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Thread: Killing in FL.

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Old fart man, They must like keeping your freedom, 5,000 or more Muslims serve in the Military, What about your service in the Military!!

  2. #62
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    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by mud duck View Post
    Its people like you that can't seem to logically think or comprehend for yourself. I could care less if they gave guns out for free or quit making them. The gun control laws don't bother me one way or another. My point is the govt is not coming to your front door and taking your guns!! But, some just like you think if they pass this or that law making it a little tougher to get a gun somehow think "they are coming to get your guns"!! The NRA loves your types!
    I never said they was coming to get your guns. If you look I was responding to your question you asked if someone had ever had someone show up at their door with a assault rifle and wanting to rape your wife, but obviously reading comprehension owns you. I was saying you never know when its gonna happen so you need to be prepared. As stated on here the bad guys are gonna get the guns no matter what so why would you want to tighten gun laws making it harder for the average joe to get a gun to protect himself, be it with a AR or whatever gun he chooses. The bad guy is gonna have a high capacity semi auto weapon so the average joe needs the same to have somewhat of a chance of protecting his family and himself. Would you want to protect your family using a .22 rifle againts a maniac using a Ak47? And yes I am a proud member of the NRA.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtMAN007 View Post
    i find it appauling in this great country that you have to defend yourself against racism when you make a statement that has no undertones of racism whatsoever pitiful our country has become !!!!! Trump 2016 !!!!!
    Yeah. Trumps comments about judge Curiel was nowhere near racist! And surely there were no undertones! The bad media misconstrued what he really meant. Poor Donnie is just misunderstood?!

  4. #64
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    Did you ever notice, all these mass shootings occur in gun free zones. Schools, Malls, bars and theaters. That should tell you all you need to know about gun laws. The only people that will be effected are law biding citizens. The criminal will still get guns and take them to gun free zones. We should outlaw gun free zones and get rid of the easy pickings.

    This in no way should be blamed on all Muslims. There are bad actors of all religions or races. This waco was not a good Muslim or he wouldn't have done this. Muslim and Christian religions are close to the same , in that the old testament is included in both. And both say, Thou shall not kill. So, is the Muslim religion responsible for terrorism? Was the Christian religion responsible for the inquisitions or Crusades? It's bad actors using religion for recruitment as it was in the past. If you believe the Zealots that paint with a wide brush, you are just as gullible as these recruited terrorists.

  5. #65
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    Pensacola, FL


    Mud Duck you are an awesome liberal. You have mastered their craft of ignoring facts in order to circumvent the recognition and acknowledgement of truth that you are either too dumb, lazy, or merely mentally incapable of comprehending. When in doubt, ya'll just stick your head in the sand and a$$ in the air.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by mud duck View Post
    Yeah. Trumps comments about judge Curiel was nowhere near racist! And surely there were no undertones! The bad media misconstrued what he really meant. Poor Donnie is just misunderstood?!
    sometimes the truth is just that plain and simple without a name being attatched to it by the liberals !!!!

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by zach51 View Post
    When in doubt, ya'll just stick your head in the sand and a$$ in the air.

    Is that you Mud Duck?! LOL!

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by zach51 View Post
    I find it ironic that muslims are against gays but they also want to cover up their women, I mean.....huh?

    Here is the bottom line folks, it is not race, religion, where you were can't predict a lunatic. If somebody wants to kill, they will kill. Tim McVay didn't use any guns. The guys on 9/11 didn't use any guns. Sure, muslim and ISIS followers seems to be a hot topic right now, but there plenty of crazy white/black, what some people would consider "regular folks" (and I don't mean that in a racist way at all) that are capable of the same thing.
    Oh its definitely tribal (race/genetic), two (or more) organisms cannot occupy the same geographic region. This is going to be a centuries long, low level war. I have said for years that the rest of the world has contempt for western liberal values and the white liberals who believe they can manage bigger and bigger diverse tribes (who don't like one another who don't like white liberal values) it will eventually come a part. The coalition of "victim" groups that white liberals have gathered up over the last several decades have nothing in common with one another. You won't find a group of people in this country generally more homophobic, tribal (racist) greedy, selfish and discriminatory than black americans followed closely by other groups with whites being the weakest. Hatred and contempt of white men is the crazy glue that holds together the diverse democrat party, other wise it would come a part and will eventually.

