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Thread: dynoman14

  1. #21
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    I don't think it will get locked out because my posts generate traffic and that is what a site needs. I don't call people names or call them liars or threaten them or send them rude and posts or PMS cussing them out.

    This system is 100% legit, and I did not buy it or find it in a book, it took me about 20 years of investing and searching to figure out how simple the stock market really is. It is like Las Vegas in 3D. I think it is cool that you can make money on the same deal no matter if the company gains or loses, if you are on the right end of the trade you make money every time...

    Now you know why those investor guys have billions...

    Don't fantasize about getting there just want to make enough to pay the bills and have some left over to play with...

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    So now you are claiming that you have developed a program with which you can (to within 95% accuracy) model the day’s action and volatility of a stock only with information from the first hour of trading. That’s impressive as I would say there are about a million investment bankers, mutual fund managers, etc. out there that would be willing to pay you billions of dollars for such a program.

    Just let me know how much money to send you and where to send it to and I’ll purchase the program from you provided I have a written guarantee that it works without any chance of losing money as you describe. If you really had a failsafe way of winning at the stock market 95% of the time, you should be the richest man in the world.

    But I’ll humor you (and myself mostly) with a few follow-up questions:

    Maybe I missed something but I’m curious as to how you start your one-hour modeling of the market (since that’s all you need to predict the entire day’s action) at 9AM since the market itself doesn’t start trading until 9:30AM. Since you’re in Georgia, you’re in the same time zone as the NYSE which is where BOA is traded. I’ll await your response claiming to have constructed a working time machine.

    I’m also curious what stock brokerage you use since I have never heard of one that allows margin trading on stocks under $5/share. In fact, it violates SEC regulations to margin trade stocks below the $5 mark. You claim to have been using this method with BOA stock for 5+ years yet their stock was down below $5 in February and March of 2009. Explain that for me.

    I’m also curious as to how you got friends started on the program for less than $1000 when an initial investment of $2000 is required to open a margin account with any brokerage.

    What programming language did you use to develop the program?
    Last edited by Matt49; 06-11-2012 at 02:51 PM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Glasgow, Kentucky


    Quote Originally Posted by dynoman14 View Post
    These swings happen on a daily basis just like a Sine curve and thru a program I have developed
    This is from a person that has REPEATEDLY posted that he knows NOTHING about programming a web site and has a retired friend do his, BUT he can write a program that guarantees he makes money on the stock market!

    This one was good enough that I sent it to my cousin who is a Professor at Ohio State has his Doctorate in Economics, he said he literally laughed out loud when he read it.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by C10 View Post
    I am just shocked ATM that Ego and Jeff are playing nice together!!! Sorry guys, had to say it......
    i noticed that to,...but was gonna see if it lasted...

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    ..........................and none othis $h!+ has anything to do with Crate Lates.....................................
    Old enuf to know better, still too young to givadamm.

  6. #26

    Default dynoman14

    The numbers he is telling you about on the stock exchange are the same numbers he gets with his dyno! metric dyno numbers and paso stock exchange numbers.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Sorry to get the post off track, Go Ahead...ask your question about a crate...

    Once you earn a preferred trader status you can trade whenever you want to as you can use the Asian markets or the European markets, or anywhere else for that matter.

    I start my trades at 9am because it takes me about 30 minutes to get my accounts loaded and lined up and ready to trade. Like I said about a year ago, to make it work the way I am currently trading you have to have 5 separate IPO addresses with 5 separate trading accounts because too many trades of the same stock will get your account frozen and you don't want that to happen...

    As you are such an expert Matt, you should know that BofA has been a staple of the NYSE for quite some time and has not lost any of its priviledges during its down time when it dropped in price. All they had to do was float some paper to guarantee the NYSE that any shortfalls to them would be covered. DUh!!!

