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  1. #1
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    Default George Zimmerman Trial

    Been watching this a lot and listening to it when I am traveling on my Sirius XM and I got to say, it just strikes me as two people who could not have been worse for each other were put in proximity of each other and now one is dead.

    George Zimmerman, law abiding gun enthusiast, cared about his community, started a neighborhood watch, had a lot of interest in law enforcement, wanted to be a lawyer maybe, etc...

    Trayvon Martin, young kid, barely old enough to shave, living a street life, hard knocks, not too happy with authority in general, wasn't born into the greatest situation and seems like he knew it...

    Zimmerman sees the kid, doesn't like what he sees and given the recent history of break-ins in the neighborhood, decides to follow him to keep an eye on "the stranger" in his neighborhood.

    Martin sees he is being followed and takes offense at being followed, doubles back on Zimmerman and surprises him in the dark.

    A struggle ensues, the gun comes out and Martin is dead.

    All I can think of is

    1) If Martin had just kept his cool, let Zimmerman do whatever the local Neighborhood Watch guy wanted to and just kept walking home and ignored Zimmerman, there would have not been any trouble at all. Martin had no weapons, no drugs, nothing at all that would have led anyone to conclude he was up to anything other than getting tea and skittles and walking home.

    2) If Zimmerman had stayed in the car and just followed Martin as best he could from there, then no fight would have ensued.

    3) Had Zimmerman not been carrying a gun, then no one gets shot. Sure, maybe there's a scuffle, a couple cuts and bruises, but nothing life threatening happens.

    Bottom line to me is George Zimmerman honestly believed he was in grave danger when he pulled the trigger, no doubt about it. So there is no reason to convict him of anything, he acted in self-defense. But if you go back through the events leading up to what happened, you can see so many ways this could have been far different an outcome for both if both had only made different choices, like Martin ignoring Zimmerman instead of getting mad at him for following him, or Zimmerman not carrying a gun, or getting out of his car to follow Martin. Little things that would have changed everything.

    It's been quite the trial to listen to, but I don't really see how, when you narrow it down to the point where a fight is taking place and Zimmerman pulls the gun and shoots Martin you can really blame him for his actions at that moment. Regardless of the injuries to Zimmerman, which were not particularly grievous, he still could justifiably feel he was in great danger at that moment.

  2. #2
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    Sad to say, if he is aquitted, there are going to be riots and a lot of damage to this town. His life is over either way, he be killed in prison and if he goes free, he'll never be able to work anywhere.

  3. #3
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    Martin had been suspended twice already that school year for offenses that should have gotten him arrested – once for getting caught with a burglary tool and a dozen items of female jewelry, the second time for getting caught with marijuana and a marijuana pipe.

  4. #4
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    The left wing media, activists like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and even the president with his defense of the son role model Trayvon made/created much civil unrest and potential for ongoing murders and acts of revenge as well as looting, vandelism, and rioting.

    A real president would not help place the seeds of such and would instead stand with the actual true and try to make people understand the consuquences of their actions. But of course he has never been made to understand the consequenses of his own actions!

  5. #5
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    Drag whatever partisan crap you want to into it, there was sufficient evidence in the initial investigation to warrant an arrest and a trial.

    Zimmerman seems to me to be innocent of the crime he is charged with, but had this been some Ivy League white boy walking through the hood and some gang banger followed him and the Ivy League white boy confronted the gang banger and the gang banger kills the Ivy League white boy, the cops would have had the gang banger locked up before the Ivy League white boy's corpse hit the ground and took it's last breath.

    Regardless of Martin's past, and if you do some research George Zimmerman was arrested for assaulting a police officer and that certainly wasn't Zimmerman's only walk on the wrong side of the law, he deserves the circumstances of his death being aired out in court just like anyone else. As it so happens, having listened to it almost from start to finish, I would say Zimmerman is guilty of A LOT of wrongdoing in this, however for actually killing Martin when and how he did, I would find it very hard to convict him or his actions at that very specific point in time when the crap hit the fan between them.

