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Thread: Nailed it!!!

  1. #141
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post

    Still no material to back up your OPINION? Okay, now about this middle. How do you compromise on abortion? Just abort half of a baby? How do you compromise on taxing people? Do 47% of them pay no taxes and the rich pay what progressives say is their fair share? What is their fair share? Do you have a percentage? No because none of your heros can say what the fair share is. They just somehow know that they are not paying their fair share. Pretty convenient. Class warfare. How do you compromise on class warfare? You don't. Either the nation is united or it is not. And Obama is determined that it is not, so that he can have support from them. How do you compromise on illegal aliens? Obama doesn't, he takes the side of the illegals and sues the states!

    How many more examples can we come up with here? Maybe 15 trillion?
    Why do you think your opinion is more valuable or correct than anyone else's? You sit there and proclaim it's wrong for other people to say what the "fair share" of taxes the wealthy should pay are, but seem to think that your opinion of that "fair share" is the only fair "fair share".

    It's hard to have a conversation with someone who speaks their perspective as the absolute, while telling other people they should not speak as though their perspective is the absolute.

    It's like the whole debate around absolute truth. If there is no absolute truth, then even the statement there is no absolute truth can be false, meaning there is absolute truth, but that contradicts the premise that there is no absolute truth.

    Absolutely. Lol.

  2. #142
    Join Date
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    Central Ky


    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post

    Why do you think your opinion is more valuable or correct than anyone else's? You sit there and proclaim it's wrong for other people to say what the "fair share" of taxes the wealthy should pay are, but seem to think that your opinion of that "fair share" is the only fair "fair share".

    It's hard to have a conversation with someone who speaks their perspective as the absolute, while telling other people they should not speak as though their perspective is the absolute.

    It's like the whole debate around absolute truth. If there is no absolute truth, then even the statement there is no absolute truth can be false, meaning there is absolute truth, but that contradicts the premise that there is no absolute truth.

    Absolutely. Lol.
    Because he is a better man than you dummy......jeeesh.....get a clue buckethead!

  3. #143
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Realville, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post

    Because he is a better man than you dummy......jeeesh.....get a clue buckethead!
    When your in that deep with that warped liberal philosophy you wouldn't know a clue from a lie. Sad but, they made their bed!!

  4. #144
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post

    Why do you think your opinion is more valuable or correct than anyone else's? You sit there and proclaim it's wrong for other people to say what the "fair share" of taxes the wealthy should pay are, but seem to think that your opinion of that "fair share" is the only fair "fair share".

    It's hard to have a conversation with someone who speaks their perspective as the absolute, while telling other people they should not speak as though their perspective is the absolute.

    It's like the whole debate around absolute truth. If there is no absolute truth, then even the statement there is no absolute truth can be false, meaning there is absolute truth, but that contradicts the premise that there is no absolute truth.

    Absolutely. Lol.

    I absolutely agree lol

  5. #145


    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post

    Why do you think your opinion is more valuable or correct than anyone else's? You sit there and proclaim it's wrong for other people to say what the "fair share" of taxes the wealthy should pay are, but seem to think that your opinion of that "fair share" is the only fair "fair share".

    It's hard to have a conversation with someone who speaks their perspective as the absolute, while telling other people they should not speak as though their perspective is the absolute.

    It's like the whole debate around absolute truth. If there is no absolute truth, then even the statement there is no absolute truth can be false, meaning there is absolute truth, but that contradicts the premise that there is no absolute truth.

    Absolutely. Lol.
    3 paragraphs that said nothing. answered none of the questions nor offer a differing opinion on any of the questions.

  6. #146


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post

    I absolutely agree lol
    What do you agree with? He writes nothing but drivel.

  7. #147
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    ok, bostinks, show me Clayton's "opinion" and "solutions" in his post. What, you can't? Really? Then you are correct, sir, and you get the prize, because Clayton, like most of you right wingers on here, sit there and post glib little one liners and smartassed comments but always accuse others of offering nothing.

    You people are the ones who lack the ability to think beyond bumper stickers. The responses I got to the philosophical statements I made about absolute truth versus relative truth were EXACTLY the responses I expected, because I already KNOW you don't think any deeper than the latest redneck, right wing conservative bumper sticker.

    Keep posting. You're winning... lol
    Last edited by t.nie; 12-02-2011 at 06:40 AM.

  8. #148
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    somewhere near the land of OZ


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Graham Han(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) wrote a book a number of years ago, took the world by storm (or parts of it, anyway) called Ancient Aliens. In it, he mapped the Pyramids on the Giza Plateau and made these connections between the positions of the pyramids and the 3 stars in the middle of Orion, called Orion's belt. His theory was that Ancient Aliens built the Pyramids, and that is why they lined up with the stars. He went through a lot of convoluted gyrations, citing the procession of the equinoxes (stars do not stay in the same place over time in our sky, they move as the centuries pass) and managed to created a mathematical formula that put the pyramids in a certain position to line up with the Belt when they were built.