    Since my first majors in college was Information Systems and Statistical Analysis; My initial numerical movement programs were done in Cobol and Fortran as that is what I learned to program first. They were long and complex and hard to use. Later on when I learned Basic and C-Basic I changed them to a format I currently use today. It is really pretty simple program as I use a running average that I keep on an hourly basis, and I average the past 30 days to predict the current days trends, since I am using such large swings in price it is really pretty easy to get a curve and then follow the first couple thousand trades in the am to see what is going to happen. I something goofy is going on I apply a correction to the days curve and see what happens. Like I said, it is based on the theory of squares and roots and compiles all data into a nice little bell curve for me. Stuck with it a couple years and met 2 sisters taking Psychology and that changed my life and path for about 2 years...After that it was on to Biochemistry, Physics and Microbiology which I ended up finishing at Georgia State and Georgia Tech with a Triple Major. They did not have a Motorports engineering program at the time so I made my own. Got a Scholarship to Germany to pursue a PhD in Alcohol Fermenting with bacteria and got bored after a year and came back to the ATL to work at Kraft Foods. oops got sidetracked...

    As far as SEC violations talk to Brian Moynihan and his folks, margin never got pulled on my account and not all of the SEC's rules apply to all of the NYSE companies the same way. As long as you clear up your personal margin accounts on a daily basis, you can buy just about anything you want to on Margin, you just have to know how to do it and where to get it done. Kinda like anything else in the world.

    As far as selling the program to anybody, nobody would want it, it is remedial and is not fool proof ? Over night when the Arab spring thing hit I lost about $50K in the first week. Once I re-programmed and got back on track I was able to make that back and more with multiple weeks of short selling. I am having fun doing what I am doing and there are a ton of other folks out there way smarter than me writing financial programs and predictors.

    Just ran the numbers and after about 60% probability of another -10-20c drop there is a 30% chance of +10c, and 60% chance of +20c tomorrow. With that in the hopper I will load about 10 short sells and 25 sells below 20c like 5c, 10c, 15c. So predictions say about 40-50c swing tomorrow with 60% probability. 95%ile is +/- 15c

    I use the Fidelity Active Trader Pro program and I am in a Beta test run for another 6 months of their newest format. I have a weekly conference call with about 25 other day traders about how to negotiate and get the program to work better. I get real time screens of anything I can program into it. In return for the Beta test we get 500 trades free for the year so that is about $3500 off the top.It currently has the fastest trade response and has the best rates on just about everything as far as I am concerned. It also allows me to link to any of the foreign exchanges I want along with currency as well. As I am from Canada I am still pretty active in the CAD-USD flip flopping. When I worked for Serdi I took some big bonus chunks in euros and had fun flipping that money back and forth.

    You can also download files directly to Turbo Tax for quartely taxes as they would take you a month to do at 1000 trades a month.

    As far as opening an account for trading rules changed in the past 2 years but Ameritrade used to let you active trade with $1000 and a link to your bank account to guarantee your margin trades. Just like anything else you have to start small but when you can double your money almost every couple days, things happen pretty quick. Using 1000 get you about 5K on good companies so trading 20 times on $250 nets you about $15-25 per trade, at the end of the day once you reconcile you will have made $300-$500 on your original $1000 not bad for a days work in my book.

    Your cousin is obviously about as smart as you then, he ought to stick to teaching, nice government job with tenure, he's probably pushing $200K a year off your back.
    I have 11 friends in one of my trading groups and they are all either stock brokers or investment bankers and as stupid as they are they think it is a pretty cool idea to have been thought up by a "Dumbass like myself".
    One of them uses my example of "swing trading" in his Advanced Investment Class.

    You ever even seen a chassis dyno??? Much less know what it does???

  8. #28
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    Jun 2007


    Headed to work (not all of us can make $10,000 in an hour) so I don't have time for a full response but trust me I've got more holes to poke in your claim.
    You mentioned that you use TDAmeritrade. Would you recommend that anyone starting this type of trading start with TDAmeritrade?
    And just to confirm, the type of trading you are referring to (short selling using a margin account) is what is know in the biz as "day trading", right?


  9. #29
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    Apr 2008


    The program I have written does not know what it works with or the results it produces, it is very similar to the baseball movie where the guy had a metrics program to estimate numbers. My program takes numbers, any numbers and groups them into statistical models. From there you have to have some knowledge about the numbers you put in to make sense of what numbers come out.

    There have been a couple shows on TV based on numbers and they have been pretty accurate in how they can be used to predict almost anything. Numbers and equations have their inherrent problems but so does everything else. You use the tools in your toolbox to get the job done, some of them may be way different than what other people use; does not make it right or wrong.

    I usually let the outcomes of projects predict the success of the tools I used to get there.

