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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by pieman View Post
    your a first class POS!!!!
    u pick fights with any person that acts like they no a thing or two about racing
    or anything else thats said..
    u and a couple other priks... that think there gods gift to 4.M..
    and EGO youve ben beatin this dead horse for over four years know..
    get over it.. or shut your mouth and learn about racing..
    ive never seen one person get on 4.M and back u up.
    not your so called team mates or anybody!!
    for all i know your a liar...
    i bet u couldnt super tune a lawn mower . or a 604 crate engine!
    u couldnt even set up a rocking chair , or a crate late..
    dynoman has forgot more than you'll ever know about racing..
    so go f urself..
    and another thing CELL phones do work in the tech shed at eastbay.
    so what am i a LIAR!!! haha think not u pos!!!!
    build u car and prove yourself..
    im like people from missiouri .....SHOWME!!!!
    and i will believe..
    so stop runnin your jib and get out to the race track and prove your self..
    all you do is run your lips like you know every thing& have done everything there is to do to a race car ..
    if this were true.. the allmighity ego would have a car on the front row of the world 100 this comeing year.
    and ego as far as i know . your just dude with a keyboard that likes to stir the pot
    a real first class pos!
    you dont make a liveing fooling with race cars.. your just a guy that wishes he did!
    so get what ever is shoved up your glory hole ....out..
    and we all will feel better...
    u first class POS!
    P.S the spinout king was jimmy j.
    well ego got back up on this 1 issue,..what he saying was posted an alot more derogatory stuff bout dyno14 is true!!,..dyno been asked to sale some products to be tested by 4m members an refused to,coulda proved him self right on this to us all but ran back to corner an waited for it all to be forgotten..well it ant,.an lot more people would be posting same type info as ego but guess there fingers have grown tired of the topic, most builders on here chose to not reply outta self bout all them court case's agenst dyno that was posted,..bout 4 defernt deals,..can ya say "snake oil"

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by dirty white boy View Post
    well ego got back up on this 1 issue,..what he saying was posted an alot more derogatory stuff bout dyno14 is true!!,..dyno been asked to sale some products to be tested by 4m members an refused to,coulda proved him self right on this to us all but ran back to corner an waited for it all to be forgotten..well it ant,.an lot more people would be posting same type info as ego but guess there fingers have grown tired of the topic, most builders on here chose to not reply outta self bout all them court case's agenst dyno that was posted,..bout 4 defernt deals,..can ya say "snake oil"

    All true.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by pieman View Post
    u 3 aint proved nothin.!!
    wat du u tink u proved besides your ignorance?

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Don't have a horse in this race, just hate to see BS spread...although the Speedtalk Engine board forum talk slams Dyno hard over there for making claims and never backing anything with provable fact. Gotta say though, Pieman you do not do yourself or anyone else any favors or gain any respect by acting like a *ick in responding to statements that are posted by members of what Dyno has claimed over the years...satellites, unbelievable stuff that everybody else has laughed at...I remember that Steve H offered to BUY stuff from him so they could dyno what was claimed and Dyno disappeared....

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    On the edge all the time


    Mark, Face it buddy.....Ego just doesn't like you!!!!!

    Ego, I don't think Mark cares!!!!!!!!

    My observation is that Dyno has presented a bunch of stuff that could/has made a difference. Who gives a big crap who's running it!!!! Ego all you have done is whine and complain. I say again SHUT UP AND RACE!!!!

    And just for the record I have been pitched when I was right and passed when I was wrong so that says it all about the tech shed.

    You really want to find out if his stuff works......I-77 speedway Chester,SC Be there.

    Now can we move on please????

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    how one carry's themselves,promotes ones selves is dramatically linked to how ones self is remembered....

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    I have been on Speed for about 5 years now and don't recall getting slammed for BS. If so I addressed the post with facts to support my position.

    I guess I am about the only one in the country that will give out dyno figures on what I have tested for 604 crates and I actually back it up by selling a lot of the stuff to successful racers.

    As far as the Satellite traction control, it is available to the public now as "onstar" , I am sure if you look back you will see a couple cars adorned with Delphi and Hughes stickers as both were GM owned or affiliated businesses. I have a good friend who is still the crew chief on the car that I mentioned and only did so because it was a pretty neat topic. We used to have a monthly poker get together with some pretty big hitters now but just rookies back then either in Huntersville or LKN most from the same development tree, Evernham, Hmiel, Knauss, Dorton, Jr, Hornick, Cronquist, Line, Bienemann, Stewart, Gibson, Kahne, Yeley, East, and a bunch more I can't or won't recall. Anyway I think we had about 250 limit on raises and a couple of pots in the $5-10K range. Back 15 years ago that was pretty good money in my book. I guess I won more than my fair share of them but I also lost some too but it was worth it just to have been there.

    I speak that traction control system with no less sincerity as I would of Tire Gate, Fender Gate, Trunk Gate, Rear Window gate and most recently C-Pillar gate. Who do you think tested that crap in ARCA to make sure it worked??? Seems like most of them gates involved the same folks huh. A couple of the main teams in NASCAR ad just hired some pretty smart F-1 dudes. I wonder if Honda had satellite controlled engine, suspension and traction system back 20 years ago before it was outlawed by FIA.

    All I can say is check your facts before you shoot of your mouth, backfires are hell.

    As far as EGO goes, I do like him a lot because he will get on here and state a position and why he believes it which is more than I can say for about 99% of the posters on here and elsewhere. I may not agree with him on some stuff but other than that he has his right to his opinion.