    Fascinating stuff. He also covered Mayan civilizations, the Incas, etc, and tied in their monuments to these theories as well. More "fascinating stuff."

    And many people became believers in Han(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)'s theories. So much so, he sold a million books or whatever, made a ton of dough, got on a bunch of talk shows, and of course, cashed in on is audience's loyalty with... you guessed it, another book.

    And then some other smart fellers at a university somewhere took all the same "theoretical" manipulations Han(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) used and spread it over New York City. Found that you could apply the same alignments and whatnot Han(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) used to pinpoint specific landmarks around NYC and line em up with the same stars. Use other landmarks for N, S, E W and hey presto, the landmarks in NYC were designed and built by ALIENS from ORION... lol

    So then you say "well, Glenn Beck has people watching everything that's going on in the world, and they are connecting events in ways that make sense and foreshadow things to come and show us what's REALLY going on behind the scenes that no one knows about" and I say really? I can take my local newspaper and make up some wild conspiracies out of a car wreck, meth bust, local election and the obituaries.

    Does that mean there is a conspiracy in my little town? That some dark sinister force is at work? Really? Or does it just make me a great creative thinker, able to take mundane, unrelated events and form some interconnected, common theme among them to explain how they are connected when in fact, they are nothing more than random events that just happen?

    Beck is to me, just like Han(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word). He is selling snake oil. He is just making it all up as he goes along. And he's doing a great job, for a former drunk with no education.
    I guess what he says about the consitution is snake oil also lmao

  9. #149
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    somewhere near the land of OZ


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    ok, bostinks, show me Clayton's "opinion" and "solutions" in his post. What, you can't? Really? Then you are correct, sir, and you get the prize, because Clayton, like most of you right wingers on here, sit there and post glib little one liners and smartassed comments but always accuse others of offering nothing.

    You people are the ones who lack the ability to think beyond bumper stickers. The responses I got to the philosophical statements I made about absolute truth versus relative truth were EXACTLY the responses I expected, because I already KNOW you don't think any deeper than the latest redneck, right wing conservative bumper sticker.

    Keep posting. You're winning... lol
    what solutions are you showing
    Last edited by LITE-INN; 12-02-2011 at 07:36 AM.

  10. #150
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    Graham Han(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) wrote a book a number of years ago, took the world by storm (or parts of it, anyway) called Ancient Aliens. In it, he mapped the Pyramids on the Giza Plateau and made these connections between the positions of the pyramids and the 3 stars in the middle of Orion, called Orion's belt. His theory was that Ancient Aliens built the Pyramids, and that is why they lined up with the stars. He went through a lot of convoluted gyrations, citing the procession of the equinoxes (stars do not stay in the same place over time in our sky, they move as the centuries pass) and managed to created a mathematical formula that put the pyramids in a certain position to line up with the Belt when they were built.

    Fascinating stuff. He also covered Mayan civilizations, the Incas, etc, and tied in their monuments to these theories as well. More "fascinating stuff."

    And many people became believers in Han(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)'s theories. So much so, he sold a million books or whatever, made a ton of dough, got on a bunch of talk shows, and of course, cashed in on is audience's loyalty with... you guessed it, another book.

    And then some other smart fellers at a university somewhere took all the same "theoretical" manipulations Han(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) used and spread it over New York City. Found that you could apply the same alignments and whatnot Han(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) used to pinpoint specific landmarks around NYC and line em up with the same stars. Use other landmarks for N, S, E W and hey presto, the landmarks in NYC were designed and built by ALIENS from ORION... lol

    So then you say "well, Glenn Beck has people watching everything that's going on in the world, and they are connecting events in ways that make sense and foreshadow things to come and show us what's REALLY going on behind the scenes that no one knows about" and I say really? I can take my local newspaper and make up some wild conspiracies out of a car wreck, meth bust, local election and the obituaries.

    Does that mean there is a conspiracy in my little town? That some dark sinister force is at work? Really? Or does it just make me a great creative thinker, able to take mundane, unrelated events and form some interconnected, common theme among them to explain how they are connected when in fact, they are nothing more than random events that just happen?