    This is not a Tea Party, Republican or Democrat or Commie or Liberal or Progressive or Conservative issue. It is an issue of Justice for all, not just for a few. Martin is getting his day in court, which his death deserves. And Zimmerman is getting the chance to tell his side of the story and explain himself, which he has done.

    This is a way better outcome than NO trial at all. A way better outcome. Thank you Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and President Obama for any influence you brought to bear to at least get this heard in court for all to see. This killing of this kid being swept under the carpet would not have done anything more than fan the flames of bigotry and hatred. Airing this out in court puts out the fire or at the very least will make any rioting and looting, etc be seen for what that is, too.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Drag whatever partisan crap you want to into it, there was sufficient evidence in the initial investigation to warrant an arrest and a trial.

    Zimmerman seems to me to be innocent of the crime he is charged with, but had this been some Ivy League white boy walking through the hood and some gang banger followed him and the Ivy League white boy confronted the gang banger and the gang banger kills the Ivy League white boy, the cops would have had the gang banger locked up before the Ivy League white boy's corpse hit the ground and took it's last breath.

    Regardless of Martin's past, and if you do some research George Zimmerman was arrested for assaulting a police officer and that certainly wasn't Zimmerman's only walk on the wrong side of the law, he deserves the circumstances of his death being aired out in court just like anyone else. As it so happens, having listened to it almost from start to finish, I would say Zimmerman is guilty of A LOT of wrongdoing in this, however for actually killing Martin when and how he did, I would find it very hard to convict him or his actions at that very specific point in time when the crap hit the fan between them.

    This is not a Tea Party, Republican or Democrat or Commie or Liberal or Progressive or Conservative issue. It is an issue of Justice for all, not just for a few. Martin is getting his day in court, which his death deserves. And Zimmerman is getting the chance to tell his side of the story and explain himself, which he has done.

    This is a way better outcome than NO trial at all. A way better outcome. Thank you Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and President Obama for any influence you brought to bear to at least get this heard in court for all to see. This killing of this kid being swept under the carpet would not have done anything more than fan the flames of bigotry and hatred. Airing this out in court puts out the fire or at the very least will make any rioting and looting, etc be seen for what that is, too.
    Oh man! That is some mega rich warped concept of reality. I know a shrink wouldn't even be able to touch this!

  7. #7
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    You heard it people t.nie is thanking Obummer, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the whole revolutionary faction for flaming civil unrest and the ensuing chaos from it.

  8. #8
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    As the murder trial of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin heads toward a conclusion, radio powerhouse Rush Limbaugh says the case should never have been prosecuted.

    “This is a trial that should not even be occurring,” Limbaugh declared on his national radio program Wednesday.

    “This is a trial occurring because the [Obama] administration wants to promote racial division in this country. I don’t know how else to describe this. There’s no case here.”

    Zimmerman, 29, is accused of second-degree murder in the February 26, 2012, death of Martin, a 17-year-old from Miami who was staying with his father in Sanford, the Central Florida town where Zimmerman lived.

    Limbaugh noted that when Barack Obama was campaigning to be president and once he was elected to office, many people presumed America’s racial divide would finally be a thing of the past.

    “Obama’s gonna unite us and all of this racial strife is gonna end. All of this racism and this perceived racism is gonna end,” Limbaugh said was the prevailing theme.

    “And we had a bunch of white people hoping that it would show that they’re not racist, to finally prove it, wipe out the vestiges of slavery and the world was gonna love us. How’s that working out in terms of American foreign policy?”

    “And we’re gonna end all this partisanship, we’re gonna be unified, we’re gonna work together toward a common goal, we’re gonna have politics like it’s never been done before, we’re actually going to accomplish things, we’re going to focus on jobs, we’re gonna get people back to work.

    “Not one thing that people were led to believe would happen has even come close to happening. And the Limbaugh Theorem proves that Obama remains unattached from the failures that he has orchestrated.”

    Limbaugh also expressed outrage about a report that a division of the U.S. Department of Justice was dispatched to Sanford, Fla., in 2012 to provide assistance for anti-Zimmerman protests, including a rally led by activist Al Sharpton.