    Nature is slowly but surely taking white men out of the game of might is right which is the only thing nature respects. NATURE IS BRUTAL. The meek shall inherit nothing.

  9. #69
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    "Hatred and contempt of white men is the crazy glue that holds together the diverse democrat party".

    I think that may be about the most eloquently accurate quote on the "kill whitey" campaign I've ever read. That is great. I vote Crossbones for president.

    However I still contest that there are plenty of crazy white folks too. Florida is filled with them.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crossbones View Post
    Oh its definitely tribal (race/genetic), two (or more) organisms cannot occupy the same geographic region. This is going to be a centuries long, low level war. I have said for years that the rest of the world has contempt for western liberal values and the white liberals who believe they can manage bigger and bigger diverse tribes (who don't like one another who don't like white liberal values) it will eventually come a part. The coalition of "victim" groups that white liberals have gathered up over the last several decades have nothing in common with one another. You won't find a group of people in this country generally more homophobic, tribal (racist) greedy, selfish and discriminatory than black americans followed closely by other groups with whites being the weakest. Hatred and contempt of white men is the crazy glue that holds together the diverse democrat party, other wise it would come a part and will eventually.

    Nature is slowly but surely taking white men out of the game of might is right which is the only thing nature respects. NATURE IS BRUTAL. The meek shall inherit nothing.
    microphone dropping statement ........................and could not be more true !!!! amen !!!

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by a25rjr View Post
    Exactly.....Terry obviously doesn't know much about guns! A 223 is one of the weakest centerfile rifles there is. My 12 gauge auto, holds 5 shells that shoot 43 .24 inch pellets, each. Think about the damage it can do to a crowd of people!
    Don't take this the wrong way as I do not agree with anything TerryM has stated but, You can have your semi auto 12 gauge, I'll take my 223, we'll both walk 100 paces, turn and shoot. I'll put a hole in you about the size of my fist while your 4 buck pellets bounce off my fluffy down feathered coat. Game over. So sorry.
    Nothing wrong with a shot gun (I have many) at close range but if their is any distance between you and your target, you are under powered.

    Can we all pitch in and buy ole TerryM a one way ticket to Syria? I say we send him over there to make some new friends.

  12. #72
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    lol ... How did I become the bad guy here? This idiot was put on the FBI watch list, investigated multiple times, remained on the FBI watch list, and after all that, was still able to walk into a store and legally purchase the weapon that allowed him to gun down over 100 innocent people in under three minutes. Sorry, but that is effed up. And if thinking that makes me wrong, I can live with it.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by TerryM View Post
    lol ... How did I become the bad guy here? This idiot was put on the FBI watch list, investigated multiple times, remained on the FBI watch list, and after all that, was still able to walk into a store and legally purchase the weapon that allowed him to gun down over 100 innocent people in under three minutes. Sorry, but that is effed up. And if thinking that makes me wrong, I can live with it.
    Uh the guns didnt go off by themselves. Its the idiot behind the gun pulling the trigger. So what he bought them legally. You think if he really wanted them he could not have gotten them illegally. Gun control only penalizes the guys who use guns for the right purpose. Self defense and hunting and sporting competitions. Wake up gun control would not have stopped this
    The facts are is we are being attacked on our own land and the liberals have turned this country into such pu$$ies we are losing the war.

    Btw you are entitled to your own opinion never forget that so if you really believe what you say then thats your right. But also keep in mind you have that right because of our soldiers using GUNS.
    Last edited by Rollover; 06-13-2016 at 01:55 PM.

  14. #74
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    1) About 99.9% of gun deaths in this country are by white and black Americans.

    You may want to double check your numbers....................

