford.Justice; 03-25-2024 at 08:05 PM.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by ThunderRacer View Post
    ---- supported by vast scientific evidence.
    If you want to believe in Junk Science, go right ahead. You can’t cure gullible.

  6. #6
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    May 2020


    During the Late Carboniferous, Indiana lay close to the equator, making the climate humid and warm. Swamps and wetlands were prominent in much of the state. Dominant fossil plants from this time include lycopods, conifers, and seed ferns (extinct gymnosperms). Plant material accumulated in these areas of Indiana and eventually became the source of Indiana's abundant:

    A). coal deposits.

    B) granite outcrops.

    C) limestone deposits.

    D) layers of sandstone.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    So they say our glaciers are melting and the seas are rising!

    Uh no.......basic chemistry says when ice melts, it loses 10% of its

    A liberal parallel with Buffoonomics!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    our climate has been changing since the first volcano erupted , the last one that erupted was said to release more carbons than ALL fuel burning vehicles in the US could produce in 100 years , I wander how ole Al Gorehead is going to stop this ?????

  9. #9
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    When glaciers melt, they do lose volume. Let’s delve into the details:

    Glacier Mass Balance:
    A glacier’s mass balance is the annual balance between how much snow accumulates on the glacier’s surface (in the accumulation zone) and how much ice is lost through various processes.
    These processes include:
    Melting: Glaciers lose ice due to surface melting caused by warmer temperatures.
    Sublimation: Some ice directly transitions from solid to vapor (sublimation) without melting.
    Iceberg Calving: Glaciers that terminate in the sea lose mass when chunks of ice break off and float away as icebergs 1.
    Global Glacier Ice Loss:
    Research indicates that glaciers worldwide have lost over 9,000 gigatons (nine trillion tons) of ice since 1961. This ice loss contributes to rising sea levels by approximately 27 mm 2.
    The volume of ice in glaciers outside the ice sheets (like those in mountainous regions) is crucial for understanding freshwater resources and sea-level change.
    However, direct observations of ice thickness are scarce, so global ice volume is estimated indirectly using various methods 3.
    Greenland and Antarctica:
    Greenland and Antarctica house most of the world’s glacial ice, including the only two ice sheets.
    These thick ice sheets contain most of Earth’s freshwater. If they were to melt entirely, global sea levels would rise by nearly 215 feet (65 meters) 4.
    In summary, as glaciers melt, their volume decreases, contributing to sea-level rise. Understanding glacier dynamics is crucial for adapting to a changing world and ensuring our long-term survival.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  10. #10
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    Jun 2015


    If, If, Its all a Big If !

  11. #11
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    They always say the glaciers and pole ice is melting. What they don't mention is, is that it's because of seasonal temp changes and that the ice refreezes the next season and in recent years there has been an increase in ice cover at the south pole.

    The days of temperatures being for public observance is over as they don't want people seeing temperatures of 72 degrees below zero around the south pole.

    You want governement grants at universities and private research? Then you play the global warming game to get them.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  12. #12
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    The increase of ice on the South Pole does not directly help with global warming. Let’s explore why:

    Albedo Effect:
    Ice and snow have a high albedo, meaning they reflect a significant portion of incoming solar radiation back into space.
    When ice melts, it exposes darker surfaces (such as ocean water or land), which have a lower albedo. These darker surfaces absorb more heat, contributing to global warming.
    Therefore, melting ice actually exacerbates global warming by reducing Earth’s overall reflectivity.
    Feedback Loops:
    The melting of ice in the Antarctic can trigger feedback loops that amplify warming:
    Sea ice decline: As sea ice melts, it reduces the Earth’s ability to reflect sunlight, leading to further warming.
    Glacial retreat: Melting glaciers contribute to rising sea levels, which can alter ocean circulation patterns and affect climate systems.
    Permafrost thaw: In polar regions, permafrost contains large amounts of frozen organic matter. When it thaws, it releases greenhouse gases like methane, intensifying global warming.
    Sea Level Rise:
    The Antarctic ice sheet holds an enormous volume of ice. If it were to melt significantly, it would contribute to substantial sea level rise.
    Rising sea levels have widespread consequences, including coastal inundation, loss of habitat, and displacement of human populations.
    Overall Impact:
    While the increase of ice on the South Pole might seem counterintuitive, it’s essential to consider the net effect.
    The loss of ice due to melting far outweighs any potential gain from increased snowfall or ice accumulation.
    In summary, the melting of ice in the Antarctic contributes to global warming rather than mitigating it. Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow ice melt remain critical in addressing climate change.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  13. #13
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    Volcanic eruptions can indeed impact climate change, but the effects are complex and depend on the specific gases and particles released during an eruption. Let’s explore how volcanoes influence global warming:

    Sulfur Dioxide (SO2): During major explosive eruptions, large amounts of volcanic gas, aerosol droplets, and ash are injected into the stratosphere. The conversion of sulfur dioxide (SO2) to sulfuric acid (H2SO4) has the most significant impact on climate. Sulfate aerosols formed from sulfuric acid increase the reflection of solar radiation back into space, cooling the Earth’s lower atmosphere (troposphere). Some eruptions in the past century have caused a decline in average surface temperatures by up to half a degree Fahrenheit for periods of one to three years. For instance, the climactic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 injected a massive sulfur dioxide cloud into the stratosphere, cooling the Earth’s surface by as much as 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit for three years after the eruption.
    Carbon Dioxide (CO2): While sulfur dioxide can cause cooling, volcanic carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas that has the potential to promote global warming. However, the amount of CO2 released by contemporary volcanic eruptions is relatively small compared to human activities. CO2 emissions from volcanoes have never caused detectable global warming of the atmosphere.
    Underwater Volcanoes: Recent research suggests that underwater volcanoes also play a role. Analyzing seismic data from submarine volcanoes, scientists found that underwater volcanism emits varying levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Higher CO2 levels could trigger a cycle of global warming.
    Debate and Uncertainty: The extent to which volcanic eruptions impact global climate remains an ongoing debate. Factors like the type of eruption, the altitude of injection, and the specific gases released contribute to the complexity of volcanic effects on climate.
    In summary, while volcanic eruptions can both cool and warm the climate, their overall impact on global warming is relatively minor compared to other factors like human-induced greenhouse gas emissions.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  14. #14
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    Dec 2008


    what about them cow farts SS , find us something to post on them , BTW , do you eat beef ????