    The Community Relations Service, a division of DOJ, reported expenses related to its deployment in Sanford to help manage protests between March and April 2012, according to documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

    Judicial Watch also obtained an audio recording of a “community meeting” held at Second Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Sanford on April 19, 2012. The meeting, which led to the ouster of Sanford’s Police Chief Bill Lee, was scheduled after a group of college students calling themselves the “Dream Defenders” barricaded the entrance to the police department demanding Lee be fired. According to the Orlando Sentinel, DOJ employees with the CRS had arranged a 40-mile police escort for the students from Daytona Beach to Sanford.

    “These documents detail the extraordinary intervention by the Justice Department in the pressure campaign leading to the prosecution of George Zimmerman,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. “My guess is that most Americans would rightly object to taxpayers paying government employees to help organize racially charged demonstrations.”

    Limbaugh was incensed at the report, saying, “DOJ documents proving the DOJ was down there basically fanning the flames of protests, busing protesters in with police escorts.”

    “It’s outrageous. It’s unconstitutional. I can’t think of a proper descriptive here to express the anger I have,” Limbaugh concluded.

  9. #9
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    Why does Rush think Zimmerman should not be on trial? He never says why he thinks this should not be happening.

    There are some very good reasons this needed to be heard in court. I guarantee any of the parents in this nation lose their kid the way this happened, you would want this heard in court.

  10. #10
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    why all the media exposure

  11. #11
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    Legally speaking, I don't see Zimmerman getting convicted of murder or Manslaughter. Just not enough evidence to remove a reasonable doubt. There is a few things that may change whether he gets any jail time. The judge improperly added aggravated assault to the choices of the jury.

    If he gets any jail time, I see an appeal coming. Falsifying arrest records and adding charges after arraignment. The there is a Judge that addressed the defendant, who was advised not to testify, three times.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by LITE-INN View Post
    why all the media exposure
    Because this needed to be exposed to force people to act.

    Here's what happened. Zimmerman shot Martin. There were NO witnesses who saw that happen. None. Some people heard a scuffle in the dark, they called 911, Martin was talking to his friend right before this happened, but there was no live connection on the phone so she didn't hear what happened, and then there are the 911 calls where the yelling is heard, very garbled, in the background.

    But there were NO witnesses who could categorically say "I was standing right there and saw the whole thing." None. No witnesses.

    So the cops interview Zimmerman, he says it was self-defense, the investigating officer recommends charging him, the powers that be in Sanford say no and close the case.

    Now, if that's your kid that just got shot, you are going to be sitting there saying "What the heck? This guy shoots my kid, no one is there to tell me my kid started the fight or what happened, the guy who shot my kid says MY KID started it and got killed by this guy because he was defending himself but NO ONE is a witness to this, and we are all just supposed to go away quietly without ever having a trial to see what we can find out? Really? That's it? Zimmerman says it was that way so we all have to just believe him? Really?"

    That is exactly why all the media. Because the only person who was there was George Zimmerman with a gun and Trayvon Martin is dead. Sorry, but I think we need a trial and all the evidence heard in court too, because without a trial, all of the facts surrounding this kid's death will never be known. Without all the media, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Obama, no one is going to do anything to get to the truth. It would just be George Zimmerman said this is why I shot him, self defense, and we all just have to believe him. If that is accepted, then any time you shoot someone when no one is around, you just say "it was self defense" and the cops just go "oh, ok, well, since no one else was there to see it, we'll just take your word for it. Have a nice day."

    George Zimmerman is innocent of the charges brought against him is my honest assessment, and going into this I was leaning toward Zimmerman being found guilty. But now that I have heard the evidence, listened to the testimony, etc, I do not believe he is guilty. I believe he did act in self defense. But without a trial, no one would ever really know what evidence was gathered or why the police decided to believe him.
    Last edited by t.nie; 07-11-2013 at 10:29 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Why does Rush think Zimmerman should not be on trial? He never says why he thinks this should not be happening.

    There are some very good reasons this needed to be heard in court. I guarantee any of the parents in this nation lose their kid the way this happened, you would want this heard in court.
    This very thing has been happening forever, why make it into a civil unrest issue? This should not have the media whores all over it making it a national issue.

