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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Default George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, and Democrat Amy Klobuchar

    Amy Klobuchar didn't prosecute officer at center of George Floyd's death, left case to successor

    George Floyd's death in police custody is renewing criticism of Sen. Amy Klobuchar's (D-Minn.) prosecutorial record.

    Before she became a senator and a top contender for former Vice President Joe Biden's vice presidential spot, Klobuchar spent eight years as the Hennepin County attorney, in charge of prosecution for Minneapolis. And while in that position, Klobuchar declined to prosecute multiple police officers cited for excessive force, and did not prosecute the officer who kneeled on Floyd's neck as he protested, The Guardian reports.

    Ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin saw at least 10 conduct complaints during his 19-year tenure before he was fired Tuesday, according to a database that documents complaints against police. In particular, he was involved in the shooting death of a man who had stabbed other people before attacking police, as well as some other undisclosed complaints. Klobuchar did not prosecute Chauvin and other officers involved in the first death, which occurred in October 2006 while she was running for Senate. The case was under investigation when Klobuchar took office in the Senate in January 2007, and later went to a grand jury, which declined to charge the officers. Chauvin was later placed on leave when he and other officers shot and wounded a Native American man in 2011.

    As The Washington Post noted in March, Klobuchar "declined to bring charges in more than two dozen cases in which people were killed in encounters with police" as Hennepin County attorney. Instead, she "aggressively prosecuted smaller offenses" that "have been criticized for their disproportionate effect on poor and minority communities," the Post continues. And as Klobuchar undergoes vetting to become a possible vice presidential candidate, that track record is being scrutinized and criticized once again. Kathryn Krawczyk

    Update May 29 11 a.m. ET: In a statement, the Hennepin County attorney's office said: "Sen. Klobuchar's last day in the office here was December 31 2006, and she had no involvement in the prosecution of this case at all."

    Update May 29 12:50 p.m. ET: Speaking on MSNBC on Friday, Klobuchar said "I never declined the case. It was handled and sent to the grand jury ... When I was county attorney, cases we had involving officer-involved shootings went to a grand jury. I think that was wrong, now. It would have been much better if I took responsibility and looked at cases and made a decision myself."

    Editor's note: This article has been updated since publication to clarify certain aspects of the investigation and timeline.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Central Wisconsin


    The case that is presented in the description is actually a pretty righteous use of force. If a person stabbed people (implying multiple victims) and then also attacked police in the same method, he deserved to be shot. Plain and simple deadly force can be used to prevent death or great bodily harm. The actor in that case was clearly demonstrating intent and had the method to carry it out. Dump him. As much as I don't care for Homely Amy, I don't disagree with that particular example.

    Now the article attempts to dirty her a bit as a potential Veep pick and I wouldn't worry about that at all because she isn't/wasn't going to get picked anyway. Biden pretty much is painted into a corner by some of his proclamations and promises, he will be picking a female of color running mate. Just remember how he was on the ropes before South Carolina and that state came through for him and set up a string of wins which knocked out the competition. That was due in large part to high black turnout for the senile guy. He owes the black community and they will pressure him even more after this incident.

    My take on the officer. Yeah, he went way over the line and there was ample time to intervene on the part of the others. As far as these historical complaints go, I'd have to see every one on a case by case basis. If this guy was performing aggressively (activity wise) in a high crime area, he's going to get complaints. If you don't want complaints, you coast and take the easy way but sometimes you can't avoid them. Shooting a dude trying to kill you with a knife is perfectly fine. My guess is that some were deserved on some policy/procedure level.

    But here's the thing. After being blessed over (rightly or wrongly) in so many past complaints, did he become emboldened? It happens. If you play a little fast and loose with the rules it gets easier to do as you get along. It happens everywhere, in lots of occupations and vocations.

    Minneapolis PD probably suffers from the same ills as most of the other large cities in regards to recruitment. New applicants are way down, hiring standards suffer, bad apples don't get weeded out as well as they should, people who should never get hired make it through the cracks. The previous president hated cops and it was pretty clear. How did that inspire any young people, especially black people, to pick the career objective and be the difference in their community? You ever try doing your job and have a person come up from behind screaming at you and shoving a device in your face that they're filming you? It happens. Now it will happen more. For those who have more sensitive sensibilities, watching someone get arrested who doesn't want to be arrested can be disturbing, even when done perfectly correct and by the rules.

    The thing that sucks in these types of situations is that on a day to day basis, those neighborhoods kill each other without regard. They rack up Fallujah type body counts by killing each other and there is almost never a protest or vigil. The grievance warriors only come out for this. Now this does deserve a protest and this does deserve attention but it does not deserve burning, looting and rioting. How do you achieve social justice by torching the Auto Zone, Wendy's, Target, and the places of your neighborhood? You destroy your employers, your homes, the property values, and only make it all worse. I just don't get that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    The cop was in the wrong. The people looting and destroying just want excuses to do it because it's in their nature. S.O.S.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    On the road


    Manufactured outrage by folks that don't even live in the area.........they just want to be on tb and be able to tell their friends they were all up in it in Minneapolis......even though they live in Chicago.
    Where is the move over flag when you need it?????

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Barbecueboy View Post
    Manufactured outrage by folks that don't even live in the area.........they just want to be on tb and be able to tell their friends they were all up in it in Minneapolis......even though they live in Chicago.
    When the lootin starts so should the shootin plain and simple !!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2020


    Shipped in players from Antifa, BLM, and hired anarchists of George Soros payroll instigate the unlawful acts for the most part. The criminal faction is well emboldened by this. And the horrible media will Blame Trump and not even mention the radical left's total role in this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2018


    I try to keep to the neutral position when it comes to political discussions, but sometimes it is really difficult. Washington Post has its specific view on everything, here are some more reviews from its subscribers for better understanding.
    Last edited by samgood; 01-16-2022 at 01:18 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2021


    Fuxk!!!!! Authority!!!! Thats exactly w_t_f got is all in this pathetic experience bof existence!!!!!! Only foolS TRUST in all this pathetic junk went straight to lot i mean lot you peoples junked out hearts !!!! "Criminal damage this " " destruction of property that " "looting" haha looting Wich be to TAKE not stealing not looting TAKE !!!!! YA I WOULD do some of that !! And fools feel like they some type better cause they have bowed down to authority an "laws" !!!!!!
    Last edited by TwistedNate01; 01-13-2022 at 08:41 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    This post reminds me ; Whatever happened to NorthAlabama ? We haven't heard from him in a coons age ! ! ! !


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