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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Default The modern eras greatest!

    Well said Franklin about your dad! Millions of people are walking with him because of his simple yet effective messages. My dad modeled his own ministry after him!

    Three years ago today we held my father Billy Graham’s funeral at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC, inside an enormous tent that was reminiscent of the tent referred to as the “Canvas Cathedral” that held his first large evangelistic Crusade in Los Angeles, California, in 1949.
    My father once said, “Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don’t believe a word of it. I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God.”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Thumbs up

    I heard an AMAZING story about a church revival that was held for a week many decades ago. It wasn't very fruitful as only 1 man came up to the altar and was saved the entire week. The sole man that was saved was none other that Billy Graham ! !The rest is history !!!!!!! Too bad that the U.S. has turned into a country where the Christians are now a minority and the rest are the baby murdering atheist Democrats.

  3. #3
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    Oct 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Raceready View Post
    I heard an AMAZING story about a church revival that was held for a week many decades ago. It wasn't very fruitful as only 1 man came up to the altar and was saved the entire week. The sole man that was saved was none other that Billy Graham ! !The rest is history !!!!!!! Too bad that the U.S. has turned into a country where the Christians are now a minority and the rest are the baby murdering atheist Democrats.
    aww poor racerready......

  4. #4
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    Aug 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by AnonymousNate View Post
    aww poor racerready......
    more like, poor you Nate!

  5. #5
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    May 2018


    The only thing that is going to save this country is a great revival, hangings to put fear in those who offend. I am amazed that Christians don't even know the history of their religion. Their 3 Gods (a family unit) is a man, a woman, and a child, first used by Greeks, then the Romans, called trinity. Surprised?................To add: No man of any status can claim that he lives on (in Heaven), even Billy G., for he was known as a good man of intent. There is a website that I found that had him listed as a false teacher and showed how Billy G. went against the KJV Bible teachings. Surprised again?
    Last edited by NorthAlabama; 03-05-2021 at 01:56 PM.

  6. #6
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    Oct 2014


    Story of a father , son, step son. that is what that is , Genuine teachings of mastery mixed an confused with superstitious ignorant knowledge! Mainstream superstitious ignorant knowledge!!!

  7. #7
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    Aug 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    The only thing that is going to save this country is a great revival, hangings to put fear in those who offend. I am amazed that Christians don't even know the history of their religion. Their 3 Gods (a family unit) is a man, a woman, and a child, first used by Greeks, then the Romans, called trinity. Surprised?................To add: No man of any status can claim that he lives on (in Heaven), even Billy G., for he was known as a good man of intent. There is a website that I found that had him listed as a false teacher and showed how Billy G. went against the KJV Bible teachings. Surprised again?
    Youre kidding right?

    He lived what he preached his entire life.........not many preachers can say that! Now he's passed his charitable organizations down to his son, who is carrying on his dads mission for evangelism and charity work!

  8. #8
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    May 2018

    Default Fish, is this guys name, has a write up on Billy G.. Go to his home page also and you will find Fish bashes a lot of Preachers and Churches. There is a list on the left side of the page, if I remember correctly, it has been a while since I looked over this website. I have not went deep into what Fish states, for I've got other bigger fish to explore about religion instead going after men. The KJV Bible clearly indicates everyone will be judged (John: 8 50), second line, 'one who seeks glory and judges' stated by Jesus, is the God of Abraham only, who Jesus worshiped. Note of interest, the first line verse 50, Jesus states 'I seek no glory', and verse 54, Jesus wants to only be honored, clearly indicates that he is not claiming to be a God like most preachers preach. Gods can not be on Earth for there is no glory on Earth but death. Surprised?

  9. #9
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    May 2018


    "Mainstream superstitious ignorant knowledge", Nate my friend. you maybe an atheist, but be warned. The unfaithful does believe in bad luck and karma, and it will bite you if you push limits.......Nate, I can assure there is something out there that is not of this world. When I first started going to church around 9 years old, I asked in a prayer, to know what God (goodness) is like. Behold, the Holy Ghost visited me several times, I could see it with my own eyes. It scared me at first, even I told my mom, but it never harmed me so I just watched it. This dim form of energy would show up outside my bedroom door, and stay there for a length period of time. Then it would come forward, sometimes pass thru the door jam, thru the end of my bed in my tiny bedroom, and pass thru me, that is the way it would leave. Jesus told us that the Holy Ghost would be here on Earth (can not be in a man form) for us, you just have to give Glory to the one God (Goodness and Greatness like most of all religions) and trust me, your life will be of greatness. Seek doing good and you will be rewarded many fold. Also something else that happened to me, in a prayer a while back, I asked to know what Heaven was like. When I finished, I looked up, bam, I was gone in real time. You have to give Glory to the God of Abraham, the God of Good. That is it! Try it Nate....

  10. #10
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    Aug 2018


    Jesus wants to only be honored,

    You are taking Gods word wayyyyyyy outa context!