  14. #14
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    zimmerman shouldn't have followed himi after being told not to...BUT, from zimmermans injuries, however minor, it would appear that the kid started the physical confrontation.....i haven't heard of any other injuries on the kid that would have preceded the shooting so it seems if he hadn't started the physical altercation, then zim possibly wouldn't have shot him but we'll never know..

    i would say not guilty but they were both in the wrong.

    as far as the race card, if he's aquitted, i think black folks will go off...and sometimes there seems to be a double standard, i don't recall whites rioting after the o.j. trilal...a black man killing two whites and getting by with it...
    Last edited by dirtracr33; 07-11-2013 at 06:32 PM.

  15. #15
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    Geez, I feel sorry for the jurors, if they vote for aquittal their lives are pretty much over at least in short term. The death threats will begin as soon as the verdict is issued. Plus, who knows what the New Black Panther Party will do. They seem to be pretty much above the law.

  16. #16
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    aren't they from washington Dc

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Because this needed to be exposed to force people to act.

    Here's what happened. Zimmerman shot Martin. There were NO witnesses who saw that happen. None. Some people heard a scuffle in the dark, they called 911, Martin was talking to his friend right before this happened, but there was no live connection on the phone so she didn't hear what happened, and then there are the 911 calls where the yelling is heard, very garbled, in the background.

    But there were NO witnesses who could categorically say "I was standing right there and saw the whole thing." None. No witnesses.

    So the cops interview Zimmerman, he says it was self-defense, the investigating officer recommends charging him, the powers that be in Sanford say no and close the case.

    Now, if that's your kid that just got shot, you are going to be sitting there saying "What the heck? This guy shoots my kid, no one is there to tell me my kid started the fight or what happened, the guy who shot my kid says MY KID started it and got killed by this guy because he was defending himself but NO ONE is a witness to this, and we are all just supposed to go away quietly without ever having a trial to see what we can find out? Really? That's it? Zimmerman says it was that way so we all have to just believe him? Really?"

    That is exactly why all the media. Because the only person who was there was George Zimmerman with a gun and Trayvon Martin is dead. Sorry, but I think we need a trial and all the evidence heard in court too, because without a trial, all of the facts surrounding this kid's death will never be known. Without all the media, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Obama, no one is going to do anything to get to the truth. It would just be George Zimmerman said this is why I shot him, self defense, and we all just have to believe him. If that is accepted, then any time you shoot someone when no one is around, you just say "it was self defense" and the cops just go "oh, ok, well, since no one else was there to see it, we'll just take your word for it. Have a nice day."

    George Zimmerman is innocent of the charges brought against him is my honest assessment, and going into this I was leaning toward Zimmerman being found guilty. But now that I have heard the evidence, listened to the testimony, etc, I do not believe he is guilty. I believe he did act in self defense. But without a trial, no one would ever really know what evidence was gathered or why the police decided to believe him.
    what makes this trial any different than any other crime/ murder

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by STRNGRTHANDIRT View Post
    Geez, I feel sorry for the jurors, if they vote for aquittal their lives are pretty much over at least in short term. The death threats will begin as soon as the verdict is issued. Plus, who knows what the New Black Panther Party will do. They seem to be pretty much above the law.
    Do jurors identities have to be disclosed in Florida?

    And, here's a "NBPP" story from the Washington Times...

    "If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." - Ronald Reagan

  19. #19
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    If this would have been the other way around, you'd have never heard a word....

    It is "NEVER" right for the US Government to conspire against a single citizen such as has happened to Zimmerman. I don't think most of these idiot libs understand that, present company "INCLUDED"...

  20. #20
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    What I am getting tired of hearing is "Trayvon didn't do anything wrong, he was just walking home minding his own business with Tea and Skittles."

    Really? The pundits like Sharpton and Melissa Harris-Perry conveniently forget that Trayvon Martin attacked and attempted to beat the crap out of George Zimmerman before Zimmerman shot him. If this was in my neck of the woods, we would say "you throw a punch at a guy and get your arse kicked or killed, you got what you had coming to you, regardless of what the other dude did to make you mad. Around here, people have guns and know how to use them, so no matter how mad someone might make you, don't get yourself killed for no good reason."

    A lesson Trayvon learned the hard way.


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