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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    So mud what do you think about the conversation between Trump and Reince Priebus was about on 3-31-16 ?
    Trumps doing what Trump does, he's deal making.... With the GOP, tell them what they want to hear... they've done that to us for decades, and never have come through yet...

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    CIRF, im not saying it should be done all I'm saying is it would be nice if it could be done.

    My son is working 40 hours a week and going to college at nights and is paying for his own classes and books

    Yeah we would rather give subsides to the big corporations because they need it so bad LAMO!!
    Your son will savor that degree and he will succeed... if some one hands you the cash to go all you'll do is put in your time and ask for more.... You aught to be very proud of your son!!!

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    As far as education goes what we had 60 years ago was sufficient. You received a high school diploma and you could get a manufacturing job anywhere. You have to adapt to changing times. Now that there are no more manufacturing jobs you almost need a college degree to get a decent job. We should be investing in our education for our future. I'm not saying everybody gets to go to college. Student should be evaluated in their sophomore year in high school. Those who score good enough get go to college and the ones that don't go to a trade school. To tax payer pay for this? Yes we pay for k-12 now 4 more years is acceptable. Both of my daughters went to college and they help us pay their way. Both received job after they graduated. We are very fortunate that I had a good paying union job and with promotions that came at the right time to help pay for their college. I understand that we are 20 trillion dollars in debt but a lot of that is because of unnecessary wars and how are monetary system works.
    There is no reason to give our kids everything... if they earn it they'll be that much better for it... And time the government gets their paws into anything they screw it up...every time...

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    Your son will savor that degree and he will succeed... if some one hands you the cash to go all you'll do is put in your time and ask for more.... You aught to be very proud of your son!!!
    Mud, thank you so much that means a lot to me by you saying that. And his mom and I are very proud of him. He has come a long way from a teenager who thought he knew everything lol. Yes I believe he will succeed. I had my doubts at one time but, not anymore. Yeah he told me he will appreciate it that much more by paying for it himself.

    Thanks again

  5. #85
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    What good is it if everyone has a college education its great to have but everyone had it it makes it less special

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    What good is it if everyone has a college education its great to have but everyone had it it makes it less special
    Unless its to Harvard, Yale, Columbia..

  7. #87
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    what would make those so special

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    There is no reason to give our kids everything... if they earn it they'll be that much better for it... And time the government gets their paws into anything they screw it up...every time...
    Making sure they have an education is not giving them everything. A education is essential for being successful in life rather is be a college or a trade degree. Believe me I have seen children that have gotten everything and how they have turned out. There are a lot of good children out that are smart enough to go to college but will never get the opportunity because of their parent financial situation. The government didn't screw my children education from K-12 and the public university they attended were great. Both of my children are successful in life because of their education. I wish for every child to be successful in life and with out a good education we as an society will be paying for these individuals and their children eventually. So you can pay a little of front or a hole lot more in the end. Take a look around yourself right now and looks at all the citizens around you that don't have good paying jobs and how the government supplementing their income or that's the only income they have. I have a friend that travel through the USA and he indicated their are a lot of good paying jobs out their but we as a nation don't have a society with the education to fill these jobs. He indicated these companies are importing people from other countries to fill these skilled jobs.

  9. #89
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    Default and its not the education its the opportunity my brother has a assoc degree and now or has made more then his proffessors he sent 7 kids to college and lives in a modest 300k home and for people that are getting govt cheese they are lazy period and have no ambition

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post and its not the education its the opportunity my brother has a assoc degree and now or has made more then his proffessors he sent 7 kids to college and lives in a modest 300k home and for people that are getting govt cheese they are lazy period and have no ambition
    With a good education comes opportunity. No education no opportunity.

  11. #91
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    Not always a marketable education might get you oppurnutity my brother was working at that job while in school got the in high school college just help him hone his skills

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    With a good education comes opportunity. No education no opportunity.
    That's even more true today then it was let's say when we had manufacturing jobs. With my son paying for his own schooling it's going to take longer but, he knows now it's the only way he's going to end up with a good paying job to have a fighting chance in this world.

  13. #93
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    but what would happen in Bernies world your education will be worthless everyone will have the same education and will be extended high school wow Bernies thanks alot

  14. #94
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    What good will universal college funding be if the country is bankrupt and the monetary system collapses and chaos is the norm and martial law is the only way to ensure relative order?

    Folks, the country is about 5 to 6 trillion dollars of debt away from just what I'm talking about and we're almost at the point of no return. The pain and financial sacrifice will be acute if we can turn this thing around at all.

    Universal taxpayer funded secondary education will ensure the fate and seal the deal in reference to economic breakdown and the maelstrom that will ensue.

