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  1. #21
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    As for Kyle Petty??? GET A HAIRCUT!!!!!! He he he

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    One thing about it Jimmy would not have 7 championships if not for the new format. In the old points system Gordon would have more them 4.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    And here we go. Just for you CIRF. A Christmas present. You were just dying for me to post something that would result in Jimmie Johnson response. LOLOLOLOL
    People do have different opinions. LOLOLOLOL
    If the 48 would have had been the number 18 they way he won the championship, you would have been screaming. LOLOLOL
    By the way, what really did make me mad about that last race was this. That was Kyle Larson's race to win, but he had to let the 48 win because he did not want to be the story in case they would have wrecked on that last restart. There is your gimmicked up chase for you.
    Merry Christmas
    Opinion? Hmmm!! Is it opinion that the #48 has 7 championships? Is it opinion that the #48 has 80 wins in 543 Cup starts? Is it opinion that Jimmie Johnson is man of class, dignity and of high moral fiber? I don't think so, and I don't think you do, either.

    Is it opinion that pee wee jr. has only 46 wins and just one completely illegitimate championship? Is it opinion that pee wee jr. has no manners and is a wimpy, classless creepy crawler? I don't think so and I don't think you do either.

    Come on power, once and for all give your expert (LOL!) opinion as to why Jimmie is worthy and is deserving of your utmost contempt? Feel free to be truthful and frank.

    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    I almost forgot. CIRF you should go to and see what that hated, awful Kyle Busch has done now
    I really don't have any interest in pee wee's philanthropic endeavors.

    Please show ANYWHERE that I've said that I hate pee wee jr. I just believe he's somewhat overrated as a driver and isn't a very nice person and his Cup driving record and personal actions prove it. No hate, just the truth. All the philanthropic endeavors in the world can't change the fact pee wee jr. received a rather inadequate upbringing and I had nothing to do with that. If I had, chances are he'd probably be much more like Jimmie Johnson.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    One thing about it Jimmy would not have 7 championships if not for the new format. In the old points system Gordon would have more them 4.

    You are exactly correct Kid but with most every sport comes rule changes... I do like Jimmy Johnson as a racecar driver and an individual but he wouldnt have those championships under the old format Gordon would have 4 more and Hard telling about the rest of the field lol...
    If you can't race it or take it to bed! It ain't worth having!

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nasty55 View Post
    You are exactly correct Kid but with most every sport comes rule changes... I do like Jimmy Johnson as a racecar driver and an individual but he wouldnt have those championships under the old format Gordon would have 4 more and Hard telling about the rest of the field lol...
    There is no "Old format" there is only the present format... you don't live very long in the past....

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by TS FAN View Post
    As for Kyle Petty??? GET A HAIRCUT!!!!!! He he he
    LOL That other Kyle kid is pretty good... it will take him just a little longer working on the patience part of racing NASCAR, but he'll get it and he will be a force, much like young Elliot...

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    Don't know what an overrated pee wee herman lookalike has to do with Mr. Pearson's 82nd birthday. Are you commenting on the correct thread?

    Nasty, I can't and won't disagree with you on Davey Allison. I'm only going by the numbers, but tragically Davey wasn't able to fulfill what appeared to have the solid makings of a record setting Cup career.

    As far as hard facts and numbers go pee wee jr. is hardly a blip on the radar but Nasty, your opinion is worth as much as anyone else's, prolly substantially more than mine! LOL!!

    Pee wee jr. has just one championship, and that single championship is illegitimate in the eyes of anyone who has an ounce of objectivity about themselves. Any speculation as to how great pee wee jr. is, or will be, cannot be backed up with hard cold facts and is strictly a subjective opinion that cannot be proven.

    This thread was a birthday thread for Mr. Pearson originally hijacked by the resident head of the pee wee jr. nuthugger society but I'll take the bait and conclude by saying pee wee jr. couldn't carry David Pearson's helmet bag. He also couldn't carry Jimmie Johnson's dirty, sweaty fire resistant underwear.

    JJ.....80 Cup wins, 7 legitimate championships in the shortest period of years in history and a very good person.

    pee wee jr.....46 Cup wins, 1 totally illegitimate championship and is undeniably a mannerless, classless, disrespectful wimp that was failed miserably in regards to an adequate upbringing.

    Ya'll can be the judge of the numbers and facts!! I reckon 'nuff said.

    CIRF your correct the number's dont lie about Jimmy Johnson he does have those championship's and yes Jimmy is legit... Chad Knaus Not so much...

    Knaus not fretting reputation, but he really should be!

    Published on Mar. 2, 2012
    Chad Knaus said Friday that he isn't worried about his reputation after his fourth NASCAR suspension in the past 11 years.

    He should be.


    Because a vast majority of fans are fed up with Knaus and believe him to be a blatant cheater.