    The same exact program designs camshaft durations and their probablility of success by using intake and exhaust port flow, exhaust header sizes and lengths according to the same flow numbers. If you have enough data you can use Helmholz numbers to predict proper collector size and length. That is why folks look at my headers and scratch their heads...Put them on the dyno and somehow they work, put them on the chassis dyno and they work, put them on the track and they win.

    Either I have figured out a pretty good way to design headers or I am very lucky picking out who calls me up to buy them. At that point I don't care and go on to the next project.

    New Crate Project #37;
    Working on a closed loop cooling circuit that will let me run say 300*F internal water temp on a crate so I can utilize a fraction of the fuel that kinda gets away in the normal operation of the engine. Might work - might not if it does there is a potential gain of an additional 15-20% TQ gain. In my book that is a lot to shoot for and even if I come up short and only get halfway there, I guess 10% torque gain is better than nothing...

    I am up to Crate Project #51 to date and will update on them as I get more substantial data to discuss. I might even start some threads on #1 - #37 if I feel the motivation to do so.

    Website Design;
    So just because I know how to work with numbers and equations means absolutely nothing when it comes to designing a website. They are 2 totally opposite things. I could learn how to do it, but why when it is the only thing that brings joy to my great friend "Billy-Bob" when he wants to stop he will let me know.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2007


    notice he didnt answer matts question...

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2007



    Everything that you have described to this point from the math and programming to the investment end of it is complete horse dung.

    You’re rambling about programming, mathematics, and statistical analysis all over the map. It doesn’t even make any sense when I show it to someone who spent years studying statistical analysis. You’re talking about “theory of squares and roots” but I’m really curious how you would ever find the square root of any number using Cobol since it does not possess a numerical function to do this. Cobol, in fact, is not a programming language you would use for any type of numerical analysis outside of basic add/subtract or multiply/divide.

    What you seem to be trying to explain with your rambling is some form of data extrapolation but that isn’t valid statistical analysis and anybody with a background in statistics will tell you that.

    I would also like to know what a bell curve has to do with any of this. You mentioned in a previous post that your programmed worked using a sine curve. Which is it??? Because they are completely different things. A sine curve is used in a trigonometric function. A bell curve is the result of a Gaussian function. They involve quadratic functions but that is well beyond the reach of trigonometry. So is it a sine curve or a bell curve?

    You claim that the format your program uses today is written in CBASIC. I’m curious what you are using for DOS emulation that will handle the 8-bit code since CBASIC is designed to run on an 8-bit computer. Today’s home computers are 64-bit in case you didn’t know. I remind you because I’m not sure if you are up on the times in Information Technology since the most recent computer language your “program” uses was written 35 years ago and is considered completely obsolete. I’m wondering if you might have an old 8080 laying around running your “program” since that that would be the ideal platform for CBASIC. Or why you haven’t updated your “program” to run using VisualBasic or VisualBasic.NET since they long ago superseded CBASIC and will actually run on a modern hardware operating system.

    On my lunch break today, I contacted TDAmeritrade about opening a margin account and they told me $2000. I asked if it had ever been $1000 dollars with bank account collateral and they questioned whter I was a serious investor (which I imagined they would since that is a pretty stupid question). I went on to describe to them that I was interested in doing some margin buying and short selling (just as described in your methodology). They informed me that if my account was going to show any patterns of day trading activities, I would need to maintain a balance of $25,000 and they referred me to the following website for further information:

    So…all of the programming crap you are making up aside, please explain to us again how this can be done starting with $1000.

    You mentioned in an earlier post that you can double your money every 2 days or so. Do you realize that starting with $1000 and doubling it even every WEEK would yield 1 TRILLION dollars in just 20 weeks? Explain to us why you haven’t managed to pay off the national deficit. In just 24 weeks using your method, that could be done with change to spare. But that’s only if you start with $1000 which you can’t do so I guess we’re in a catch 22 now aren’t we?

    And designing a web site is not an “opposite thing” to any programming. The code that makes the website appear the way that it appears is a PROGRAM. And your buddy Billy Bob stopped working on your website back in 2009 it appears. Your website is written using nothing more than HTML and JavaScript and it hasn’t been updated in 3 years. For someone that claims to know Fortran, you could pick up a book and learn HTML and JavaScript in about 2 hours. I know that losing that two hours would cost you $10,000 but then at least your website would be updated and people would not have to send you ten messages trying to find an address to send a check to or where your shop is located.