    The fact is that while blacks make up only 12 percent of the population, they account for 46 percent of total violent crime and 90 percent of the murders of other blacks

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonder View Post
    1) About 99.9% of gun deaths in this country are by white and black Americans.

    You may want to double check your numbers....................
    I guess the hispanics/asians/arabs etc. etc. commit 0.1% of the gun

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by zach51 View Post
    Mud Duck you are an awesome liberal. You have mastered their craft of ignoring facts in order to circumvent the recognition and acknowledgement of truth that you are either too dumb, lazy, or merely mentally incapable of comprehending. When in doubt, ya'll just stick your head in the sand and a$$ in the air.
    So, you are one of those that believe their coming to get your guns?? Must be a really sad life waiting in fear of the govt coming to take your guns one night?? You need to comprehend!! That's my only point! They may limit you in getting them, but if your a law abiding citizen they will not come and get them. How hard is that for you to understand? Just cause your a righty doesn't mean you have to be stupid. For the record, I'm not liberal. But, I'm labeled that on here cause I don't concern myself or speak out against social issues. On this board, you are either a Tea Nut conservative or your a crazy liberal lefty. There's no in between!!! And that my fellow 4mer is really the problem with the country today!! Well that and Citizens United ruling to allow big money into politics!!
    Last edited by mud duck; 06-13-2016 at 02:40 PM.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by TerryM View Post
    1) About 99.9% of gun deaths in this country are by white and black Americans.

    2) The killer last night was born in the U.S.

    3) Trump is an idiot.
    I tried to stay off this thread as long as possible but after reading some of the bull crap you have posted. If Trump is an idiot. Hillary is a bigger idiot and should be in jail period. I may not like Trump but I will vote for him or 3rd party before I vote for Hitler "Hitlary" Hillary. That 99.9% number is a bit off. Try about 75%-85% percent; add the Latino population and that number might be 90%-95%. Me (5 guns) along with my brother and his wife (9 guns) own a couple of guns. Me (Air Force), My brother and his wife (he is ARMY Green Beret and she is a former ARMY soldier) all 3 of us own an AR-15 and you don't see me or them going and shooting people. We both tried it a few time at a gun range and that was it. Both of are AR-15's stay in a safe. Other countries try to defend them selves and bomb ISIS or other terrorist OBAMA blames it on gun control instead of Radical Islam. We also agree with the 2nd Amendment.
    In my own personal opinion OBAMA is a special kind of stupid. More mass shootings have happened on his watch then the last 5 presidents before him combine. Now why don't you tell me who is part of the real problem.
    Last edited by HoosierDirtFan; 06-13-2016 at 02:55 PM.
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  18. #78
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    Mud Duck your are the dumba$$. Nobody said anybody was coming to take our guns. That is the only argument you have and it has been shot down multiple times (no pun intended). Go back and put your head in the sand.

  19. #79
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    Trump sucks, Hillary sucks, Obama sucks, etc. They're all a joke.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Highside Hustler25 View Post
    Don't take this the wrong way as I do not agree with anything TerryM has stated but, You can have your semi auto 12 gauge, I'll take my 223, we'll both walk 100 paces, turn and shoot. I'll put a hole in you about the size of my fist while your 4 buck pellets bounce off my fluffy down feathered coat. Game over. So sorry.
    Nothing wrong with a shot gun (I have many) at close range but if their is any distance between you and your target, you are under powered.

    Can we all pitch in and buy ole TerryM a one way ticket to Syria? I say we send him over there to make some new friends.
    I'll take your bet. Where do you wanna meet? Im not gonna stand still while you shoot! However, I have killed many a running deer at 100 yards with my ole smokepole. I seriously doubt you will be able to dodge all 215 pellets.

    ps....I have been a dog hunter my whole life. I don't miss much....esp a slow moving human!
    But if you get past 100 yds, Ill breakout my Browning 270 I carry on my other shoulder.
    Last edited by a25rjr; 06-13-2016 at 04:49 PM.
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