    Beck is to me, just like Han(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word). He is selling snake oil. He is just making it all up as he goes along. And he's doing a great job, for a former drunk with no education.
    Yawn. Yer putting me to sleep.
    I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.
    ~Hillary Clinton~

    Thank you C4Vette

  11. #151
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    somewhere near the land of OZ

  12. #152


    a few of my solutions not in order: get out of all wars, drill our own oil and there won't be a need for us to go to war, pull 1/2 the troops from foreign bases and put them on our borders, to get any form of welfare you must show up for 8 hours somewhere per day, food stamps will be replaced by soup kitchens, govt workers will make the same as private workers and have no pensions and will pay in to social security, eliminate for starters the NEA, either state or federal EPA we don't need both, subsidize no business if they cannot stand on their own they don't need to exist, re-install Glass-Stegal, schoool voucher system, get out of the UN, get out of NATO, repeal NAFTA and GATT, repeal obamacare, cap medical lawsuit awards and install loser pay system, all lawmakers will live by same laws the private sector lives by, balanced budget amendment, eliminate base line budgeting, decriminalize marijuanna, eliminate the income tax change to national sales tax, no foreign aid until our problems are fixed, combine the FBI, CIA, NSA, cut state police budgets in 1/2 and give 1/2 of that to the county sherriffs who operate more efficient and are much closer to the people

  13. #153
    Join Date
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    Central Ky


    Quote Originally Posted by bostinks View Post
    a few of my solutions not in order: get out of all wars, drill our own oil and there won't be a need for us to go to war, pull 1/2 the troops from foreign bases and put them on our borders, to get any form of welfare you must show up for 8 hours somewhere per day, food stamps will be replaced by soup kitchens, govt workers will make the same as private workers and have no pensions and will pay in to social security, eliminate for starters the NEA, either state or federal EPA we don't need both, subsidize no business if they cannot stand on their own they don't need to exist, re-install Glass-Stegal, schoool voucher system, get out of the UN, get out of NATO, repeal NAFTA and GATT, repeal obamacare, cap medical lawsuit awards and install loser pay system, all lawmakers will live by same laws the private sector lives by, balanced budget amendment, eliminate base line budgeting, decriminalize marijuanna, eliminate the income tax change to national sales tax, no foreign aid until our problems are fixed, combine the FBI, CIA, NSA, cut state police budgets in 1/2 and give 1/2 of that to the county sherriffs who operate more efficient and are much closer to the people
    BOSTINKS FOR PRESIDENT.........if my wife, was not so heavily armed, I would ask you to marry me

  14. #154
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by bostinks View Post
    a few of my solutions not in order: get out of all wars, drill our own oil and there won't be a need for us to go to war, pull 1/2 the troops from foreign bases and put them on our borders, to get any form of welfare you must show up for 8 hours somewhere per day, food stamps will be replaced by soup kitchens, govt workers will make the same as private workers and have no pensions and will pay in to social security, eliminate for starters the NEA, either state or federal EPA we don't need both, subsidize no business if they cannot stand on their own they don't need to exist, re-install Glass-Stegal, schoool voucher system, get out of the UN, get out of NATO, repeal NAFTA and GATT, repeal obamacare, cap medical lawsuit awards and install loser pay system, all lawmakers will live by same laws the private sector lives by, balanced budget amendment, eliminate base line budgeting, decriminalize marijuanna, eliminate the income tax change to national sales tax, no foreign aid until our problems are fixed, combine the FBI, CIA, NSA, cut state police budgets in 1/2 and give 1/2 of that to the county sherriffs who operate more efficient and are much closer to the people
    Not much I disagree with here! Most of these are common sense items that the government overlooks. Only issue I see is legalizing Marijuanna I see doing this is just a step towards legalizing other drugs down the road. Which I really don't care about I just don't want to pay for the rehab or the increase in crime due to drug addicts. But if everything else you provided was passed I would compromise on this issue. See Dems even a Conservative can compromise!

  15. #155
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by 15jr View Post
    Not much I disagree with here! Most of these are common sense items that the government overlooks. Only issue I see is legalizing Marijuanna I see doing this is just a step towards legalizing other drugs down the road. Which I really don't care about I just don't want to pay for the rehab or the increase in crime due to drug addicts. But if everything else you provided was passed I would compromise on this issue. See Dems even a Conservative can compromise!
    Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men. - Gen. George Patton

    The above quote represents a lot of what has and is happening in America today. Many people do not know how or do not want to say "NO!" That is why our society is deteriorating. Marijuana, gay marriage, abortion and so much more are just examples of either not being able to say no to others or to them selves if they are politicians who would rather say "yes" for votes than to say no to immorality and other things that eventually break down the society. Allowing people to have economic help when in need without something in return is abhorrent to social morals. At least even FDR felt that such things as the Civilian Conservation Corps (pronounced "core") would put people to work for their money.

    Much of what we see today in the way of those refusing to say "no" are those that would rather have the votes or would rather allow the people to continue to their movement towards total immorality. THAT is NOT a conservative approach. That is not to say that there are not people who present themselves as conservatives do not allow some of this to be blessed by them but once again this brings up the point that politicians in many cases have given up their conservative approach for votes rather than to stand firm with moral conviction and say "NO!"