    Please proceed to change the story about your programming and mathematical models and then also change the story about how the investing is setup.
    Last edited by Matt49; 06-12-2012 at 02:15 PM.

  12. #32
    Join Date
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    Glasgow, Kentucky


    Matt, He really has no use learning HTML as GoDaddy and Yahoo both have programs that ANYONE can build a web site with just by copy and pasting. As far as the HTML, that may be above him as it took my 12yo daughter about 6 weeks to learn it in school and present a web site that won an award. She did have previous up to date computer experience though if you count chatting with her friends on her I pod.

  13. #33
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    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Egoracing View Post
    Matt, He really has no use learning HTML as GoDaddy and Yahoo both have programs that ANYONE can build a web site with just by copy and pasting. As far as the HTML, that may be above him as it took my 12yo daughter about 6 weeks to learn it in school and present a web site that won an award. She did have previous up to date computer experience though if you count chatting with her friends on her I pod.
    I hear you point is that he said building a website was the "complete opposite" of programming when in fact one can easily build a website using simple programming and that's how it used to all be done. Having knowledge of Fortran and CBASIC should make HTML look very simple (because it is). I do my own website and use HTML just out of habit because I started doing that crap before there was "FrontPage" and all the other WYSIWYG web design deals.
    It's just another example of something he says that makes no sense.
    Just like him setting up his friends for day trading with less than $1000 account.
    Just like the mathematical and statistical analysis garbage - referencing sine curves on one post and then changing it to bell curves on another.
    This list goes on and on...

    The ultimate point here is that if someone like myself who does know a thing or two about mathematics and computer science can debunk his "programming" claims and then with just a little bit of research debunk his stock trading claims, what do you think some of the more notable (and reputable) engine builders could do to his HP claims?
    Call me crazy but I actually enjoy calling shenanigans when I hear or read someone blowing smoke.
    For another little laugh, check out this recent thread:

    Didn't take long for ole billet to put him in his place and I KNOW that guy knows his sh!t. No response over there from dynoman since but he found the time to blow more smoke over here about numbers going in and coming out and needing to know what they were or you won't know what you're getting. ????????? Just more smoke to try to confuse people into thinking, "well this guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about so he must be right."

    It's classic dynoman

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    matt49,...a well known,well respected engine builder did tell me his thoughts on dynomans clams, your right bout what he thought, comment as to who it was but there no longer with forward you the messages but thay were lost when 4m reformatted....

  15. #35

    Default I found something dyno14 said that I beleive

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt49 View Post
    You've never gotten a question or inquiry about it because it is an outrageous claim like about 90% of your other claims on here whether it be HP numbers or WPM numbers.
    There is no such thing as a "great reward" investment with "absolutely no risk". Even us hicks on 4m and speed know to dismiss such claims quicker than we throw away the junk mail that says "You're already a winner!"
    Bank of America?!?!? Really??? Their stock is DOWN over 30% this year and DOWN over 80% from where it was 5 years ago so I gotta hear this!!!

    So I'll tell you what...send me the technique and process that you are using with Bank of America and I'll invest the same way. I will give you 50% of my returns after capital gains taxes. But if I do not see any positive returns, you have to cover 100% of my losses. But it's "guaranteed money" so this shouldn't deter you one bit.
    But why am I wasting my time even typing this?
    We all know you won't send me any information on this just like you won't send JJ any filters and just like you won't produce a receipt for the parts on Ego's car and just like Steven Hendren has yet to get a single one of your 600+ customers to let him run your stuff on a dyno.
    What you WILL do is come up with some elaborate excuse for why you can't or won't share the information just like any other time that somebody actually calls you out on some ridiculous claim.
    In his early post on 4m he said he had 1200+ 4m customers now he is down to 600 I beleive that.

  16. #36

    Default looking for dynomans address

    just saw on a early post that 15 years ago dynoman was playing cards with some pretty heavy hitters in nascar the one that stuck in my head was Kayne well 15 years ago Kasey was 16 years old. That is some funny cow pie. I am sure he was gambling wiyh dynoman with 5000 dollar pots.

  17. #37
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    Apr 2008


    Just to inform you, short trading and day trading are not the same thing, better do some more research.

    Talking on the phone or looking on the internet will not get as much done as going into a local Ameritrade or Fidelity office and sitting down with an account executive and getting an account set up for what you want to do. They are more than willing to lower minimums and get things done for you if they know you are not just a "tire kicker".

