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  1. #241
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    I only watched the second video. The claims it makes against Fox News is weak at the very least and the very claims of bias against Fox News issued in the clip is refuted just by listening to it. If this is an example of the content of most of the video's then IMO they are not worth listening too.

    I'm curious, shouldn't Nixon's short-comings been part of his obit for the generations who didn't know what a crook he was while in office?

  2. #242
    Join Date
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    somewhere near the land of OZ


    All I had to see is maher and Jon Stewart 's mug and can tell which way it was going

  3. #243
    Join Date
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    Realville, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by racin6mod View Post
    you are wrong no one is trashing the constitution but some are trying to wrap themselves in it as they did the word patriot a few years ago even calling the worst thing to happen the people of this country(the patriot act) the bush/cheney adm along with fixed news used the he11 out of the word patriot as they were taking our rights away.
    No one is trashing the Constitution???????????????????????????????????? You lost total credibility with such a statement.

  4. #244
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    Realville, USA

  5. #245
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    colchester il.


    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    Let wisdom enter your home. That's all I can say other than, I hope you take that advice.
    another words nothing was incorrect in those video's fix news was just miss quoted.It's funny as he11 that a few get on here and say the rest of us are this or that and we aren't smart enough to know the things they know because fix news or beck or some other out let told them the gods truth. fact is ther is a reason fix news is not main stream as some like to call it. that is the main stream news(real news) has to be FACTS and backed up unlike the story telling channels of fix news.
    Last edited by racin6mod; 01-27-2014 at 06:17 PM.

  6. #246
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    Realville, USA


    No, in other words the nonsense that those people you consider valid is a total joke to anyone that knows the truth. But go ahead and eat up your radical liberal comedians, although I sure don't take liberal socialistic fabrications and agenda driven assaults full of everything but the truth as credible. In fact, all I had to do was open the videos, see the hacks, and shut them off.

    Total BS detected!!!

  7. #247
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    colchester il.


    the only ones that know the truth are right wing machines at least according to them.

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    Let wisdom enter your home. That's all I can say other than, I hope you take that advice.
    I'm going to ask you again, where are the inaccuracies in the videos that I posted links to. It's not really difficult considering you're the one throwing flames about "Liberalviewer" being funded by George Soros. While you're at it please find me the financials linking "Liberalviewer" to Soros.
    Curious that we spend more time congratulating people who have succeeded than encouraging people who have not.

  9. #249
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    Clayton and his buddies support communism by supporting companies using that cheap slave labor to make their products instead of using the good people of this country. There are willing and able body Americans wanting to work but, no they want that cheap slave labor. Pretty sickening don't you think?

  10. #250
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    Realville, USA


    So when did you quit buying Chinese, you never did tell us that you did.

    Come on bring a brain to these discussions!!!

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    So when did you quit buying Chinese, you never did tell us that you did.

    Come on bring a brain to these discussions!!!
    Listen I try my best not to buy from any companies that gets their product made from the cheap slave labor but, it's getting harder and harder everyday to do so. So for your answer its just not possible not to buy something made from china since so much is but, I would definitely buy from any company that brought their company back to this country and used the people of this great country and paid a decent wage so, people here can start living the American dream.

  12. #252
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    Unions and government progressives want the government to take over Beoing in Washington State.

    Back to the thread topic.

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_Wetter View Post
    Unions and government progressives want the government to take over Beoing in Washington State.

    Back to the thread topic.
    Corporation want to use cheap cheap slave labor in china instead of paying the willing and able good ole Americans right here in this country. Pretty sickening don't you think Clayton?

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Corporation want to use cheap cheap slave labor in china instead of paying the willing and able good ole Americans right here in this country. Pretty sickening don't you think Clayton?

    With the Tax burden, obummer care , government regulations and I think their doing what they have to do to survive...Do I like it? No. Do I understand? Yes.

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Corporation want to use cheap cheap slave labor in china instead of paying the willing and able good ole Americans right here in this country. Pretty sickening don't you think Clayton?
    So, when did China relocate to the Carolina's?

  16. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeamGRT12x View Post
    I'm going to ask you again, where are the inaccuracies in the videos that I posted links to. It's not really difficult considering you're the one throwing flames about "Liberalviewer" being funded by George Soros. While you're at it please find me the financials linking "Liberalviewer" to Soros.

    All the video was that I watched was a guy with a voice over second guessing the Fox Hosts. He provided no facts to support his claims. In fact two of his claims were refuted by the very next sentence of the Host as I was watching.