    Bernie Sanders is a staunch proponent of taxpayer funded secondary education, but then again ol' bernie advocates a 90% tax rate and wrote and had published some really sick pornographic stuff back in the early 1970's concerning women's rape fantasy's. Yeesh! LOL!!

  15. #95
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    and Bernie knows what its like to be handcuffed

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    What good will universal college funding be if the country is bankrupt and the monetary system collapses and chaos is the norm and martial law is the only way to ensure relative order?

    Folks, the country is about 5 to 6 trillion dollars of debt away from just what I'm talking about and we're almost at the point of no return. The pain and financial sacrifice will be acute if we can turn this thing around at all.

    Universal taxpayer funded secondary education will ensure the fate and seal the deal in reference to economic breakdown and the maelstrom that will ensue.

    Bernie Sanders is a staunch proponent of taxpayer funded secondary education, but then again ol' bernie advocates a 90% tax rate and wrote and had published some really sick pornographic stuff back in the early 1970's concerning women's rape fantasy's. Yeesh! LOL!!
    The whole problems stimulates from the government spending money that it didn't have. Rather it be from wars are other programs that they created. Instead of raising taxes to cover these items they took the easy way out and borrow money. The Iraq war was costing a billion dollars a day. If the government would have raised taxes to pay for this the citizens would of revolted. They would of needed $333.00 dollars a day from every citizen to pay for this war. If we would of put 10% of that in education we would be better off.

    I don't have to bring up anything about Trump war on women. I have been hearing every day for the last week. I'm sure Bernie's views from 50 years ago are different than they are today.

  17. #97
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    bernies views 50 yrs ago is no different than todays just like obamas views are no different now than in the past , wars nobody wins but sometimes it has to happen the real crime the job was not finished and our troops had hands ties behind there back if that was done the war would not cost so much you want to lower education cost do away of the non marketable degrees and don't give us that war on women crap what the war on innocent children being slaughterd thru abortion

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by old fan View Post
    bernies views 50 yrs ago is no different than todays just like obamas views are no different now than in the past , wars nobody wins but sometimes it has to happen the real crime the job was not finished and our troops had hands ties behind there back if that was done the war would not cost so much you want to lower education cost do away of the non marketable degrees and don't give us that war on women crap what the war on innocent children being slaughterd thru abortion
    1st of all it was not Bernie's view it was just a fantasy letter that he wrote. The same thing you could have read in Penthouse magazine in the letter section. We all know the republican party is the one attacking women. Nobody is claiming that the democrats are attacking women including Sanders. As far as the Iraq war I can remember when Bush 43 claimed victory and the war was over.

  19. #99
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    but who pulled the troops out it wasn't Bush was it it was this asshat we have in charge right now

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    The whole problems stimulates from the government spending money that it didn't have. Rather it be from wars are other programs that they created. Instead of raising taxes to cover these items they took the easy way out and borrow money. The Iraq war was costing a billion dollars a day. If the government would have raised taxes to pay for this the citizens would of revolted. They would of needed $333.00 dollars a day from every citizen to pay for this war. If we would of put 10% of that in education we would be better off.

    I don't have to bring up anything about Trump war on women. I have been hearing every day for the last week. I'm sure Bernie's views from 50 years ago are different than they are today.
    The country was already on a path to economic destruction prior to any wars. The wars just sped things up. Only a fool would deny that.

    Bernie the socialist porno guy is proposing programs that will cost almost $20 trillion. Every clear thinking American woman should look long and hard at a guy that writes about female rape fantasies. And even harder at $20 trillion in unfunded governmental liabilities.

    Quote Originally Posted by ss12 View Post
    1st of all it was not Bernie's view it was just a fantasy letter that he wrote. The same thing you could have read in Penthouse magazine in the letter section. We all know the republican party is the one attacking women. Nobody is claiming that the democrats are attacking women including Sanders. As far as the Iraq war I can remember when Bush 43 claimed victory and the war was over.
    My take on the impending financial melt down is lets avoid it as long as possible. All I really care about is being comfortable and relatively happy for the rest of my days on the planet. What happens after I'm a pile of ashes is of no concern to me. My only hope is that the folks who supported the crack pots like the porno writer suffer the most when the $hit hits the fan for real.

    That may sound very, very cynical but reality is there are too many who believe like you do and I do not think it can be turned around. Not by republicans and definitely not by democrats and socialist porno authors.

    You can spout all the pollyanna, pie in the sky nonsense about how wars are the culprit and education and social programs are going to fix everything but until we get the $20 trillion whittled back to about $5 trillion it's not a matter if, it's a matter of when and what's left after the $hit hits the proverbial fan.


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