    Setting up a margin account does not mean that you will do either of the above; it is more like setting up a credit line with the casino, but in a stock account you have to do so with tangible assets linked to your account. If you use Fidelity's revolving credit line / Margin Account; for one month and at the end of the month you are negative ( lost $$$ ) , you can either pay interest on the amount you are negative or pay it off and start over.

    As far as short trading, the folks I mentioned had IRA and 401K accounts to use an an achor to base their accounts off of. It is not used for trading but the assets count towards setting up your account. Anybody that has held a job for 5-10 years can easily have $25,000-50,000 in a qualified plan with minimal contributions.

    I think you must be one of those guys that sits around looking to shoot holes in something rather than trying to figure it out. I have just gotten TWELVE - 4m' ers / Speedtalkers on the program and they are all +$500 to +$1000 after one week of trading. Like I said before, it is the biggest no brainer in the world. If you are not motivated enough to get a $2500 account opened up and start basic trading until you can step up to leveraged / margin trading let it go. Not everybody has the killer instinct to take a chance and get it done. You guys can continue to spend thousands racing to win $500. After a year on this program you could probably race for next to nothing just using the profits on your trades.

    Internet sites;
    I guess I will state this again for those who have not read it before; as long as BillyBob is alive, he is the one tending to the websites, he was my gas man, catch-can man, former Soldier, half blind and his kidneys are shutting down, he tells me the sites keep him in contact with something he loves. I choose not to mess with them because I promised him he could do it as long as he wants to.

    I will work to try and get them updated as I have some new pics and info to post on there.

    Not sure about your information on how old people are but Kasey has been hanging out in Charlotte with TS since he was about 15-16. I think he is about 32-33 now. I use approximations in dates as more of my timline is related to race events. I know Kasey was driving in ARCA because of the age limits in NASCAR he parked next to us a couple times. He was involved with RayE and Dale Jr, during those times.

    BTW, I don't think poker has an age limit does it ??? and he had way more money than me...

  18. #38
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    That is funny about Kasey Kahne as when he was 17 he just moved into sprint cars in his home state of Washington...In 1997-1999 he was full time in winged Sprint cars, USAC, both sprint cars/midgets. Met him in 1999 when he drove for Dennis Roth in his winged 410 Sprint Car in Tulare...He had just tested for Robert Yates Racing at the time. There must be another Kasey Kahne, if you were hanging out with him in 1995-1996 in NC, as he was living full time in Washington and not made any knid of name for himself yet....LOL

  19. #39
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    I skipped all of your financial babble because it is so incoherent just like the two or three previous. It doesn't make any sense and that isn't because I don't know what I'm talking about or can't "figure it out". The best investment I could make would be to buy you for how much you know and sell you for how much you'd like people to think you know.

    So I skipped to your most recent race car driver name dropping claim because that is easy for people on here to relate to...after all, this is a racing forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by dynoman14 View Post
    I know Kasey was driving in ARCA because of the age limits in NASCAR he parked next to us a couple times. He was involved with RayE and Dale Jr, during those times.
    Kasey Kahne has only been in 1 ARCA race his entire life and that was for Yates at Talladega in the early 2000s (can't remember but 2003 I think).

    You say I'm just someone that wants to "shoot holes" rather than "figure it out". don't have to shoot holes in stories that are filled with them to begin with. And what I've "figured out" from all of the holes in your stories is that you are full of sh!t.

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt49 View Post
    I skipped all of your financial babble because it is so incoherent just like the two or three previous. It doesn't make any sense and that isn't because I don't know what I'm talking about or can't "figure it out". The best investment I could make would be to buy you for how much you know and sell you for how much you'd like people to think you know.

    So I skipped to your most recent race car driver name dropping claim because that is easy for people on here to relate to...after all, this is a racing forum.

    Kasey Kahne has only been in 1 ARCA race his entire life and that was for Yates at Talladega in the early 2000s (can't remember but 2003 I think).

    You say I'm just someone that wants to "shoot holes" rather than "figure it out". don't have to shoot holes in stories that are filled with them to begin with. And what I've "figured out" from all of the holes in your stories is that you are full of sh!t.
    dyno missed his true calling in life,..belive he coulda made millions as a writer of fiction/adventure!


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