    Jesus/God wants to be worshipped by their their own free will! One day very soon, all will bow down, whether they want to or not.God will not let the sins of unrepentant men trample on the death of his son, Jesus! But then, its too late!.......Don't be too late!

  11. #11
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    Trinity teaches that Jesus is not the Father, and is NOT the one God in the OT (put no other man nor God before me), but the words Father and Son are thrown in by the Romans and has no application in Jesus's time frame. For Jesus does not worship himself, and did not use the word father and was NOT know as the Son of God, but in the NT calls Jesus (in John) as the 'Son of Man'. When you pray, you can end it "in the name of Jesus" if you are of his flock. You don't pray to Jesus, you pray to the God of Abraham (just like Islam- just had to throw that in to make Christians hate others even more) who takes and demands all of the glory (in John). You are to pray just like Jesus did, to Jesus's God, which he called HYWYHW (forgot the spelling- I have to look it up for I can't remember Hebrew spelling). Christians do not understand trinity nor how Hebrew is written (no vowels nor spaces in between-make up your own story). I've not found a Preacher that can explain trinity because it does not work, for trinity goes against every teachings, and is NOT in the KJV Bible, only a concept twisted/used by the Romans for a man-god control and domination. The twist is that they took the Female God out of Trinity, which the true words which means 'Holy Woman' or 'Woman Spirit', strike out both womans, and you got 'Holy Spirit', only using the first and last word, this is the twist and the hidden secret YOU MUST NOT KNOW. One has to go to other literature other than the (English) KJV to find truth, for the KJV was rewritten 13 times (King James had to approve it) after the Latin version (ML), then after the true writings, which ends up as NOT God's word but mans rewrites. Don't listen to modern money exchangers, Preachers on the back of Jesus, you will be misled like most, and your money will be taken. There is so much to know.............Zero, I know that you are offended because you worship Jesus, or believe that Jesus is God, or both are one, like I did at one time. Many men, it is written, could out do Jesus in God like acts, messiahs. Jesus was not the only one. Did you know that Jesus came in second place, after Barkokhba (spelling?). Question? Where is the trinity? Or the correct trinity? Father (God) and Son (Holy child), which left out the Mother, which is taught by the Roman Empire. It is NOT of God, but the Roman Empire. It was difficult for me at first to accept the truth and took a lot of research, learning other religions, studying history of religion and prayer for the correct answers. Always note how something is written in the true words applied in that time frame only, not English...........John: 8 54 -Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, HE IS YOUR GOD. (Note: Jesus never used the word Father because he don't speak English)

  12. #12
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    Oct 2014


    Na im good on all that sillyness, i once apon a time use to church as well when i was a yongster, basically was forced by parent's. Luckyly enough didn't any that cease my heart of nature! Seriously i seen what that ignorant is capable of doing to any one and every one , that (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) can and will BREAK IN any heart, creating a dependence of an imaginary friend , no different that so callded druggys or alkys an so on. An almighty superstitious father figure! that crap can and will do nothing but create full utter weakness with in the hearts! But aye north ala il mention this once again for the record. that is yals foolish gullibleness to well trust in worlds of MAN! That crap has never been weill never be wtf any you ''trust is your actual genuine beleives'' of that ignornace!

  13. #13
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    Oct 2014


    Na im good on all that sillyness, i once apon a time use to church as well when i was a yongster, basically was forced by parent's. Luckyly enough didn't any that cease my heart of nature! Seriously i seen what that ignorant is capable of doing to any one and every one , that (not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word)(not a nice word) can and will BREAK IN any heart, creating a dependence of an imaginary friend , no different that so callded druggys or alkys an so on. An almighty superstitious father figure! that crap can and will do nothing but create full utter weakness with in the hearts! But aye north ala il mention this once again for the record. that is yals foolish gullibleness to well trust in words of MAN! (KJV)That crap has never been well never be what dam hells any you ''trust is your actual genuine beleives'' of that ignorance [/QUOTE] A beleife a thoughtful created concept to fools the masses . AYE stated this once do it again .. that crap is NWO in plain sights fools . You tards know about alll these things to ''pass'' but not do a dam thing, letting all these thigns go through out history and such all way up to this very day, well hell humanity has been WHIPPED like some dam puppys by that superstious ignorance .....................

  14. #14
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    oh one more thing Northalabam ...... to ''think' of me as an ''atheist'' . well dam guy . that's you NOT genuinely thinking freely, that is NOT ''YOUR'' original opinionated created thought , that is the sillyness your corrupted hard wired heart continously cycles through then spews an regurgitate ...... you only ''trust an think'' its ''you'', but zero reality is that very moment u spew that you are not ''YOU'' you are the degenerate that created /conjured that thought out of THIN AIR! You want to think of me as any thing . PLEASE do with your VERY OWN LEGITIMATE free individualims. NOT your dam Pre/Man''YOU''factured ''true individual self'' ...................................