    Whether that’s true or not—or fair or not—the facts are not on his side. The championship crew chief has been penalized for technical violations on Jimmie Johnson’s car nine times in the past 11 years. He’s been suspended four times and has won only once on appeal.

    He now faces a six-week suspension and $100,000 fine after Johnson’s car failed opening inspection at Daytona International Speedway two weeks ago.

    It doesn’t matter what the violation was for; that’s inconsequential at this point. What matters is that this marks the fourth time since 2005 that Knaus has been fined and suspended for major violations.

    If Knaus is widely regarded as a crew chief that consistently bends the rules and outright cheats, doesn’t that taint the five championships he and Johnson won from 2006-10?

    And if NASCAR fans and the general public feel that way, shouldn’t Knaus be concerned about that?

    Hendrick Motorsports and its sponsors certainly should be.

    No matter how many times Knaus gets caught for cheating, it won’t erase the five Cup championships he and Johnson won. They won those titles fair and square—or at least as far as we know.

    And therein lies the rub.

    If Knaus is consistently and frequently penalized for technical violations and found guilty of trying to gain an illegal advantage, why wouldn’t he have done the same thing with a championship on the line?

    Did he and he just didn’t get caught?

    Does that explain why Johnson has such a remarkable record in the Chase? Or why he is suddenly able to step up his performance to legendary heights when the 10-race Chase begins?

    That’s what many fans believe.

    For the record, I believe Johnson and Knaus did win those champions and 55 Cup races without cheating. They are too talented and too good together to have to cheat to win.

    And NASCAR inspectors are too thorough to pull the wool over their eyes that many times or in such critical inspections.

    But when you get caught for repeated violations, suspicions linger and eventually they cloud people’s judgment and taint the success you’ve had.

    That might be unfair, but that’s what happens in the court of public opinion when you continually get busted for bending the rules.

    Some defend Knaus by saying that’s he’s only doing what a good crew chief should do—looking for loopholes in the rulebook and trying to find an edge in a sport that has always applauded and encouraged mechanical ingenuity. But in an era when NASCAR has laid out more specific and more clear-cut rules—some say they’re still not specific or clear enough—and cracked down on bending those rules, Knaus has emerged as the sport’s most penalized competitor.

    And when you’re the sport’s most successful crew chief, and it’s most penalized, that only raises the cloud of suspicion and tarnishes your reputation even more.

    And in an age when cheating athletes are publicly vilified, Knaus’ constantly running afoul of NASCAR casts a black eye on not only himself, but on his team and the whole sport.

    Some of baseball’s greatest players have had their records and performances tainted because they were accused of using performance-enhancing drugs.

    Barry Bonds is baseball’s all-time home run king, but in the minds of most, it doesn’t count because he was accused of using steroids during much of his career and charged with perjury for allegedly lying about it.

    Mark McGwire broke Babe Ruth’s single-season home run record, but he, too, was accused of using steroids when he broke the record and later admitted to it.

    Roger Clemens, one of the greatest pitchers in baseball history, faces the same steroid issues and perjury charges as Bonds.

    None of them will ever get into baseball’s hall of fame. In the minds of most, their records and accomplishments are tainted by their alleged use of performance-enhancing drugs, or by cheating.

    In a sense, Knaus allegedly did the same thing by trying to race a stock car that did not meet NASCAR’s rules and specifications and that allegedly gave his car, and thus Johnson, a competitive advantage.

    How long before Knaus’ repeated violations have the same impact on Johnson’s accomplishments and championships?

    If Knaus isn’t concerned, Johnson certainly should be. So should Rick Hendrick, whose organization has won 10 championships—half of them with Johnson and Knaus.

    You can argue that NASCAR inspects the cars multiple times before and after each race, and Johnson’s car passed inspections almost every time.

    But if Knaus has been caught for rules violations that many times over the years, how many times has he gotten away with something and not gotten caught?

    Again, those are the kinds of questions that surface when you’re a repeat offender. You don’t get the benefit of the doubt anymore and, in the eyes of the general public, you are perceived to be guilty whether you are or not.

    That’s the perception that Knaus faces right now among NASCAR fans—a fan base that is harsher and more critical than most.

    Even if he and Hendrick Motorsports win their appeal, that likely won’t help their public perception.

    Reigning National League MVP Ryan Braun faces a similar problem. He failed a Major League Baseball drug test for performance-enhancing drugs last year and recently was suspended for 50 games.

    He won his appeal on a technicality when his attorneys proved that there were problems with the way his urine sample was collected and transported for testing.

    His 50-game suspension was overturned, but most baseball fans and media still believe he is guilty because he allegedly failed the drug test.

    Knaus faces even more scrutiny because he has been penalized and suspended for technical violations multiple times, casting a cloud of suspension over not only himself but Johnson, their team and all of Hendrick Motorsports.

    Knaus says he’s not worried about that.

