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  1. #1
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    Default Liberals only please...

    Those on this board that consider themselves liberal, I am conducting my own personnel poll, would you vote for Hilary Clinton in the next election. Thanks, simple yes or no will suffice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    In the driver's seat


    I'm a register republican I wouldn't vote for Hillary.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Realville, USA


    Are liberals destroying America?

    Disrespect the constitution They make choices that hurt Americans, go against the Constitution, take away our freedoms and damage the integrity of human life. And while doing this, feel it's o.K. To force others to believe or follow these mis-guided ideas. It's the idea that if everyone is doing the wrong thing, then it must be right. Liberals are the hippies of today. Believe in band-aids and can't see the long-term fix for anything. They are immoral, anti-Christian in actions and ideas while trying to supress the rights of "real Americans" (a term I use to describe those that support our founding fathers and what this country stands for).

    I hate the left's mob mentality. Everybody sees something different in the conservative vs liberal arena. Me personal the thing I hate most about liberals is mob mentality. I'm black and I'm automatically expected to have mob mentality too and if it is revealed that I don't then I will get crucified. I voted for obama in 2008 but after my eyes were opened soon after I voted for Romney in 2012. I dare not tell anyone I voted for Romney because both blacks and white liberals will go ape! So much emotion for me doing what I have the right to do; using my God-given american rights to participate in the process. It seems like Liberals through tradition and rationalization out the window for emotional impulses. I get crucified for leaning towards the conservative right, (I'm not a Republican though) by people I don't even know. I've never done anything to anyone but the left will find a way to crucify just because I don't believe the way they do. It's this mob mentality I hate. I get called an uncle tom or white-washed or sell-out because emotional name-calling comes more natural to the left then thinking about the bigger-picture. I volunteer at shelters and I put other people first, (which is the main reason I don't go all the way to the right) I don't deserve this. I will NEVER go anywhere near the left and Progressives do nothing but expedite the mental deception so prevalent today by the powers that be. I still can't get over how most of the major news networks cut off the black speakers at the GOP. It's like the twilight zone in real-time! I can't believe what's going on here, is this a communist state already? Obama should be ashamed of himself.

    Libtards Don't Understand Economics The Libtards measure success by the number of people they can put on welfare programs whereas the non-Libtarded seek to create economic growth to allow for fewer people to be on welfare. This is a fundamental flaw in modern Libtardism. They want companies to focus on providing a benefit to unions and governments at the expense of customers and employees.

    Yes they do.... Liberals have false beliefs and a warped idealism. They expect everyone to follow their beliefs or be penalized. Where is this penalization evidence that I speak of? I am sure all of you have read and watched reports of the IRS deliberately targeting political parties that oppose the views and idealisms of the democratic party. They also want to penalize you for not supporting Obama care.
    Liberals also believe in building and supporting other nations and international groups. For example, Obama gave 1.6 billion dollars of our own tax dollars to the muslim brotherhood, an extremist islamist movement that has been overthrown by the Egyptian people;That 1.6 billion dollars could have been used for towards American infrastructure.

    Omg soooo badly I don't even have an arguement for this. It should be so plainly apparent that one isn't needed. Even if your naive and sheltered, a simple glance at any number of readily available statistics will make it so.

    If booth hadn't killed Lincoln, America would be similar to Canada. A much safer and cleaner and happier place to live.

    No common sense Liberals want to take from the rich and give to the poor. There are reasons why there are poor people in America and it isn't because they are oppressed, it is because they are lazy. If you make it easy on the poor, then what incentive do they have on becoming a productive member of society? How is taking money from the rich and give to the poor going to help the poor. Most likely they will blow the money and will not be any better off. The rich are the members of society that help the economy to grow. If the economy grows, then there will be more jobs. Detroit is a perfect example of what happens when liberals are in control. Detroit has a 47% illiteracy rate. Entitlement programs have destroyed that city. Big government Keynesian economics doesn't work. It is the dumbest idea that came out of the 20th century. I just want to knock on a liberal's forehead and say "Hello McFly".

    Liberalism equals Atheism Libs seem to be against everything having to do with morality. They hate Christianity (on which this nation was founded), and love atheism disguised as science. They can't prove evolution because there isn't a missing link yet they shove their crap down everyone's throats. Oh, and let's not forget how many lives they've taken by abortion.

    All politics suck All politicians from local to national level will only do what is necessary to solidify their existence and career in politics. Unfortunately it's a much needed thing but highly abused. Either way we need to be Americans. Those who choose to live here are Americans. Free soxiety doesn't mean exploit America and bring your countries crap you wanted to leave and bring it here. Then if Americans don't follow your non American values and beliefs file hundreds of lawsuits to make it right

    Liberals are trash Liberal ideologies can be comfortably printed on a bumper sticker. That's the problem: too many opinionated children who learn their ideology from bumper stickers. What sucks more is it usually takes a paragraph or more to refute these feel-good grandstanding ideologies. And that is all they are: simple, emotionally pleasing, feel-good Disneyland ideologies that can be conveniently fit onto a bumper sticker. Life is more complicated than that; you can't fit life onto a bumpersticker, and that's what these childish so-called "liberals" don't understand.