  15. #15
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    cows don’t fart. They belch.”
    Last edited by ss12; 03-26-2024 at 04:27 PM.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  16. #16
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    Dec 2017


    ss12, please tell me you don’t believe in the Al Gore Climate Change hoax.

  17. #17
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    Al Gore, the former Vice President of the United States, has been a prominent advocate for addressing climate change. However, his statements have sometimes been subject to scrutiny and misinterpretation. Let’s explore this further:

    In 2006, Al Gore released the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth”, which highlighted the impact of climate change on the Arctic ice cap. While the film emphasized the seriousness of global warming, some critics have questioned specific predictions made by Gore.
    One claim often circulated on social media is that Gore predicted that all Arctic ice would be melted in the summer by 2013 due to man-made global warming. However, the reality is more nuanced. In a 2009 speech at the Copenhagen Climate Conference, Gore suggested that there was a “75% chance” that the entire north polar ice cap could be completely ice-free during some summer months within the next five to seven years. He attributed this prediction to researchers associated with the Naval Postgraduate School. However, it’s essential to note that Gore’s statement was based on models and probabilities, not an absolute certainty1.
    Dr. Wieslav Maslowski, one of the researchers cited by Gore, later clarified that the exact likelihood of complete ice loss was uncertain. He stated that he would never try to estimate likelihood as precisely as Gore had mentioned. The 75% figure was a “ballpark figure” used in a conversation several years prior. Gore also made similar statements about Arctic ice in his 2007 Nobel prize acceptance speech and in a 2008 video, where he suggested that the entire North polar ice cap might be completely gone in five years1.
    While some of Gore’s predictions may not have materialized exactly as stated, it’s essential to recognize that the scientific consensus overwhelmingly supports the reality of human-caused climate change. Numerous studies, government organizations, and scientific journals have concluded that climate change results from human-produced greenhouse gases that trap heat on Earth2.
    In summary, Al Gore’s advocacy for addressing climate change is based on scientific evidence, but specific predictions should be understood in the context of probabilities and ongoing research. Climate change is a real and urgent global challenge, and efforts to mitigate its impact remain crucial.
    Haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2020


    So you believe the man made climate change is real. I'm not really surprised. But I am totally at a loss to understand why you except these globalists that buy off scientists and news medias and tell us total lies. Al Gore isn't sort of over estimating, he's making statements and predictions that have nothing to do with the truth, he's a New World Order man doing the bidding of his leaders and buddies. His information are total lies, and based on deceptions, to scare the young and grown ups that don't have the ability to understand they are being played. Man you have been played so much, it's really sad.

    And those people know they are lieing world wide to advance an agenda that has nothing to do with climate change. It's all about worldwide control and power over the people. So they can reshape the world into exactly what?

    One story the climate whackos that tried to dupe society, happened some 20 years ago when they tried to claim a spot of lowlands in the Netherlands were starting to go under water. They took pictures of the little community that had been built recently back then showing wind mills surrounded be water, the fields under water. It really looked convincing and bad. Guess what? It turned out to be a swamp that they tried to convert into dry land and they had built dams and drained the area to built a small village for the purpose of some kind of commerce. It turned out a failure, many people moved away and the place just about shut down, so they let it return to the original marshlands, but not before Al Gore could come in and try to make a scare flick, and total lie, claiming climate change had done all of this, but leaving out the "inconvenient truth". But his lie stuck on people that did not know the truth, because Al sure didn't come back and tell them, only people that might have seen a website article wound up finding out the truth, along with the local people that saw it for themselves. Of course the leftist media sure wasn't going to interview any of these local people, OR come out with rebuttals to this story to news sources.

    ss, you're supporting all of this crap, what are these people's true goals?

    One thing is for sure, it's rooted in pure evil. Do you ever think about these things? If so, it sure doesn't show.

    Accuweather, a weather site on the net used to show current temperatures world wide, even at little stations located on the north and south poles. They would show temperatures though that were not fitting their latest climate agenda, so now there aren't any sites that you can observe these live temperatues. Minus 72 degrees could be observed and that didn't fit their lies about the ice caps melting. The have always melted seasonally and refroze in return.

    The poor polar bears were not going to have anywhere to stand near the north pole, remember? Now in the world of truth and reality the polar bear numbers are higher than ever, in recent times.

    But there they were with the Coke commercials at movie theatres showing those poor bears standing on a little iceberg surrouned by water. The rich powerful and corrupted people of the world just trying to shape your childrens minds at the movie theatres and TV sets.

    I bet you drink Cokes!!!! hahahahahaaa Because you're full to the hilt of the KOOL-AID.
    Last edited by Buford.Justice; 03-26-2024 at 09:42 PM.
    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    You gullible fool.

    Al Gore Climate Change hoax -

    You send him money too?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2017



    I sure hope you are playing devils advocate with this one ss12. You surely can’t be that stupid and believe the Al Gore cult hoax. Please tell us all you’re not that dumb.
    Last edited by lurker; 03-27-2024 at 12:09 AM.


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