    “As far as my reputation goes, I’m not too concerned about that,” he said Friday. “What we want to do is go out there and do the best thing we can for Hendrick Motorsports and the best things for (sponsor) Lowe’s and try to win races and championships.”

    But if you win with a tainted reputation and under a cloud of suspicion, doesn’t that delude those accomplishments?

    Isn’t your reputation and credibility as an honest, honorable competitor worth worrying about?

    It should be.

    Just sayin! Merry Christmas Everyone and a Happy Hangover
    If you can't race it or take it to bed! It ain't worth having!

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    There is no "Old format" there is only the present format... you don't live very long in the past....

    Wow your a Rocket Scientist Mudsucker! Are you sure that you and litey arent Twin's?
    If you can't race it or take it to bed! It ain't worth having!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    Petty needs a drivers permit lol
    Last edited by calverton; 12-23-2016 at 10:31 PM.

  10. #30
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  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nasty55 View Post
    You are exactly correct Kid but with most every sport comes rule changes... I do like Jimmy Johnson as a racecar driver and an individual but he wouldnt have those championships under the old format Gordon would have 4 more and Hard telling about the rest of the field lol...
    Oh yeah I take nothing away from Jimmy and he is a class act there is no disputing that.

    They need to with Chad like they did Gary Nelson and put him in charge of teching the cars.

  12. #32
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    Some people tout the chase as a gimmick, EXCEPT when Jimmie wins it. The last race at Homestead exposed everything that is wrong with the chase. Most notably that drivers that normally would have challenged Johnson on the last restart couldn't risk causing him to spin or wreck. A race that was handed to him by an incredible chain of events. This started with Edwards feeling the need to block and take out the 22 because of this chase format. Johnson is obviously a good driver, but in reality he would have about 3 championships if not for the chase. Gordon would have had at least 6 and maybe seven for instance. I was completely turned off by the whole silly mess. As far as Knaus is concerned, he is clever and has put his driver in position to win a lot of races and chases over the years. He gives 100% effort and is driven to succeed. A driver is fortunate to have a crew chief like that. Do I like him? Not particularly. Does he cheat? Every chance he gets. I loved when he tells his driver to tear the car up in celebration, pound in the fenders. LOL
    I guess Nascar has gotten wise to this

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by CIRF View Post
    Opinion? Hmmm!! Is it opinion that the #48 has 7 championships? Is it opinion that the #48 has 80 wins in 543 Cup starts? Is it opinion that Jimmie Johnson is man of class, dignity and of high moral fiber? I don't think so, and I don't think you do, either.

    Is it opinion that pee wee jr. has only 46 wins and just one completely illegitimate championship? Is it opinion that pee wee jr. has no manners and is a wimpy, classless creepy crawler? I don't think so and I don't think you do either.

    Come on power, once and for all give your expert (LOL!) opinion as to why Jimmie is worthy and is deserving of your utmost contempt? Feel free to be truthful and frank.

    I really don't have any interest in pee wee's philanthropic endeavors.

    Please show ANYWHERE that I've said that I hate pee wee jr. I just believe he's somewhat overrated as a driver and isn't a very nice person and his Cup driving record and personal actions prove it. No hate, just the truth. All the philanthropic endeavors in the world can't change the fact pee wee jr. received a rather inadequate upbringing and I had nothing to do with that. If I had, chances are he'd probably be much more like Jimmie Johnson.

    You should have been a politician with your ability to spin. And yes, you despise Kyle Busch. LOLOLOLOL

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidrock View Post
    Oh yeah I take nothing away from Jimmy and he is a class act there is no disputing that.

    They need to with Chad like they did Gary Nelson and put him in charge of teching the cars.
    That is exactly what he will wind up doing. IMO
    He will probably go that route when Johnson retires.

  15. #35
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    30 min from BMS


    Dam I hate to say anything. And I understand you dont like the man but for a fact Id take Kyle over any other driver out there today in NASCRAP. Yes Jimmie has more wins in Cup and more championships BUT in the top three tiers Kyle has more than DOUBLE the wins. The only other driver Id want more than Kyle would be Dale SR. but that cant happen.

  16. #36
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    Did somebody say the best driver in NASCAR? That would be Tim Flock.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nasty55 View Post
    Wow your a Rocket Scientist Mudsucker! ?
    Thanks dipchit, glad I could help clear that up for ya....

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudslinger47 View Post
    Nasty I'm not a Rocket Scientist i'm a Douche Rocket.... Get it right next time......

    Oh that's right i'm sorry Mudsucker my bad!!
    If you can't race it or take it to bed! It ain't worth having!

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nasty55 View Post
    Oh that's right i'm sorry Mudsucker my bad!!
    Oh boy, somebody learned something new....

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by nuff said View Post
    Somebody call me ?
    Give us your phone number and we will all think about it. hahahahahaha


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