    As far as most other folks, they probably don't know that I stay on the chassis dyno for 12-14 hours a day and have been doing it for the last 20 years. That is a lot of time spent testing and developing for me and many other folks.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Dyno, Not going to get into a lot of details here, but since you resurrected this post...I can not believe you say you haven't been slammed on Speedtalk...You have some people that go along with what you post over there, but I can copy and paste so many posts of people calling you a snake oil salesman over there like they do here...I know thta reputable people on this board have offered to BUY your stuff to test and post the results, either good or bad, and you have never taken them up on it...One of them is our engine builder and I have had conversations about some of the name dropping etc...I called you out a long time ago about opening up a can of worms about pavement Supermodified racing on the west coast, which I've been involved with since 1974...I don't disagree with 100% of your fact, some of your posts are thought provoking and makes a person say "hummm" maybe so...But some of the name dropping and crate stuff is really out there...The whole Willy's dyno session, etc...No reason again to go into details...Not a hater at all, but skeptical on certain claims...No big deal...

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2007


    dyno had indeed gotten slammed over on spedtalk. but what you have to remember about that place is there are alot of professionals over there who dont take the time to respond to his bs. they just laugh and go on with their day. i've gotten a number of pm's over there with some good storys about dynomans bs. and im sure there are more to come.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Glasgow, Kentucky


    Typical Dynoman, run and hide for months and when he thinks everyone forgot about him he pops back up and spams every thread he can trying to sell his junk.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    how bout the battery's that would store un used power an save it to use at wheels when needed?? is he still developing stuff for NASA,..hell might be why NASA went,..said it before,..dyno need to write science fiction,..its his true callin it seems...

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    I think I might have underestimated, I have been on the Speed site since it started up as I bought and sold Serdi machines on it when Don first set it up. As far as my posts hope they have gotten you thinking. If you have not attempted to get a crate engine pulling up to 7500 you have not hit the sweet spot yet. It don't work on one out of the box as you have to work specific areas to make things happen.

    For all you rednecks that don't know any better, you might want to pick up an issue of Engine Technology, they cost about $15ea but have more current information in them than Hot Rod TV or Circle Track Magazine. Battery powered storage was run and tested at my shop by Don and Danny Panoz about 10-12 years ago, when my home and shop was up the street from them in Braselton. I sold them about $1Million+ worth of engine building equipment for them to start up ELAN Power, so I guess I have a unique insight into their race program. They won a couple races by running 1 less pit stop than the other guys and shortly after that the power regeneration system was outlawed. It is currently being run as KERS in F-1, some M'cycle classes and some other race classes where they don't have rules against it yet.

    I have the systems currently running on 3 Dirt Late-Models and 4 Pavement cars, they are all associated with a CUP team I do R&D for. Since the system costs about $15-20K it is not in the ballpark for most folks and I am not looking to sell it outside of the current user group . It is a small system that is only about 12kW system so it is not real big but is worth about 5-10 partial power laps that will save 3-4 laps of fuel on pavement and maybe 5 laps on dirt. It operates under decel and charges under de-cel. It is similar to what is run on a single wheel of some e-power cars.

    As far as dropping off the site for a couple months, I have been on a business trip to Italy for about 2 months back and forth delivering and servicing some of my cylinder head equipment.

    As far as selling my junk, it has a life of it's own and sell itself. The folks that run it continue to buy it, as far as sending it out to test, I have been selling and shipping parts to just about anybody that e-mails me with a request and has the money to pay for the items.

    I may have gotten slammed on Speed about my post on Satellite traction control, but it was a fact and was in place like I said before; a major CUP team, Delphi and Hughes in conjunction with McLaren. Seems kind of funny that McClaren or one of their subsidiaries along with Illmor are the ones responsible for building the Fuel Injection and CPU's for current Cup FI. Anyway there are a couple folks on Speed that PM'd me that thought that is what happened at the Open a couple years back.

    I am not sure who you guys consider to be experts here or there but I already know most of the folks over there as the originator of the Site was a former Serdi Salesman.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Red Dirt USA



    I apologize for you getting slammed by some of these "boneheads", just so I could get some info.

    I still plan on getting up with you on some 604 parts, but consulting with 2 race teams has kept me very busy.

    I'm sure you have heard this, but someone in racing once said , "if you are gonna be in auto racing, you better have skin thicker than an alligator."

    Anyway, keep doin' what you're doin', some of us are listenin!

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    No problem, I learned way back when that not everybody marches to the same Sax player...

    Good luck on the consulting deal, I have a couple deal I have been on in the last couple months including installation and confirmation of a couple KERS systems on Dirt Late-Models. They make a bigger difference on crates, and in particular pavement crates as fuel in 100 and 200 lappers is a significant concern.

    We have also perfected USB response back and forth from race cars with 4g Phones as the sender. It has already proven to be a very good on pavement for magnetic shock adjusters and weight jackers, and will now find its niche in other forms of motorsports.

    I also spent 2 days on the blow down rig working with nose shape and position as well as creating new and determining existing low pressure areas on the body.

    If you want 604 springs, retainers and locks I am on about 2wk backlog filling orders. I have gotten my rig up to about 30 sets a week and that is about the max until I get time to build another fixture and UHF generator.

    If you have the opportunity to do so with your teams, the biggest area of gain you can get is matching your Carb and Dizzy to the fuel burn curve of the gas you are running. I do a couple a week and results are pretty impressive with gains in the 25FT# & 20HP +. Also there is a big gain in using a proper timing curve in the dizzy to maximize engine acceleration rate.


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