    As for marijuana, I have plenty of past knowledge and will state without a doubt that the numbers of responsible people compared to the number of irresponsible people will continue to create a degradation of society and open the door for people to continue to say that something else is not as bad as this or that. It should not be a point of whether something is no worse than something else. It should be a point as to whether it will continue the breakdown of society. I know that many people will use such things as marijuana as excuses to themselves to not try, to not give a full effort with their lives. We already have enough people in society that are already using enough excuses in life to not try to succeed and/or blame others for their problems. Sound familiar? It should. The "occupiers" are just a sampling of what has become a third and fourth generational downgrading of our society by people not caring and not learning to say "NO!"
    I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.
    ~Hillary Clinton~

    Thank you C4Vette

  16. #156
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    I understand your point and have taken those things into consideration. I don't agree that we should allow it to be legalized. I do not use it I do not condone it. I do believe it is part of the issue of how the country has been degrading, but I do not believe it is the only reason. In fact I don't believe it to be the major factor. I believe Jealousy, Bad Parenting, Malfunctioning Government, and a good portion of the country just plain giving up are a larger factor.

    If I had to choose to have all of the other problems fixed and have to have Marijuanna legal to do it, then I choose to legalize it. I also believe if we fixed all the other problems we have most wouldn't need or want to partake in it. JMO I choose for myself to be conservative I can not choose for everyone.

  17. #157
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    I hope that I did not lead you to believe that marijuana was the root of all of our problems. I only feel that it is representative of allowing things to continue to slip just as James Dean and Elvis were symbols of the beginning of a rebellious generation and Elizabeth Taylor and other stars were the symbols of why it was OK to just consider marriage as something that no longer was supposed to be a life long commitment.

    I do agree generally with your comments.
    I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.
    ~Hillary Clinton~

    Thank you C4Vette

  18. #158
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    May 2007
    Realville, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by t.nie View Post
    ok, bostinks, show me Clayton's "opinion" and "solutions" in his post. What, you can't? Really? Then you are correct, sir, and you get the prize, because Clayton, like most of you right wingers on here, sit there and post glib little one liners and smartassed comments but always accuse others of offering nothing.

    You people are the ones who lack the ability to think beyond bumper stickers. The responses I got to the philosophical statements I made about absolute truth versus relative truth were EXACTLY the responses I expected, because I already KNOW you don't think any deeper than the latest redneck, right wing conservative bumper sticker.

    Keep posting. You're winning... lol
    Identifying the problems is the first step in the solutions. Then as I said, you don't compromise with liberals any further. You vote them out of office and start repealing the problems they have created. Sorry to be brief but when I make longer posts you seem to file them under one liners also!!

    We have identified the problems and they just flew over your head as I'm sure any input we have will continue to.

    You should have a pull string doll made after you. We can help you with the phrases it would say!

  19. #159
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by MotorMouth View Post
    I hope that I did not lead you to believe that marijuana was the root of all of our problems. I only feel that it is representative of allowing things to continue to slip just as James Dean and Elvis were symbols of the beginning of a rebellious generation and Elizabeth Taylor and other stars were the symbols of why it was OK to just consider marriage as something that no longer was supposed to be a life long commitment.

    I do agree generally with your comments.
    Nope not at all. I agree totally with your assessment. All the little things make up the big problem.

  20. #160
    Join Date
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    The Universe


    Quote Originally Posted by bostinks View Post
    a few of my solutions not in order: get out of all wars, drill our own oil and there won't be a need for us to go to war, pull 1/2 the troops from foreign bases and put them on our borders, to get any form of welfare you must show up for 8 hours somewhere per day, food stamps will be replaced by soup kitchens, govt workers will make the same as private workers and have no pensions and will pay in to social security, eliminate for starters the NEA, either state or federal EPA we don't need both, subsidize no business if they cannot stand on their own they don't need to exist, re-install Glass-Stegal, schoool voucher system, get out of the UN, get out of NATO, repeal NAFTA and GATT, repeal obamacare, cap medical lawsuit awards and install loser pay system, all lawmakers will live by same laws the private sector lives by, balanced budget amendment, eliminate base line budgeting, decriminalize marijuanna, eliminate the income tax change to national sales tax, no foreign aid until our problems are fixed, combine the FBI, CIA, NSA, cut state police budgets in 1/2 and give 1/2 of that to the county sherriffs who operate more efficient and are much closer to the people

    Quote Originally Posted by 15jr View Post
    JMO I choose for myself to be conservative I can not choose for everyone.
    Now if we could just get the majority of people who run for political office to think like this the country would be better off. the whole idea of trying to legislate morality wether it be from the conservative view point or liberal is flawed.

    To the orginal post it was pretty spot on, sorry to necromance the thread, but i've been busy and hadn't been here for awhile
    "This will remain the land of the free only as long as it is the home of the brave."-Elmer Davis



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