  15. #15
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    May 2018


    Nate, If you were to handed a check for a million dollars, what would you do with it?
    Last edited by NorthAlabama; 03-07-2021 at 03:38 PM.

  16. #16
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    Aug 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    Trinity teaches that Jesus is not the Father, and is NOT the one God in the OT (put no other man nor God before me), but the words Father and Son are thrown in by the Romans and has no application in Jesus's time frame. For Jesus does not worship himself, and did not use the word father and was NOT know as the Son of God, but in the NT calls Jesus (in John) as the 'Son of Man'. When you pray, you can end it "in the name of Jesus" if you are of his flock. You don't pray to Jesus, you pray to the God of Abraham (just like Islam- just had to throw that in to make Christians hate others even more) who takes and demands all of the glory (in John). You are to pray just like Jesus did, to Jesus's God, which he called HYWYHW (forgot the spelling- I have to look it up for I can't remember Hebrew spelling). Christians do not understand trinity nor how Hebrew is written (no vowels nor spaces in between-make up your own story). I've not found a Preacher that can explain trinity because it does not work, for trinity goes against every teachings, and is NOT in the KJV Bible, only a concept twisted/used by the Romans for a man-god control and domination. The twist is that they took the Female God out of Trinity, which the true words which means 'Holy Woman' or 'Woman Spirit', strike out both womans, and you got 'Holy Spirit', only using the first and last word, this is the twist and the hidden secret YOU MUST NOT KNOW. One has to go to other literature other than the (English) KJV to find truth, for the KJV was rewritten 13 times (King James had to approve it) after the Latin version (ML), then after the true writings, which ends up as NOT God's word but mans rewrites. Don't listen to modern money exchangers, Preachers on the back of Jesus, you will be misled like most, and your money will be taken. There is so much to know.............Zero, I know that you are offended because you worship Jesus, or believe that Jesus is God, or both are one, like I did at one time. Many men, it is written, could out do Jesus in God like acts, messiahs. Jesus was not the only one. Did you know that Jesus came in second place, after Barkokhba (spelling?). Question? Where is the trinity? Or the correct trinity? Father (God) and Son (Holy child), which left out the Mother, which is taught by the Roman Empire. It is NOT of God, but the Roman Empire. It was difficult for me at first to accept the truth and took a lot of research, learning other religions, studying history of religion and prayer for the correct answers. Always note how something is written in the true words applied in that time frame only, not English...........John: 8 54 -Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, HE IS YOUR GOD. (Note: Jesus never used the word Father because he don't speak English)

    Offended that you're spreading falsehoods! Obviously, you're not reading the same Bible as I do. Yours is wayyyyyy different......and wrong too! Sorry, thats just the truth!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by NorthAlabama View Post
    Nate, If you were to handed a check for a million dollars, what would you do with it?
    You probably wont trust nor believe this , but i would burn it i seriously would, some people no money not every thing , while i'm like no money is uttlery nothing at all ! I would burn it seriously would . Lets face legit zero reality, only value money even remotely close has to having is well burn the crap for heat on cool chilly nite !

  18. #18
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    [QUOTE=ZERO25;2382659]Offended that you're spreading falsehoods! Obviously, you're not reading the same Bible as I do. Yours is wayyyyyy different......and wrong too! Sorry, thats just the truth![/QUOTEwhat's wrong tittytwit25 you can not except what does not fit in your heart already , nor willl your heart even allow it to process it through the primitive perspective mind set! well trained heart from a book and preaches and parents .........

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO25 View Post
    Offended that you're spreading falsehoods! Obviously, you're not reading the same Bible as I do. Yours is wayyyyyy different......and wrong too! Sorry, thats just the truth![/QUOTEwhat's wrong tittytwit25 you can not except what does not fit in your heart already , nor willl your heart even allow it to process it through the primitive perspective mind set! well trained heart from a book and preaches and parents .........
    Like ive challenged you the Bible and find ONE word thats not true, and ill 100% condemn it!

    Dont be like the Democrats how they continually investigated Trump and found NOTHING!....ill wait!

  20. #20
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    [QUOTE=ZERO25;2382936][QUOTE=AnonymousNate;2382698]Like ive challenged you the Bible and find ONE word thats not true, and ill 100% condemn it!Don't be a fool..... all STORYS of Creation come from sumerian clay tablets . Teachings of mastery knowledge confused and mixed with blinding of heart of NATURE! Its only obvious alll YOU poopsters on this thread are NO wiser nor even remotley close to achiving yals GODLY/JESU LIKE consciousness. IN order for yal own knuckle dragging hearts of universe as to understand I .. gusse i must keep in lines yals heart been DEEPLY INGRAINED to ''KNOW and understand'' NOT very intelligent so have those ignorant belifes you peoples thinks is yours .


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