    If this is what you proffer as evidence you aren't going to change anybody's mind. At best you will reinforce the notion that Fox gets it right most of the time.

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by 15D View Post
    So, when did China relocate to the Carolina's?
    Im not talking about the companies that have their companies here. I'm talking about the ones that use cheap slave labor in china. Pretty sickening isn't it.

  18. #258
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    Alot of Unions have to take the blame as well. What auto maker fought the unions the hardest, is the one that did not require a Bailout? Unions have done great things, but when unions tell the company how they are to run the company problems started. You cant run a company when retired employees are being paid more then those actually working. Why was it a car cost 5-6 grand, and jump to 20 grand car in 1-2 yrs?
    All the politicans in DC are to blame as well. Free trade is great when it works both ways. China puts large tariffs on our goods to China, we should do the same with there products. China regulations are much less restrictive then here in America. I believe the EPA is one of the largest job killers in America, because of the regulations they impose.

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by 15D View Post
    All the video was that I watched was a guy with a voice over second guessing the Fox Hosts. He provided no facts to support his claims. In fact two of his claims were refuted by the very next sentence of the Host as I was watching.

    If this is what you proffer as evidence you aren't going to change anybody's mind. At best you will reinforce the notion that Fox gets it right most of the time.

    Exactly what did Fox "get right" with the Obituary piece that blatantly trashed the author?
    Curious that we spend more time congratulating people who have succeeded than encouraging people who have not.

  20. #260
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    Realville, USA


    Some liberal blogger with a Facebook account is where you come up with this nonsense? So what if he is still able to post this garbage on the internet. So that radicals can get together for a laugh and become even more stupid. His Youtube videos and Facebook crap are utter garbage and NOT worth viewing or responding too!! It only makes senses that he has gotten to resume his trash after Obummer and the left weaseled into power after 2007.

    YouTube purges LiberalViewer's account

    By Sam McManis - Bee Staff Writer
    Published 12:00 am PST Thursday, February 8, 2007

    One day, you are a minor YouTube celebrity with more than 1,850 subscribers to your personal channel and nearly 1 million viewings of your videos logged.

    The next day -- poof! -- it's as if you never existed.

    Such is the fate of Allen Asch, a Sacramento man who went by the nom de Web of LiberalViewer. When Viacom last week demanded that YouTube, the popular online video site, remove more than 100,000 videos containing unauthorized content, it meant that some of the LiberalViewer's work soon would be purged from the site.

    But Asch was surprised to find this week that his entire YouTube account has been expunged. Only about one-third of Asch's 60 uploads to YouTube included Viacom snippets, but all trace of his work -- and his channel -- was erased.

    "While I never set out to gain the popularity I have, I've invested hundreds of hours of my time, created a huge network of friends and subscribers, and gotten links to my videos from Web sites all over the world," Asch says. "None of those links work now, and I've lost access to the entire network."

    For the past seven months, Asch had posted short news analyses, using brief clips from Fox News, CNN and two Viacom-owned shows -- "The Colbert Report" and "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart" -- as jumping-off points for his political musings. Ironically, one of the links to a LiberalViewer posting was on Comedy Central's own Web site.

    In November, YouTube took down several of Asch's videos. But during the intervening months, he had posted with nary a response from YouTube or Viacom -- until this week.

    A YouTube spokesman said federal law requires that companies terminate the accounts of repeat infringers.

    "Our community guidelines ... on the site make it clear that users must own or have permission from copyright holders to post any videos," the YouTube spokesman said. "We take copyright issues very seriously."

    Asch, a former public defender in Placer County, is checking into whether his videos could be protected under the "fair use" doctrine -- which gives media the right to run snippets of video to illustrate a news story or commentary. Whether a vlogger such as Asch qualifies as a media entity is up for debate, legal experts say.

    Asch, apparently, is not alone in seeing non-infringed work expunged during the recent Viacom purging. For example, a user named Matt Hawes had a video parody of MTV's "The Real World" taken down, even though it was labeled as parody and did not use footage or logos from the Viacom-owned show.

    As part of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, YouTube is required to take down material when asked by the copyright holder. By doing so, YouTube absolves itself from liability for content posted by its users.

    But Asch worries that Viacom and YouTube have "cast too wide a net without making the legally required good-faith effort to make sure (content taken down) is actually infringing material."

    YouTube's "terms of use" agreement states that an account can be suspended if any copyright violations are found.


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