    What's more, liberals love to grandstand constantly, but will rarely actually reach into their deep pockets or get off of their soft asses to actually help someone in need. They love to talk good, but don't necessarily like to put up the extra effort it takes to DO GOOD.

    Their dogmatic worship and blind faith in the Federal government and the central bank (Federal Reserve) is deeply sickening. They proclaim to be the champions of humanity, yet they have absolutely zero faith in their own peers, hence their worship of "the almighty government deity".

    They claim to be "tolerant" and call all naysayers "ignorant" and "closed minded". Yet they can't even tolerate a (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) rebel flag in South Carolina. Nor will they tolerate any views which differ to their own, resorting to name calling (i.E. "racist", "bigot", and don't forget about the racially-charged slur "redneck"... Talk about hypocrisy...)
    And as for ignorant, see the bumper sticker comment above, not to mention your average liberals complete and utter ignorance about American history, primarily the so-called "Civil War" (The War To End Southern Independence) and black American history.

    In conclusion: "Liberals" are the BANE of society that Thomas Jefferson warned us about over 200 years ago.

    P.S. Funfact: one of the major tenants in the Communist Manifesto is to infiltrate a society, pick up key words that that society uses, and twist those words around to mean what you want them to mean through popular media. That's why the word "liberal" used to mean "libertarian", but now it means a bleeding heart, grandstanding, government war-machine worshiping lefty. They're not exactly communist yet, but I'll give it another 20-30 years.

    Party of perverts Liberals are obsessed with sex and entitlement. This country is half way down the crapper with nearly HALF of the country relying on the other half to carry them. Parasitic leeches is all they are and they would dry up and blow away if it weren't for hard working self reliant ethical people like non liberals. The only life a liberal has is directly proportionate to the self reliant citizen he is feeding off of.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Hilabeast will NOT be the nominee. Watch and see.......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Realville, USA


    Last edited by Clayton_Wetter; 01-18-2016 at 02:53 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007


    WOW, no liberals with balls?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007


    You know, out of the five sites I took my little survey, I got one liberal to admit that he "MAY" vote for Hilary.... Like I have said all excitement....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    You know, out of the five sites I took my little survey, I got one liberal to admit that he "MAY" vote for Hilary.... Like I have said all excitement....
    Let me take a shot in the dark guess? The one that MAY vote for Chilly Hilly is on welfare or some sort of government assistance? Those are the only people I have talked to so far that would admit they would vote for the Liberal party. They are paranoid that Mr. Trump will take them off the dole or reduce some of the many benefits that they receive.

  9. #9
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Raceready View Post
    Let me take a shot in the dark guess? The one that MAY vote for Chilly Hilly is on welfare or some sort of government assistance? Those are the only people I have talked to so far that would admit they would vote for the Liberal party. They are paranoid that Mr. Trump will take them off the dole or reduce some of the many benefits that they receive.
    I have no way of knowing, he says he's not and he says he lives in Tn..... He's retired and of reasonable income... outside of that, who knows... I do know my sister though...deep deep Democrat, despises Obummer and feels the same about Hilary.... and she is on SSI with out much else...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Maybe Debbie Wasserman Schultz could be a Dem option. Now there is a real prize. She could battle with Hillcat over which one of them gets to control the broom. Pelosi had to surrender it.

  11. #11
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    Realville, USA


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    The term "pure liberal political trash" is in full view. nuk yuk nuk.

  13. #13


    I will vote Dem..To many nut cases in the GOP...

  14. #14
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    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by SeeYaSlowPloke View Post
    I will vote Dem..To many nut cases in the GOP...

    Wow, sad statement right there..... I believe each and every Republican person running is honest, God fearing and hard working.... Tell me where I'm wrong?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2007


    If you want 4 more years of Obama just vote for the Hilabeast

  16. #16


    Or vote GOP and go back to Bush years?? And the disaster he caused

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by SeeYaSlowPloke View Post
    Or vote GOP and go back to Bush years?? And the disaster he caused
    Please explain......

  18. #18


    crashed the economy started a wrongful war..

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by SeeYaSlowPloke View Post
    crashed the economy started a wrongful war..
    Thanks for the laugh haven't laughed that hard in a while

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by SeeYaSlowPloke View Post
    crashed the economy started a wrongful war..
    You probably need to study up a little and don't listen to ABC,CBS & NBC.... the war actions were voted on in Congress and ok'd by a large plurality of Democrats (all but two I think) and all the Republicans and the economy started to take a dive during the last two years of "W", when the Democrats controlled the House and Senate...who ya votin' for now?


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